Need 1 More Referral For $50 paypal

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Frag Daddy

01-08-2005 22:26:37

I am willing to pay $50 through paypal for an immediate green referral on I have the 4/5 referrals needed and have been looking for the 5th for a long time. I am only looking for the help of established traders (TR 2 or more). I am willing to pay $35 first since i have 0 TR and another $15 when my referrals have been verified (I've been declined once before because of a bad referral). I am flexible with pricing and terms so plz post or PM me if interested. Thanks.


01-08-2005 22:30:00

although you are offering a good deal, since you have no TR you will have to go 1st (and say so in your thread) for someone with a higher TR.

those are the rules.

if someone is foolish enough to take you up on your offer as it stands at the moment, then that is their fault, but you might wanna edit your thread to include that info, otherwise the thread may be deleted.


01-08-2005 23:10:25

i'll do it if you pay it all up front, I have high TR..


01-08-2005 23:19:31

thats a good deal kids!

take advantage of it whilst you still can!

Frag Daddy

02-08-2005 06:40:18

I would pay you up front but my only concern is that my router recently broke and I had to get a new one, which means my ip address changed because the MAC addresses are different on the routers. If I submit my account for approval and they see the 2 different ip addresses, will it be declined because of that?


02-08-2005 07:26:53

[quotee4ceb4ae5a="Frag Daddy"]I would pay you up front but my only concern is that my router recently broke and I had to get a new one, which means my ip address changed because the MAC addresses are different on the routers. If I submit my account for approval and they see the 2 different ip addresses, will it be declined because of that?[/quotee4ceb4ae5a]

Actually, your IP address is what ever your ISP assigns it to be (nothing to do with router), your router only assigns local IP addresses. I have logged into my Gratis accounts from 3 different locations before, no problems.


02-08-2005 09:11:35

tonydanza - you there to finish your part of our trade?? How can you complete an offer with but cannot do an offer for far-less known getipod4free?? I sound skeptical because I havent recieved an yellow or a reply for your PM for the past 5 days.


02-08-2005 14:32:06

[quote00eacdb537="sha316"]tonydanza - you there to finish your part of our trade?? How can you complete an offer with but cannot do an offer for far-less known getipod4free?? I sound skeptical because I havent recieved an yellow or a reply for your PM for the past 5 days.[/quote00eacdb537]

i havent pmed you because you haven't pm'ed me. I told you I'm sorry about having to wait a few days, and you said it is ok because you need a few others that need to green. If you think I'm a scammer, post it in the scamming section, see how much support you get. Again I'm sorry, and I wasn't planning on doing any offers before yours


02-08-2005 17:42:25

From sha316
To tonydanza92
Posted Sun Jul 31, 2005 1240 pm
Subject Re getipod4free for freeproject
Hey, I was wondering when you're going to complete my getipod4free site. Its already 3 days since you had asked me to wait for a couple of days.

This was the one I had sent this sunday - I don't do trades with spammers and I made sure by seeing your posts that you weren't one - hence the trade. I was super-pissed off when I saw a few posts you made in the forums and did not reply to my PM. And another thing is, I never said that you can take your time bcos I was waiting for other's green. Lemme quote that PM as well here.
From tonydanza92
To sha316
Posted Thu Jul 28, 2005 907 pm
Subject Re getipod4free for freeproject
sha316 wrote
After you, 1 more. I'm basically going for an ipod mini which need 4 referrals. I've got a green and 1 yellow through 2 of my friends.

OK well if I don't get stuff sorted out in the next couple of days I will try to get anothre friend to do an offer. I hate being the guy who should be the last green that is taking too long.

thanks for your patience

Check out these amazing stats
thefreeproject 5g/3y/1r/5 Processing $275 Paypal
flashipods4free 5g/2y/5 Ordered 20gb Color iPod
dvdrecorders4free 8g/3y/10

theysayjump wrote
tony danza love is the best kinda love a man can ask for!

I'm not going to get anything by putting you in the scammers section - all I need is the trade done. Nothing else.


02-08-2005 17:53:00

you guys should sort this out through AIM or through PM's , not someone elses trade thread.


02-08-2005 18:23:09

I have a buddy that can do it, get back to me.


02-08-2005 19:06:10

If you want i'll get you one right now, will do blockbuster or video professor online for instant credit. Though i will be asking for the $50 all at once.

Frag Daddy

02-08-2005 19:38:00

Thank you for all your responses. I am currently in a trade and will let you know if it falls through. Thanks again.