$20 for dvdrecorders4free (10 refs = $450)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=18537


16-07-2005 08:26:14

dvdrecorders4free is a legit (they've sent out a fair bit of stuff already) site that offers $450 for 10 refs (just like OC). I'm currently paying $20 for greens on this site. PM me if interested. Offers available can be found on the company's site http//www.trainn.org/offlis.php


16-07-2005 09:45:11

thats a huge profit youre looking for

450-180 hmmmm 270 bucks... not bad, not bad


18-07-2005 21:24:39

I'm gonna turn that into an attempt for $250 profit though. Upping my price to $20.