I can do tons of sites, limited time!
12-07-2005 07:45:54
I am watching my friend's cats for 10 days and I have access to his computer and he's never done this free stuff so I can sign up for like all sites. (correct me if I am wrong about this)
I need
Freepsps.com (5)
getipod4free.com (2)
Would like to start
These are the sites I've never done
All OC sites, FreeDesktopPC, other random sites.
12-07-2005 07:47:43
13-07-2005 11:09:00
Updated post!! Bump
13-07-2005 11:12:19
you would have to make sure you never logged in for these accounts on your own computer, and that you use different credit cards and shipping addresses on everything
you probably knew that but just making sure
13-07-2005 11:13:53
I was going to use my mom's credit card.
13-07-2005 11:43:45
Different address and everything, right?
13-07-2005 11:46:40
Would you take paypal for notebooks4free?
13-07-2005 12:52:34
yes it's a different address and I don't wana do paypal right now. Trades only.
13-07-2005 12:53:43
[quote4c8b5f7483="J4320"]Would you take paypal for notebooks4free?[/quote4c8b5f7483]
Your still doing that site? ?
13-07-2005 13:00:26
[quote5935a1c10d="CoMpFrEaK"][quote5935a1c10d="J4320"]Would you take paypal for notebooks4free?[/quote5935a1c10d]
Your still doing that site? ?[/quote5935a1c10d]
I have a plan.
I think I can bypass the offers of d00m.
I have 12/18 right now and 4 people signed up and did an offer. That'll make it 16/18. I have another guy about to do an offer and that'll make 17/18. I need one more really quickly before they switch to the offers of d00m and I should be set.
But than again they'll probably disqualify a bunch of my referrals... cry
13-07-2005 13:35:18
I think that they switch immediately to the offers of d00m. Use the search function, I think this plan has been discussed. wink
13-07-2005 14:12:03
i had a plan before too..
when you are at like 14, get the last 4 people online all at once, have them have the offers page open at the same time, and click to do whatever offer they're doing. If they all do their offers at the same time there's no time for the offers of doom
13-07-2005 14:20:49
SEARCH PEOPLE, SEARCH. Anyways, you'd get owned for something if they all did it at the same time.
13-07-2005 14:36:48
[quoted80f9d0f5c="Batman"]I think that they switch immediately to the offers of d00m. Use the search function, I think this plan has been discussed. wink[/quoted80f9d0f5c]
I'm just saying what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna search before I post something like that. That's nonsense.
It's not like I'm posting a thread asking about it.
Telling me to search is a little weird of you batman... shock
13-07-2005 15:50:24
[quotebeda9fba24="J4320"][quotebeda9fba24="Batman"]I think that they switch immediately to the offers of d00m. Use the search function, I think this plan has been discussed. wink[/quotebeda9fba24]
I'm just saying what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna search before I post something like that. That's nonsense.
It's not like I'm posting a thread asking about it.
Telling me to search is a little weird of you batman... shock[/quotebeda9fba24]
I was just saying that it's been discussed, and it would be good for you to read before you tried the plan. )
13-07-2005 15:51:29
[quote5e10cf85ab="Batman"][quote5e10cf85ab="J4320"][quote5e10cf85ab="Batman"]I think that they switch immediately to the offers of d00m. Use the search function, I think this plan has been discussed. wink[/quote5e10cf85ab]
I'm just saying what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna search before I post something like that. That's nonsense.
It's not like I'm posting a thread asking about it.
Telling me to search is a little weird of you batman... shock[/quote5e10cf85ab]
I was just saying that it's been discussed, and it would be good for you to read before you tried the plan. )[/quote5e10cf85ab]
Ah I see but I'm pretty sure that I'll get somewhere with this plan....
13-07-2005 15:56:53
pmed you decile
13-07-2005 16:00:25
Woah, Labamba32 is on a roll.
13-07-2005 16:01:11
yeah but that's the last one for a while i'm all caught up now, LOL!!!
13-07-2005 16:02:49
[quote7d01995c36="Labamba32"]yeah but that's the last one for a while i'm all caught up now, LOL!!![/quote7d01995c36]
Heh, can't get enough of these free sites eh?
13-07-2005 16:03:36
no you aren't...
13-07-2005 16:04:53
[quote0486e84f5d="tonydanza92"]no you aren't...[/quote0486e84f5d]
13-07-2005 16:11:39
let me clarify, caught up with posting, i still owe you $8 tony, i know, i'm still waiting on my wifi cash though, but if that doesn't come through payday is this friday.
13-07-2005 17:09:58
or you can just do a ref for me
14-07-2005 08:12:16
can you do freegamingsystems?
14-07-2005 10:31:40
I can do freegamingsystems at friend's house.
14-07-2005 14:37:19
okay i can do one of those sites in your sig, what's the time frame on this?
14-07-2005 14:37:59
actually not freepsps if it's the gratis one
but yeah just pm me if you want to trade