I'll SiGn Up for SiTeS with DeCeNt oFfErS in ExChAnGe for $$

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=18209


10-07-2005 15:30:04

I will do any free site that has Napster, Real Rhapsody, Travelers Advantage, or Shoppers Advantage as a choice of offers. There are some other ones I might consider like that Psychic site by Freebidding.com.

I will not do the following sites

- FreeDestopPcs, FreeIpods, FreeMiniMacs, FreePsps, FreePhotoIpods, FreeIpodShuffles, and FreeFlatScreens, or Freedigicams
- OC
- 4nocash
- Anything else that does not have Napster or Real Rhapsody listed as an offer

Obviously I won't do the same offer twice. I want $20 + paypal ( I will demand more for Free360Xbox ) in return.


10-07-2005 19:57:36


tuna can

10-07-2005 20:25:34



10-07-2005 20:51:00

Tuna Can I did not get your pm.

tuna can

10-07-2005 20:53:57

oh sorry


14-07-2005 22:09:55

Has anyone seen the NuMA NuMa Dance?! It totally is the Shit!!


16-07-2005 16:33:11

I'm willing to do Travelers Advantage now. By the way, I'm obviously looking to make some quick cash so if you think what you need done would qualify as "easy money" for me than chances are I will think so too.


16-07-2005 22:49:59
