$25 for Getipod4free!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17949


05-07-2005 00:57:29

1st person to PM me and go green gets $25 mailed to them
2nd person gets $20 Circuit City giftcard.

PM or email dumbass


05-07-2005 00:59:13

you have to send the money first though


05-07-2005 14:31:10

sorry but not part of the plan. green first, money second. all positive feedback on A4F forums.


05-07-2005 14:35:42

Read the rules!


05-07-2005 14:47:32

maybe the plan was for you to get banned we have rules here and when you dont follow you get banned especially after you were told to read the rules and you say thats not part of the plan well the plan is your banned