need freeflatscreens (ref trades only)

Live forum:


26-06-2005 08:21:23

trade refs for

will either trade with 0/1TR or 10+TR. no in-betweens.
meaning if your TR is 2-10 you're out of luck.

i've been burned twice and i'm not taking a chance.
obviously if your TR is less than mine you go green first, if my TR is less than yours i go geen first.

P.S. this is for trades only!
don't go green and don't respond to my PMs?
change your mind and decide to offer me money instead of trade?
you WILL be reported to the provider and you can bet i will say something that will cause you to not receive your item. (obviously, if you're communicating with me this won't happen).

thank AndrewZ (banned) for that.

I'd prefer to trade on ReferMix because its a little better organized than sending PM's back and forth but if you don't want to that's ok too.
if you don't have an account then click below and sign up then click below again and start the trade.

http//[" alt=""/img9cbb4150c4] Check out my profile. See anything you like? Click the profile to trade referrals![/url]