$25 for free360xbox and freegamingsystems greens

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17095


21-06-2005 07:12:50

Just as the topic says. $25 for free360xbox and freegamingsystems greens. PM me if interested.


27-06-2005 07:24:12

I have updated this for this week. PM ME!


27-06-2005 13:46:19

I forgot to mention... I can also do freehandbags or minimacs4free or any non gratis/OC site.


27-06-2005 15:30:07

Lastly I ask you that if you want to trade with me via AIM please post here first so that I can set up a trade via the trade module and can then feel a little more safe trading outside of the forum.


27-06-2005 15:35:11

u really shouldnt bump ur thread this much


05-07-2005 14:09:47

Weekly bump. Everything still applies.