Trading anything for freeipodshuffle

Live forum:


19-06-2005 19:42:44

A friend wants a freeipodshuffle, and he is willing to do any site (besides OC) to get it., is open. This will be under my TR, and under my site. PM, AIM or post here if you are interested. Lower TR goes first, higher TR, he goes first.


19-06-2005 23:05:37

PM sent


20-06-2005 05:00:09

All PMs have been sent, now I'm waiting on all of the ones that still want to procede.


20-06-2005 08:48:27

Refferal links will be sent out later today. I will set up the trade for those who are willing to trade. PM or AIM if you have questions.


21-06-2005 06:50:56

Links will not be sent out yet because his credit card has expired. He called his credit card company and they are sending out another one, but it can take 7-10 days for him to get it. After he receives it, I willl create a new thread, and start this trade over. If those of you who have wanted this trade would like to wait, that is fine, if you have better things to do then to wait, that is alos fine with me.

lino refferal links have been sent