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18-06-2005 17:20:51

I am looking for the freeproject greens and I am willing to pay/trade as long as I havent done them yet. Please IM me at NsLarge on AIM.


18-06-2005 18:01:33

Hey man welcome to FIPG
you need to say you will go first for established traders(+2tr) as par the rules


18-06-2005 19:57:51

Um, no I am not going first. I am a established trader at A4F and Refstop and I expect people with no feedback to go first, however if you have good feedback we will go at the same time.


18-06-2005 19:58:54

[quote435c15d738="Chow_Hay"]Um, no I am not going first. I am a established trader at A4F and Refstop and I expect people with no feedback to go first, however if you have good feedback we will go at the same time.[/quote435c15d738]Read the rules or be banned. The mods have little patience for this.


18-06-2005 20:08:40

[quotef5cba29d38="Chow_Hay"]Um, no I am not going first. I am a established trader at A4F and Refstop and I expect people with no feedback to go first, however if you have good feedback we will go at the same time.[/quotef5cba29d38]

Um read the rules. We don't care if you're an established trader at A4F, you aren't here so you are expected to go first.


18-06-2005 20:17:55

um how rude I try and help you and be nice and thats how you reply see if I answer anymore of your posts asking stupid questions at a4f


18-06-2005 20:21:49

If you are not interested in trading please stay out of this thread, none of you are moderators so I suggest you STFU and mind your own business. Who goes first can easily be determined and agreed upon once a trade is in place.


18-06-2005 20:30:07



18-06-2005 21:17:25

wow what a twat!


18-06-2005 21:17:49

His post at a4f haha....

I joined the FreeIpodGuide forum today hoping to explore the rest of the freebie community, but unfortunately I was greeted upon by some very rude regulars of the forum that got me banned. I posted a thread requesting a trade and several regulars there including PoPoJiJo whom also happens to be a member of this forum told me I had to go first since I was a new trader. I explained to them that I am a established trader here at A4F and Refstop and that I would expect to have both parties go at the same time during a trade. Unfortunately a few subordinate members there which I am sure does not represent FreeIpodGuide as a whole were still being very rude and suggested that I get banned from the site which is what happened. So bascially I got banned from FreeIpodGuide for no reason, due to a few subordinate regulars of the site.

From now on I will stick to A4F and only A4f because it is simply the best. biggrin.gif


18-06-2005 21:21:18

lmao....apparently he thinks his rules apply above all others.

he deserved to be banned, not just for refusing to bide by the rules, but being a cock and saying STFU.


18-06-2005 23:14:30

I PM'd him about a trade, and he gave me this bullshnoz about how he is established on other sites, and he expected me to go first. I said no. So he PM'd me on A4F about a trade. What a moron - he deserved to be banned