__Great New Site! Paying $CASH$ For refs!!__

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=16331


09-06-2005 19:01:53

Paying cash via PayPal to complete an offer and go green at www.wifimusic.4nocash.com

It has a lot of really good offers, and is an all around good site. PM or AIM me to set something up!

Edit PS, only paying I dont trade for sites anymore.


09-06-2005 19:26:39

AbstrAct-deal worked out, trade set up

3 more people are needed!


09-06-2005 20:10:38

you will end up getting all those refs 4 no cash....


09-06-2005 20:25:01

Not sure what you are saying...


09-06-2005 20:33:04

Sorry, It was a joke. From what I have heard that website is legit, I would love to try it out but I like working on one site at a time.


09-06-2005 20:35:19

Well let me know if you want to sign up. lol


10-06-2005 06:15:14

Still Paying $CASH$ for greens on www.wifi.4nocash.com!

A ton of offers, and some new ones too!

Currently 1/4

AbstrAct Greened [/colorc4dc9212db]

I still need 3 more greens! [/colorc4dc9212db]


10-06-2005 11:14:55

2 more people are needed, PM or AIM me now!


11-06-2005 12:43:02

I just need [b1aff68bb92][u1aff68bb92]1[/color1aff68bb92][/u1aff68bb92][/b1aff68bb92][/size1aff68bb92] more ref for wifimusic.4nocash

I am paying $20.00[/color1aff68bb92][/size1aff68bb92] for my last ref!

Please PM or IM me asap!