Need iPod Shuffle, will do offer for you in return

Live forum:


08-05-2005 21:09:35

Hey, I'm looking for someone to do an iPodShuffle Offer ( I will do an offer for you in return, just let me know which site to make sure I havn't done one yet. Ones that I can't do are freeflatscreens and freeipods, i can do any other ones, just let me know.

Will sign up and complete offer as soon as yours goes Green. PM me for referral link, thanks! )

Just got PMed asking if i can do mp3players4free, sorry can't do that one either, i already did oops


08-05-2005 21:12:41

will you take paypal for other sites, Ive already done yours


08-05-2005 21:13:28

lol, well he's certainly not new, but he sure does have a 0 trade record.


08-05-2005 21:29:41

yea, i've been on this site since pretty much the beginning, never bothered trading though since most of my friends were able to help me out. but i'm doing this for another one of my friends and he asked for my help so i'm running out of people to ask, so i came here! )

i'd rather trade, but yea sure, i'll do paypal, no problem. how much is fair for freeipodshuffle?


08-05-2005 21:37:22

Can you do dvrs4free?


08-05-2005 21:38:54

yes i can, PM me and we'll trade


24-05-2005 09:23:17


I still need 2 more referrals. PM me to trade.


24-05-2005 10:29:03

pm me if you can do