$25 for Oddtech; Get4friends

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=13800


08-05-2005 15:44:55

The insanity of finals is over, and I actually have time to tidy up my "free" site business.

Like the title says, I'm paying $25 each for my last Oddtech and Get4friends greens. If you aren't on the "good trader" list, you must go green first.

I am not interested in trading referals-for-referrals. Ask and you shall be ignored.

If you are interested, send me a PM. After a deal is struck, I will then consent to doing things through AIM.


===> EDIT Both offers have now been taken. Thanks!


08-05-2005 19:08:03

can you provide a list of offers on the site