paypal or web cert for flatscreen.gusto (closed for now)

Live forum:


07-05-2005 22:26:09

[bd1f19f5d0e]closed for now, got 8 refs (6 green, 2 still yellow)[/bd1f19f5d0e]

I'm looking to pay around $20 for each ref (paypal or web cert, take your pick), so let me know if you're interested. I can pay first for those with higher TRs, if you want.


10-05-2005 16:57:03

edited to add that I can also do a web cert, since a couple had an interest in it... come on people, gusto sites are crediting fast, so get your money here quickly!!!

Edit again... thanks all, I need just one more ref


11-05-2005 05:42:05

I'd be willing to do for a $22 web certificate, but you'd have to send it first since I'd need it to do the offer. I believe I also have a 20 TR as you do, so I think we're legit )


11-05-2005 11:08:01

i might be interested (i'll go green first obviously) in the webcert or a trade. send me a message


12-05-2005 15:49:31

sorry flatline and elid, I got all my 8 refs, just waiting on 2 of them to go green. But if those end up not completing for some reason I will keep you guys in mind if you can still do it later.


12-05-2005 16:40:37

Mine should go green by tommorow.