30$ for ds4free.com(no longer needed)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=13729


07-05-2005 13:56:54

I need greens for this site and its taking longer than i expected so im offering 30$ to whoever can get me my last green on this site
I need people with a lower trade record than me or are willing to green first Ive been burned too many times and i cant let that happen again
im an honest trader and i hope someone will be willing to do business with me


07-05-2005 14:43:47

damn.. nice offer


07-05-2005 15:26:39



07-05-2005 19:47:56

I no longer need the green
the person I was having trouble just contacted me and agreed to do another offer.

but please watch out for other sites i need