$$$ for last green on freeipods.com

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=13726

Frag Daddy

07-05-2005 12:25:36


I'll paypal $10 to anyone who will complete the last referral I need for freeipods.com ... signing up for an offer that usually gives almost instant credit is preferred. I'm flexible on the terms of this, so let me know if interested. Thanks.

edit Offer is $15 on top of cost for video professor offer


07-05-2005 13:18:17

Hey man Im not tryin to put you down or anything but freeipods usually goes for no less than $30 and usually higher. Just lettin you know, good luck though

Frag Daddy

07-05-2005 13:50:05

K... then i'll pay $15 on top of what ever it costs to complete the video professor offer (I need instant credit).


07-05-2005 15:22:12

I'll do it in 2 weeks for $30, cuz I'm moving and I'll have new house and everything )