$20 for freenotebookpcs referrals

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=11715


15-04-2005 08:49:49

$20 for freenotebookpcs referrals. I am a +5 trader and I am very reliable. If you are +8, I will pay you first.


15-04-2005 08:54:17

What offers do they have?


15-04-2005 08:56:58

They have pretty good offers, video professor is the easiest and best one to do i beleive, however.


15-04-2005 14:45:04

Not to be a pain in the arse but how many threads are you gonna start in one day? I think there are laws regarding this type of thing


15-04-2005 15:42:58

you have lost one TR point for not following the rules. i have deleted your other 2 threads...1 thread per 7 days read the rules