Newbie Here... A Little Overwhelmed...

Live forum:


14-04-2005 12:12:55

Hi All,
I'm relatively new to this high-paced world of refferal trading, and wasn't sure where to start or what to do... I read the rules, but being kind of new to message boards in general, it was like deciphering hiroglyphics. I got the gist, but the big eagle/falcon/bird thing befuddled me.
Anyway, I'm looking for people who want to trade refferals, I can do most sites, the only ones I've done or need refferals for are listed in my sig, in order of preference (top is the ones I most need, bottom ones are done or last priority.) I'm also not above bribery, so if you're looking for money to do a ref, I can paypal you, depending on which one you do.

Please give me any advice you've got, I really appreciate it.



14-04-2005 12:21:33



14-04-2005 12:36:11


Tony White

14-04-2005 14:16:31

PM'd you


14-04-2005 15:57:47

PM'd you