I need Freehandbags and Autotech4free!
14-04-2005 06:56:37
Im open to all phree sites, oddtech, pda, flatscreens4free, macminis4free, and shuffles4free. Or if you wanna just help me out that would be great. If you wanna do something post in this thread dont PM me ( my box is always full). I will respond back to possible trades by pm or in this thread. And if you wanna just help out thats cool to.
14-04-2005 06:58:17
I would prefer to finish handbags first and i will pay $10 paypal for it also after green offcourse.
14-04-2005 11:37:34
Shit, I pm'd you since I only say "can do phree sites"
Well the PM went through, but can you do my PhreePSPs in exchange for a Handbags ref (if someone will buy my brother a webcertificate to do the offer with).
14-04-2005 12:40:54
i would do the exchange but im not gonna buy him a web cert. i do straight trades and the trader must green first.
14-04-2005 13:11:34
Any chance you could do freenotebookpc, I could do handbag. Always worth a try.
14-04-2005 13:12:45
i can do autotech, can you do phreeipods?
let me know
ill green first )
14-04-2005 13:14:08
Considering im helping Sofa on this site ive already signed up i was the 5th person to sign up at his site. Maybe you got something else we can trade or you can just sign up for me ;)
14-04-2005 19:53:00
I can do either one for phreelcds or phreepsps.
14-04-2005 23:38:56
i can do both for freephotoipods.com
14-04-2005 23:59:53
lakersin, jacknife2000, and aguy both of you PMs are sent....and Nick811 i have finished freephotoipods already.
15-04-2005 03:35:42
hey how come u get ur thread stickied? that's not cool...
15-04-2005 13:29:22
I'm assuming you can't do it, but its worth a shot.
15-04-2005 18:38:09
I can do freehandbags for phreepsps if it's still open
15-04-2005 19:53:54
[quotea0093de1ae="StrictlyBallin24"]hey how come u get ur thread stickied? that's not cool...[/quotea0093de1ae]
no it's because he's so cool that he can do that...people gettin shit all confused lol besides if you could sticky your thread wouldn't you.. P
16-04-2005 06:58:36
no beacuse that isnt right.
16-04-2005 07:24:36
He's a moderator, that's all the answer anyone should need.
Also, yeah right! Of course you'd have your thread stickied if you could.
17-04-2005 04:40:43
I would be interested in PhreeiPods in exchange for Handbags but Gratis does not have any offers I would like so...lol
17-04-2005 07:35:03
[quotecc21abb873="StrictlyBallin24"]hey how come u get ur thread stickied? that's not cool...[/quotecc21abb873]
When you do as much for this site as i do then i will sticky your thread. Lets see i have the most post and most of those come from helping. I am mod on the site. Also the sticky doesnt even get that much attention. Main reason and this one is important...CAUSE i wanted to.
17-04-2005 07:36:42
amishjs and Uriarte69 both those site are not available sorry and nate08 i dont really wanna do phreeipods but i might take you up on that we will chat later
17-04-2005 15:29:51
[quote49935f6d07="Legault"]He's a moderator, that's all the answer anyone should need.
Also, yeah right! Of course you'd have your thread stickied if you could.[/quote49935f6d07]
i bet you $600 i wouldnt.
17-04-2005 15:44:06
I will do your autotech4free for $20 paypal
17-04-2005 15:44:43
Stricktlyballin if you have a problem with me get a petition going and talk to the admin lets see what he says or better yet create a thread about me see how that works out for you
17-04-2005 15:49:58
[quote5a41f0c1a0="Abaweet69"]I will do your autotech4free for $20 paypal[/quote5a41f0c1a0]
Stroid PM me if you're interested still
I want to get going on this site as well
17-04-2005 15:54:45
Sorry $20 is a bit out of my price range right now if you got a trade then maybe we can talk.
17-04-2005 15:58:38
[quote0b3925f55a="Stroid"]Sorry $20 is a bit out of my price range right now if you got a trade then maybe we can talk.[/quote0b3925f55a]
17-04-2005 16:00:17
nope already signed up sorry
17-04-2005 19:59:35
wow.... never meant to start an argument, but i guess people these days are all too damn defensive for no reason. take a chill pill people.
17-04-2005 23:05:01
Dont come on my thread talking shit and expecting me to take it lightly i dont appreciatte that at all
18-04-2005 05:56:51
Hey Stroid, if you can do notebooks4free still, shoot me a PM.
18-04-2005 08:56:23
Sorry Cinnabar ive already signed up for that
18-04-2005 10:22:31
[quote559ff27758="StrictlyBallin24"]hey how come u get ur thread stickied? that's not cool...[/quote559ff27758]
can you please explain to me how that's talkin shit? like i said... i never meant to start an argument. i asked a question and you guys got all defensive with it.
18-04-2005 13:01:06
[quote8e93907d26="StrictlyBallin24"][quote8e93907d26="StrictlyBallin24"]hey how come u get ur thread stickied? that's not cool...[/quote8e93907d26]
can you please explain to me how that's talkin shit? like i said... i never meant to start an argument. i asked a question and you guys got all defensive with it.[/quote8e93907d26]
You came on my thread and specifically complained that i stickied my thread. This is not cool considering that you arent even a longtime member of this site and you thought you would be a smartass to the moderator. If you wanted to ask a question you could have done it in a less smart ass way. but anyways end of subject
18-04-2005 13:06:26
When you catch the monster fish like this you can do as you wish...

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/img="_0947.jpg[" alt=""/img9363f73d69]
[/shitting up thread]
18-04-2005 13:15:45
that one was not that big actually it was like 3 1/2 pounds ive caught bigger D
18-04-2005 13:22:01
i have unstickied this due to crowding of the trade forum