I can go green for anything if you go green for FreeMiniMacs

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=11408


12-04-2005 07:07:32

If you go green for FreeMiniMacs, I will go green for anything except

- FreeiPods
- FreeiPodShuffle
- FreePhotoiPods

I'm a +2 trader with more pending. I want you to go green first. If you're a noob, this is your chance to get on the good traders list. If you're a veteran and you don't want to go first... sorry.


12-04-2005 09:02:48

see this is where the freeipodguide system partially fails. it makes no sense for a guy with 29 positive feedback to go first with a guy who only has 2.


12-04-2005 09:05:52

yeah, most people would have the common sense to prefer trading with veterans rather than the risk of newbies... even if the newbies go green for you, there is no guarantee that their ref would be approved. Someone could just sign up with a bunch of different email addys and take your money and run.
