need 3 ipodshuffle referrals! got lots to trade!

Live forum:


12-04-2005 06:45:48

i need my 3 freeipodshuffle referrals.

i CANT do any of the deals listed in my sig and i'm not paying money at this time.

i WILL however, give you any of the deals in my sig WITH completed offer if you go green for my freeipodshuffle site. (excluding freeipod, freehandbag, freeipodshuffle; and INcluding where my offer should go green soon)

i can also do a normal trade, green for green.

if you want one of my sites with a green offer, you must go first. if you want to just trade normal green for green, i can go first. (i should have +3 but am waiting to be updated)

PM me for details.


12-04-2005 10:53:53

i need greens for freeminimacs i have not done ipodshuffle.


12-04-2005 11:17:26

I need a green for

I will do the ipodshuffle one for you...


15-04-2005 11:49:40

did anyone besides the above two
talk about a trade for ipodshuffle
with me?

i can't remember if i had a 3rd in line or not.
