Will sign up for your freeipods, plz sign up for my minimac

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=10547


01-04-2005 22:19:16

I am planning to sign up for freeipods.com (and possibly freeipodshuffle.com) so I would sign up for an offer under your referral while you sign up for an offer from my referral at freeminimacs.

As I am new, I would of course go first but I am looking for people with good trade history.



01-04-2005 22:37:35

I really need free ipodphoto. I can do you mini mac. Good history too. Please PM me back!


02-04-2005 09:26:59

Still waiting for a trader with a decent rating for this trade.

Sorry, ipodphoto requires too many referrals for me at this point since I am already going for the mac mini.


Also willing to pay, but as I am going first I would only do this with reputable traders.