Gmail invites for FreePSP greens
31-03-2005 15:42:06
You give me a Green on FreePSP and I will give you 3 gmail invites.
I only need 5!
Thanks in advance!
I have 50 in total, I could prolly give more than 3. PM me and we'll chat!
31-03-2005 15:43:08
invites are worth nothing now.
31-03-2005 15:45:07
omg! i want 23!!
31-03-2005 15:51:37
Free GMAIL (unlimited) invites
31-03-2005 15:53:06
i want gmail!!!
31-03-2005 15:54:34
what a deal!
31-03-2005 15:54:51
Well being that I am currently in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments, I don't have much to trade and these are the only things I have. I really would like a PSP, the others just don't interest me. (
31-03-2005 15:55:09
ONLY b/c there might be an outside chance you are telling the truth and then i'd feel bad.
31-03-2005 16:00:18
Yea dunno how much i believe you right now. Maybe if you tell us a bit more like type of cancer and what type of treatment?
31-03-2005 16:00:58
[quote1fa0f60452="damacles"]Well being that I am currently in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments, I don't have much to trade and these are the only things I have. I really would like a PSP, the others just don't interest me. ([/quote1fa0f60452]
Hope you feel better!
That is, if you are telling the truth.
31-03-2005 16:03:38
Trust me, I have no reason to lie, especially about these treatments. It's something I wish none of you ever have to go through or have to watch a friend/family member go through. Pain pretty much every day, sick every day, muscles hurt in ways you really don't want to know. The only thing I have for recreation is my computer. Don't even have a laptop. The hospital was cool enough to set me up an internet connection off of their service, so that's cool.
Funny thing is, before this stuff, I had access to all the good stuff as I did beta testing as a profession. Bahh, enough about me. I know I am new at this trading stuff, heck I am new at this whole free thing so if some of the more experienced members here want to PM some advice on how to quickly get 5 greens, I most certainly will not say no and would be most grateful.
As to the type of cancer, it is small intestine cancer (the form I have is call non-Hodgkin's lymphomas), kinda rare, there are 3 forms of treatments.
1. Surgery....if the cancer was small enough and non-agressive (as in spreading)...mine is, so this option is out.
2. Radation therapy- Using xrays and other high forms of radation internally and externally to destroy the cells. They did this initially but my body fought back and they stopped.
3 Chemo therapy....most people know about this, use very potent drugs to stop the cancer cells from spreading and then tries to destroy them or weaken them enough where my bodies defenses can kill them. Undergoing this now...though there are doing one other experimental therapy.
4. Biological therapy...using experiment drugs to for super white cells or such to aid in fighting the cancer.
31-03-2005 16:07:11
If you seriously were under treatment i would find it impossible for you even to move a muscle. Its very hard to believe, you would even have trouble eating cuase of the treatment. And you didn't answer my question.
31-03-2005 16:18:07
I just answered your questions. I can move....just hurts like hell to do so. Also I am currently between treatments. They can't do the treatments 24/7 the body needs time to adjust and heal so I have a week between treatments, then a week of hell, rinse and repeat. As to trouble eating, try to eat after getting injected and exposed with radiation for a week.
31-03-2005 16:20:57
get better bud.
31-03-2005 16:21:11
only need 5? thats how manyyou need to get a psp... lol
31-03-2005 16:22:15
Yeah, I know...that's why I need 5. Hehe.
How many do you need for an IPod?
31-03-2005 16:23:02
timeout.... you're currently in the hospital, but yet you're typing this? i dont think they let patients use the internet while they're undergoing surgery... let alone have a computer for you to do so.
anyhoo, my mom had a tumor (kidney tumor) removed the august just passed and i hated it. it took her 5-10 minutes just to finally get in to bed when she wanted to lie down.
31-03-2005 16:24:39
[quote78c0d43b6d="damacles"]Yeah, I know...that's why I need 5. Hehe.
How many do you need for an IPod?[/quote78c0d43b6d]
nah... im just kidding but if your interested then pm me, rofl
31-03-2005 16:25:45
[quote224b630b9d="Vector"][quote224b630b9d="damacles"]Yeah, I know...that's why I need 5. Hehe.
How many do you need for an IPod?[/quote224b630b9d]
nah... im just kidding but if your interested then pm me, rofl[/quote224b630b9d]
nice thread hijacking homes
31-03-2005 16:28:19
[quote347cac0625="damacles"]Trust me, I have no reason to lie, especially about these treatments. It's something I wish none of you ever have to go through or have to watch a friend/family member go through. Pain pretty much every day, sick every day, muscles hurt in ways you really don't want to know. The only thing I have for recreation is my computer. Don't even have a laptop. The hospital was cool enough to set me up an internet connection off of their service, so that's cool.
Funny thing is, before this stuff, I had access to all the good stuff as I did beta testing as a profession. Bahh, enough about me. I know I am new at this trading stuff, heck I am new at this whole free thing so if some of the more experienced members here want to PM some advice on how to quickly get 5 greens, I most certainly will not say no and would be most grateful.
As to the type of cancer, it is small intestine cancer (the form I have is call non-Hodgkin's lymphomas), kinda rare, there are 3 forms of treatments.
1. Surgery....if the cancer was small enough and non-agressive (as in spreading)...mine is, so this option is out.
2. Radation therapy- Using xrays and other high forms of radation internally and externally to destroy the cells. They did this initially but my body fought back and they stopped.
3 Chemo therapy....most people know about this, use very potent drugs to stop the cancer cells from spreading and then tries to destroy them or weaken them enough where my bodies defenses can kill them. Undergoing this now...though there are doing one other experimental therapy.
4. Biological therapy...using experiment drugs to for super white cells or such to aid in fighting the cancer.[/quote347cac0625]
Biological still has a lot of deveolping to do, but biological is a extreamly good remedy if science is prefected that much. Gene tharapy and Protien Tharapy would be able to prevent even before it hits by predicting it in your genes.
So after being through radiation and drugging how in the world would you be able to be online? And i was at a hospitial and i highly dought they would let you use their internet access. Cause if your using their internet that means you have access into their network which would contain too much "off limit" files
31-03-2005 16:28:37
[quote161ce18625="StrictlyBallin24"]timeout.... you're currently in the hospital, but yet you're typing this? i dont think they let patients use the internet while they're undergoing surgery... let alone have a computer for you to do so.
anyhoo, my mom had a tumor (kidney tumor) removed the august just passed and i hated it. it took her 5-10 minutes just to finally get in to bed when she wanted to lie down.[/quote161ce18625]
I haven't had's too far advance for that. They also don't do the treatments in my room, they take my to a different wing, do the treatments and bring me back. Hospitals(well most) let patients undergoing extended treatments have computers(most prefer laptops but I don't have one) and such as long as they're approved by the hospital administration and insurance ok's it. Also can't use it past 10 pm, well they say I can't but can't sleep some nights so I watch a movie or such on it.
They do have access set up for patients. Their IT guy came in, set up a wireless connection and protections. I have to log on to the system and it is tracked by their networks. The times I can go home, which will prolly be in a week or two for a few days, I have to turn the wireless connector.
Also, as I have said earlier I am between treatments right now, I can do some things, like using the internet, just don't ask me to compete in a fencing match or drive anywhere. ;)
31-03-2005 16:33:52
i think im losing my mind. i coulda sworn i read that you were having surgery. o well oops
31-03-2005 16:36:21
Nah...wish it was that easy. It's cool though, I really don't mind the questions. It shows that members here really care about fair trades and doing what's right.
That's pretty rare these days. D