I will pay Paypal $25 for freepsps.com

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=10146


29-03-2005 21:31:53

Will pay all upfront to users w/ +8 trading record
Will pay half upfront to users w/ +4 trading record
Will pay after green to sers w/ less than 4 record

please contact me via aoltofugorilla


What does karma mean? I seem to have -3... -/ ?


29-03-2005 21:37:50

GREAT trader!


29-03-2005 21:46:57

means nothing, but if you want heres +20.

looser loop

29-03-2005 21:49:14

can you give me minus 500?


29-03-2005 23:04:18

upped it to $25