29-10-2004 14:53:11
Yep, UPS dropped it off a little while ago! Charging now D
Amazing how fast this thing was haha, Signed up 10/18, I shipped last night and it arrived today....awesome
The iRiver is smaller than it looks, it's about 4" x 3", and about 1" thick, very light.
I <3 OfferCentric!
29-10-2004 15:38:15
now help me get my refs! ;) im having terrible luck, i called in all my favors to get the freeipod that im still waiting for. (
29-10-2004 15:43:44
Let's see some pictures!!
So it took you about two business weeks to get your mp3 player.
Hopefully it'll be here for me next friday.. that'll be my two weeks..
29-10-2004 15:46:36
I actually like the feel of the iRiver. I checked it out at Best Buy. I still think that the interface of the iPod is much better though. I like the color screen. Hopefully mine comes on Monday, instead of the 2nd, like UPS says on their tracking page.
29-10-2004 16:03:15
[quote77c7172a24="Relik"]Yep, UPS dropped it off a little while ago! Charging now D
Amazing how fast this thing was haha, Signed up 10/18, I shipped last night and it arrived today....awesome
The iRiver is smaller than it looks, it's about 4" x 3", and about 1" thick, very light.
I <3 OfferCentric!
now help me get referals P
29-10-2004 16:47:31

http//[" alt=""/img67be4985ed]
[img="67be4985ed]http//[" alt=""/img67be4985ed]
[img="67be4985ed]http//[" alt=""/img67be4985ed]
29-10-2004 17:36:24
OOooooOOOoooOOO..... hey relik, let me know how u like it man.. i still havent quite made my mind up between that and the ipod.
29-10-2004 17:40:52
what would u say is better ipod or iriver? and is iriver alot bulkier then ipod?
29-10-2004 19:12:26
Havn't gotten my iPod yet, but this iRiver is freakin great!
I just got done puttin all my music on it, 730 song's and it's not even 1/4 full lol...awesome!
The color screen is nice, it's vibrant. The earbud's that come with it aren't great, bass is a little low, but other than that there very clear.
I think I'll like the click wheel on the iPod better, but really that's about it, the design of the iRiver I actually really like.
[edit] I think I might like the iPod more just because of the iTrip, I'll enjoy that.
So, does the iRiver you got have two usb ports on it?
02-11-2004 19:08:51
Got mine yesterday!
Pics are here http//
Yes, it has 2 USB ports (1.1 and 2.0)
It doesn't feel like a brick compared to the iPod like a lot of people say. As far as weight goes, it feels about the same as the iPod. It's slightly thicker though. I definitely like the click wheel on the iPod over the controls of the iRiver.