19-09-2005 15:06:57
umm - i have willed myself never to do an OC site for ANY reason WHATSOEVER, [b80778ca316]EVER AGAIN[/b80778ca316]
boy they really screwed me over for doing
the trade it started with has not completed yet, and i'm really getting pissed off right about now - i did the quote "INSTANT" offer "Tickle IQ Test" -
the requirements specifically say "sign up and PURCHASE YOUR RESULTS"
after waiting more than 2 1/2 WEEKS over the allowed [b80778ca316]1[/color80778ca316][/b80778ca316] business day, this is really starting to seem like total fairy dust... [thanks for the word, Matt]
anyone, EVERYONE who sees this post - please vote in the above poll for me to see if you agree with me
19-09-2005 18:37:01
They're the worst. I'd like to go beyond boycotting them. Put them out of business, make them pay, etc.
19-09-2005 19:47:30
I can't even think of a proper reply yet. I'm still considering what to vote for... ;)
19-09-2005 20:28:08
Well I don't know I've gotten a lot of money from them, and their pretty fast at answering emails, but they're making it really hard to finish macminis4free with so few offers.
20-09-2005 12:57:43
[quote28b2e6fa84="ragefu"]Well I don't know I've gotten a lot of money from them, and their pretty fast at answering emails, but they're making it really hard to finish macminis4free with so few offers.[/quote28b2e6fa84]
well, thats fine for you and congratulations (no offense intended) - but the only emails i ever get from them tell me to (to some basic extent) screw off...
[quote28b2e6fa84="Tholek"]I can't even think of a proper reply yet. I'm still considering what to vote for... Wink[/quote28b2e6fa84]
if you can think of a better answer. tell me and i can add it to the poll