AOL offer on OC

Live forum:


03-06-2005 12:12:10

Whats up with this crap. I've had 2 people sign up. 1 two weeks ago and did the aol offer and still hasn't gone green and 1 two days ago and still no green. Anyone else have a prob with the AOL offer on OC?

Tony White

03-06-2005 15:31:33

I joined AOL on an OC site on 5-18 and did the AOL offer and no credit so far. I've sent OC the standard reply a week ago and still nothing. I'm still an AOL "member" and I have no faith that OC will credit me. I've had past problems with OC and credit and with the latest offer stunt they're pulling, I'm writing them off.


03-06-2005 22:17:36

down with oc demin?