what can i do about OC not giving me credit?...

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=15254


26-05-2005 19:06:08

I've been doing mp3players4free. i finished my 5 referrals and have completed 2 offers, they have been pending for 2 months and the other (tickle) 2.5 weeks. each was supposed to credit in 2 days. they are not answering my emails.

what can i do?

it's bad enough they cancelled my dvrs4free and sent me $10 even though i had 3 greens. But i want my mp3/free b/f they shut that one down.


26-05-2005 20:08:58

offercentric has been extra... mean... lately. E-mailing them with your confirmation emails from the different offers is about all you can do, and even then, nothing will get done 9 times out of 10. Not with how they're doing business lately.


26-05-2005 20:49:55

Is there anyone i can report them to if they don't get back to me?


26-05-2005 21:41:49

[quote6a17286fca="sweetened"]I've been doing mp3players4free. i finished my 5 referrals and have completed 2 offers, they have been pending for 2 months and the other (tickle) 2.5 weeks. each was supposed to credit in 2 days. they are not answering my emails.

what can i do?

it's bad enough they cancelled my dvrs4free and sent me $10 even though i had 3 greens. But i want my mp3/free b/f they shut that one down.[/quote6a17286fca]

This may sound stupid but read this.[=http//www.coobro.com/dnn/Home/CustomerSupport/MissingCreditGuide/tabid/57/Default.aspx]read this.

Also, turn your IE browser to accept all cookies and don't block any sites.

What offers did you do beside Tickle? Maybe it's just a cookie problem on your computer. On DS4free I did 2 offers and none of them greened (Gourmet Coffee and Hoodia Miracle Diet).

Before free sites, those offer links were most prevalant in the sneakiest of pop-up windows and obtrusive flashing advertising. A lot of anti-spyware, anti-adware and ad-blocks try and block those sites or at least the cookies.


27-05-2005 10:09:56

i used to have 3-4 OC sites that were waiting 5+ weeks for credit.
i said flick it, deleted the links, and i'm not doing them.

OC sucks.


27-05-2005 18:44:19

ahhhh, i emailed them, and they credited me. now to get past the difficult stage, being approved. hopefully they won't pull shade.