http//i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn146/tom_camp/gas_card.gif[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c]
[bd63c22043c]Promo #1[/bd63c22043c]
This month we have decided to change things up a bit and give away Gallons of gas! We have 2 gas vouchers totaling $300.00 each for Promo 1 to give away.
That is a total of $600.00 in gas for 2 lucky winners. [bd63c22043c]What do you have to do to be eligible for one of these?[/bd63c22043c]
1. Post in this thread you are interested with your site ID #s We will keep track in the thread of everyone participating and how many they have so far.
2. Bring in as many green referrals that you can.
3. Be one of 2 to bring in the most ref. And get one of these FREE GAS vouchers!!
4. Must have at least 3 to be eligible.
[bd63c22043c]Promo #2[/bd63c22043c]
[img="d63c22043c]http//i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii31/bleupantry/Kitty/thread.jpg[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c]
Jazzy thread promo.
Anyone can win at this one! Jazz up your thread send us your thread link in a support ticket, we will look at each one and announce the best at the end of the month. The winner will receive a $300.00 gas voucher!
(Remember which site we are when making these threads ).)
Promo #3[/bd63c22043c]
[img="d63c22043c]http//gi248.photobucket.com/groups/gg184/5C3DH5ICR9/trophy_t.gif[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c]
This was big last month so we would like to do it again!
For every cash out you will get an additional $5.00 if you post your prize in the proper place on this forum! You must submit a support ticket with the link to your post for your extra cash.
Promo #4[/bd63c22043c]
[img="d63c22043c]http//i180.photobucket.com/albums/x144/ilovecandles7/50promonew.jpg[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c]
All referrals worth $50.00 this month! Just choose the $50.00 blowout prize and send us a support ticket saying you are in for the Blowout! [bd63c22043c]The above promos are only for our CustomFreebiez, Cameras and Kidz sites.[/bd63c22043c]
[bd63c22043c]We cannot leave out our NO cc site promo’s![/bd63c22043c]
[img="d63c22043c]http//i180.photobucket.com/albums/x144/ilovecandles7/untitled-1.jpg[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c]
[bd63c22043c]Promo #5[/bd63c22043c] Referral race for our allfree site.
For this race you will need to have at least 3 green referrals. The person with the most green referrals over 3 will get a $20.00 gift card to a store of their choice OR $20.00 paypal. [bd63c22043c]
Promo #6[/bd63c22043c] For every cash out on our allfree site this month we will give you an extra $2.00 for posting payment proof in this forum! Submit a support ticket with the link and get PAID!
[bd63c22043c]Promo #7[/bd63c22043c]
(For all sites)
We will be giving free greens on ALL our sites this month! Please sign up for any site then submit a support ticket stating you would like your free green and it wil be issued.
[size=1d63c22043c][url==http//www.customfreebiez.com/indexc.php][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/customfreebiezimg.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][=http//www.customfreebiez.com/indexc.php][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/customfreebiezimg.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][/url][/sized63c22043c]
[size=1d63c22043c][url==http//kidzone.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/custom3.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][=http//kidzone.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/custom3.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][/url][/sized63c22043c]
[size=1d63c22043c][url==http//cameras.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/custom2.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][=http//cameras.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/custom2.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][/url][/sized63c22043c]
[size=1d63c22043c][url==http//allfree.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/FINAL-1-1-1.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][=http//allfree.customfreebiez.com/][img="d63c22043c]http//i192.photobucket.com/albums/z192/tomicino/FINAL-1-1-1.png[" alt=""/imgd63c22043c][/url][/sized63c22043c]