http//www.asafreebie.com/images/Main_banner.jpg[" alt=""/imge130874d43]
[size=12e130874d43]As A Freebie Network [/sizee130874d43]([url==http//"http//www.AsAFreebie.com"]http//www.AsAFreebie.com[=http//"http//www.AsAFreebie.com"]http//www.AsAFreebie.com[/url]) Has 12 Sites with Great Payouts and 200+ offers with over half being NO CC and 100% FREE. close to 80% of our offers are Also Instant
[be130874d43][ue130874d43][size=18e130874d43][color=#2e8b57e130874d43]We are a Repeatable / Forever GREEN Network[/colore130874d43][/sizee130874d43][/ue130874d43][/be130874d43]
I am Online [be130874d43]NOW[/be130874d43] PM me or AIM - asafreebie or MSN - email==support@asafreebie.comsupport@asafreebie.com=support@asafreebie.comsupport@asafreebie.com/email
[size=18e130874d43][color=#2e8b57e130874d43][ue130874d43][be130874d43]We have 1 referral cashout's and instant payments. [/be130874d43][/ue130874d43][/colore130874d43][/sizee130874d43]
[color=#0000FFe130874d43][size=18e130874d43][ue130874d43][be130874d43]June's Everyone Gets a Piece of the Pie Referral Race[/be130874d43][/ue130874d43][/sizee130874d43][/colore130874d43]
1st Place - $20 Per Point Bonus
2nd Place - $15 Per Point Bonus
3rd Place - $10 Per Point Bonus
EVERYONE Else Will Receive $5 Per Point Bonus
Points are 1 Point per credit of the referral
Also any and everyone who hits over 15 points Automatically wins 1st Place
Yes this means we may have more than one 1st Place Winner
Lets rackem in If anyone can bring in more than 50 points Your bonus will be
[size=12e130874d43][color=#2E8B57e130874d43]DOUBLED[/colore130874d43].[/sizee130874d43] Yes that means a whopping $40 Bonus. Total of $80 per credit payout.
1 Credit site payout (w/ bonus) per referral would become $80
2 Credit site payout (w/ bonus) per referral would become $160
3 Credit site payout (w/ bonus) per referral would become $240
There are no requirements on how many points you need in order to place EVERYONE
WINS in June at As A Freebie
[size=18e130874d43][be130874d43][color=#808000e130874d43]Veteran Member Appreciation Month[/colore130874d43][/be130874d43][/sizee130874d43]
This month at asafreebie we are giving our appreciation to those of you in the
industry who have been around awhile
Free Greens will be awarded across the network to all members with a TR rating of
30 or higher. Simply send us in a support ticket entitle FREE GREENS with a link to
your profile page and you will have your offer requirements waived on all 12 sites.
[size=18e130874d43][ue130874d43][be130874d43][color=#8B0000e130874d43]Get a little Something extra from those sticky's[/colore130874d43][/be130874d43][/ue130874d43][/sizee130874d43]
Anyone who has a sticky during the month of June simply send us in a support ticket
with the dates of your sticky and we will ad a $5 bonus for every referral you
bring in on those dates (they must meet the offer requirements by the end of the
month) This is on top of the Referral Race Bonuses. Don't have an account with us
no problem sign up and send in a support ticket with the dates of your sticky and
your offer requirements will be waived on all 12 sites.
[size=12e130874d43][be130874d43][color=#0000FFe130874d43]Earn Points for doing things that you would normally do on a regular basis[/colore130874d43][/be130874d43][/sizee130874d43]
1 - Posting Proof Payments
2 - Bringing in Referrals
3 - Going over your credit requirements
4 - Points will also be awarded in many other ways through promotions and bonuses
Spend your points
1 - Cash them in on a FREE Referral
2 - Use them to Help a stuck referral GREEN
3 - Redeem them for Status Level's Silver or Green and get higher Payouts and other benefits
More info on this with the formula's at [url==http//"http//www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=137031"]Our Rewards Thread[=http//"http//www.anything4free.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=137031"]Our Rewards Thread[/url]
Don't Have an account?
- thats ok just sign up and complete a few of our 250+ offers and be ready to go.
Not wanting to complete any offers but still want to get in on the promotion?
- just send us in a support ticket and we will waive your offer requirements in lieu of an extra referral
[size=12e130874d43][be130874d43][color=#FF00FFe130874d43]there are over 200 Offers with new ones being added daily.[/colore130874d43] [/be130874d43][/sizee130874d43]
here is a list of our sites with payouts
NoPlastic.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Game.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Ipod.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Wii.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Xbox360.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
PS3.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
CarAudio.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Appliance.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Digital71.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Laptop.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120
Desktop.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120
1080p.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120[size=9e130874d43][/sizee130874d43][size=12e130874d43][/sizee130874d43]