http//www.asafreebie.com/images/Main_banner.jpg[" alt=""/img2d2fc6113e]
[size=182d2fc6113e]As A Freebie Network [/size2d2fc6113e]([url=]http//www.AsAFreebie.com[]http//www.AsAFreebie.com[/url]) Has 12 Sites with Great Payouts and 200+ offers with most being free or close to.
We have 1 referral cashout's and instant payments.
[b2d2fc6113e]We are running a Month end promotion to EVERYONE. Simply get a referral and have them complete by 3-31 and you can add an additional 25% to your payout yes thats 25% more FREE. Don't have an account thats ok we are running a [color=green2d2fc6113e]Free Green[/color2d2fc6113e] Promo to all users who sign up unreferred until March 31st.[/b2d2fc6113e]
All you have to do is sign up unreferred from now until March 31st and send a Support ticket in Entitled GIMMEE THEM GREENS and you will be awarded your Offer requirements 100% FREE.
There is also a Referral promotion running until the Last Day of April. with the following prizes
Top 5 Referers
1 - $200
2 - $100
3 - $50
4 - $25
5 - $10
all you need to do is get the most referrals (10 or more to qualify) and win
Also along with this, with every 10 Referrals you are entitled to a Free Referral on your account or the cash equivelant to be paid out VIA paypal or check.
Let's get them referral's rollin in and Prizes rollin out.
there are close to 200 Offers with new ones being added daily.
here is a list of our sites with payouts
NoPlastic.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Game.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Ipod.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Wii.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
Xbox360.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
PS3.AsAFreebie.com - 1 Credit $40
CarAudio.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Appliance.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Digital71.AsAFreebie.com - 2 Credits $80
Laptop.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120
Desktop.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120
1080p.AsAFreebie.com - 3 Credits $120