06-08-2008 12:17:47
My buddy has a right handed set of golf clubs that we were hitting balls at the driving range with some drivers and I do everything left handed so you can imagine i wasn't that great but I was driving a ball about a 100 yards right handed, Now I want to get some cheap driver clubs or something to test out my left handed shots. I was looking on ebay and they have some cheap ones but does my height matter in choose a club etc??
I'm definitely not looking for anything high grade
06-08-2008 13:54:37
I'm trying to get into golf myself. I'm just using my dad's old clubs, but I don't think there are specific heights, just junior or men's. My dad said my clubs are regular length, though if you're really tall you might need custom clubs.
06-08-2008 13:55:30
I'm wondering about "knock offs" obviously a serious player won't recommend knock offs but I'm thinking they might be good for me, who has zero golf skills...
06-08-2008 13:57:33
as long as you aren't a giant or a dwarf (or dorf), a standard set of clubs will be fine.
i wouldn't suggest ebay though - if you have a used/second hand sporting good store (ours is called "play it again sports"), check there first.
06-08-2008 13:59:57
I've been finding some decent priced stuff on craigs list, it's harder because i'm looking for left handed clubs.
I am finding used sets for like 40 bucks on CL
13-08-2008 14:05:17
I got a whole set of clubs the other day
I must be doing things wrong or my body isn't used to this but my left arm was killing me after spending an hour at the driving range.
I'm also finding myself hitting to high on the ball, causing it to go flying into the ground.
I know I probably have to learn how to use my hips a bit more and learn how to square up the ball.
Anyone have any good working drills they do for irons and drivers?
13-08-2008 16:03:40
[quotee6302c3a52="manOFice"]I'm also finding myself hitting to high on the ball, causing it to go flying into the ground.[/quotee6302c3a52]
Are you keeping you head down and eyes on the ball through your swing? Maybe you're raising your head too early.
13-08-2008 16:27:46
I try my best to keep my head down
13-08-2008 18:30:52
I figured that if you're topping the ball that means you're lifting the top half of your body too early. Next time you go to the range try to keep your head down all the way through your swing until the ball is gone.
13-08-2008 19:48:04
kk, thx )
13-08-2008 21:37:57
Sorry I missed this until now; I'm obsessed with golf and make and adjust all of my own equipment. If you're just starting out, you should be looking for a standard length set of perimeter weighted irons and a standard length 3 wood. Don't bother with a driver - there's too much room for error for someone just starting out.
As far as tips, if you're serious about learning, buy a copy of Hogan's Five Lessons. You can get one on for about $3, but it's the seminal golf lesson guide.
In short, start with short swings to about waist height, until you starting making solid contact...
15-08-2008 12:56:17
[quotedeb463c3b5="doylnea"]Sorry I missed this until now; I'm obsessed with golf and make and adjust all of my own equipment. If you're just starting out, you should be looking for a standard length set of perimeter weighted irons and a standard length 3 wood. Don't bother with a driver - there's too much room for error for someone just starting out.
As far as tips, if you're serious about learning, buy a copy of Hogan's Five Lessons. You can get one on for about $3, but it's the seminal golf lesson guide.
In short, start with short swings to about waist height, until you starting making solid contact...[/quotedeb463c3b5]
great advice, thanks. I'm gonna hit the driving range after work
Edit on the book is Best Price $10.97
Amazon has it for like 9.50
Where can I get it for 3 bucks??
Edit I found it cheaper on )
Just bought it
15-08-2008 13:35:13
if you need a coach, i suggest this guy

http/" alt=""/"228/3356/537b3624fm2.jpg[" alt=""/img9f6a28c437]
16-08-2008 16:38:23
I'm interested in golf as well but know nothing about purchasing clubs. I want a set that I can mess around with but I also don't want to go so cheap that I will have to buy a new set in 1-3 years. Can someone just give me an example as to what a beginner should start with as far as clubs? Which ones did you get ManOfIce?
16-08-2008 18:19:01
I was at the range today and I was hitting the 3 wood pretty well but I can't hit an iron worth shit....
17-08-2008 23:00:51
Make sure you're driving down into the ball. If you're taking practice swings, you should be hitting the ground a bit with the club. Be sure to keep your head down, and when you're following through and finishing your swing, your belt buckle should be facing your target, ideally.