Which console should I get?
27-12-2007 21:03:44
Should I get a Playstation 3 (80 GB), or the Xbox 360 Elite?
I don't know which one I should get...but like, all of Sony's exclusive games are going to Xbox 360 now, like Devil May Cry and Grand Theft Auto.
I already have a Wii, and yeah the games are fun, but I need a console with outstanding graphics and power now too. P
The Playstation 3 (80 GB) is $50 more than the Xbox 360 Elite.
I don't have an HDTV...I do have a TV that has Component video though.
27-12-2007 21:04:49
Xbox 360 FTW!
And I think this will only end in a fanboy fight.
27-12-2007 21:18:55
playstation 3 future proof that ass
you'll be happy you did
games will be coming out for the ps3 that will blow away the 360
plus the added bonus of an HD dvd player thats actually worth a shit (i'll be it blueray)
27-12-2007 22:04:04
XBOX 360 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
27-12-2007 22:54:48
[quote88a2acf882="tylerc"]XBOX 360 FTW!!!!!!!!!!![/quote88a2acf882]
27-12-2007 23:25:28
[quotee7ff0c6bd5="samz465"][quotee7ff0c6bd5="tylerc"]XBOX 360 FTW!!!!!!!!!!![/quotee7ff0c6bd5]
27-12-2007 23:40:43
Xbox 360
28-12-2007 10:12:19
while I think the PS3 has better overall graphics, I believe, that the xbox 360 comes with the reliability of better games and a great controlled online service. Xbox for me.
28-12-2007 10:12:57
I've had a wii and just got a 360 the other day as a gift, IT ROX! Get the 360
With xbox live + 1080P resolution = amazing
03-01-2008 17:01:18
[quote4d7295f399="samz465"]Xbox 360 FTW!
And I think this will only end in a fanboy fight.[/quote4d7295f399]
Eh, Fanboy... Even though I tend to lean towards Microsoft really, Vista and all, I've messed with both systems extensively at a friends house and like the PS3 better, easier to work with for one.
You can put any hard drive in (not just a special made one)
You can easily put other OS's on the system (without hacking it, the install OS option is in the systems menu)
Backwards compatible with software that's being upgraded to further improve performance (with the 80gig model)
You can now remote play PS1 games on a PSP anywhere with a wireless internet connection as long as the game is in or downloaded
Network access to music, videos, pics on computers, not just Vista Home Premium and up, but whatever OS you want without too much hassle (plus these are further accessible by a PSP anywhere with a wireless internet connection)
I definetly like the idea of having a 360, but it's the bottom game on my priority list (the Wii was first (that was a cold November night outside BestBuys), then I got a DS and PSP for Christmas (thanks to my parents and Fiancee), now I'm trying to score a PS3).
lieditli One thing I forgot to mention, with the 360 you have to pay a fee for the online support, it's free with the Wii and PS3 (of course you know this about the Wii)
03-01-2008 17:30:02
I can't believe you're even considering the PS3. Trust me, you don't want one. My brother has one and although he won't admit it, he can't find very many fun games for it. Sure there are some good ones here and there, but the online doesn't compare. The 360 definitely has better games out. I personally don't like Sony. They are arrogant and they make a bunch of cocky statements which makes me dislike them even more.
Plus, I cannot stand the PS3 controller. It annoys the hell out of me. To me, the PS3 is garbage. Oh and don't get too hyped for their future promises of great games. They said the same thing last year. I can only think of a few good PS3 games coming out. Most are multiplatform from what I've seen. Anyway, definitely go with either PC gaming or a 360. The PS3 online sucks.
03-01-2008 18:53:58

http/" alt=""/img106.imageshack.us/img="106/4694/xbox360deathxo0.jpg[" alt=""/img42331e7205]
03-01-2008 18:55:02
Never had that problem. Plus there's a longass 2 year warranty for it or something like that. Besides, that's not going to change my mind when there are shitty games on the other hand. Whatever though... I guess I'm just an "Xbot."
03-01-2008 20:25:04
If you're looking for an awesome gaming experience online and offline, get the 360 and never look back. PS3 has its positives, no doubt, but 360 demolishes it in the gaming, and in my opinion, that's all that matters when buying a gaming machine.
04-01-2008 05:43:06
Honestly, I'm a play station fan. I guess you can call me a loyal customer. haha. But xbox games are more violent, in my opinion. It depends on which types of games you like. The controller for xbox is more confusing that play station ones too. I like things simple.
The best game console would be Wii though. Oh my god, I would trade my play station for Wii anytime!
04-01-2008 09:14:41
I think Xbox 360 is better. I mean if I had the money I'd want both. The Xbox 360's Live is probably better than the PS3 version. I've never really heard of people on the PS3 version of Live
I only say the PS3 because I have one...
04-01-2008 09:23:47
Live is poop. Been down for like 2+ weeks.
04-01-2008 09:34:32
[quote3bcb6f9d0f="TryinToGetPaid"]Live is poop. Been down for like 2+ weeks.[/quote3bcb6f9d0f]
But you are getting a free arcade game within the next few weeks! D
04-01-2008 10:01:16
Xbox 360 is definitely better. All my friends love theirs and with Sony losing their better exclusive games as you mentioned.. the PS3 is dieing.
Btw I was a hardcore PS2 fanboy.
04-01-2008 13:19:17
[quote13dfbe27d9="TryinToGetPaid"]Live is poop. Been down for like 2+ weeks.[/quote13dfbe27d9]
I know! It's been pissing me off. For some reason my connection in CoD4 is the only red one and I can't kill anyone! Mostwanted has joined a few games I was in and owned me. I lag like crazy and when I watch the replay my guy only shoots half of the bullets that it showed when I actually shot them. It's really messed up. Of course that scenario is when I actually get lucky enough to get into a game. Normally it doesn't work at all. I called about it and they said it was definitely a fault on their end. I can't wait until they fix this. (
04-01-2008 14:58:15
Ugh, so I feel like I wanna buy it all from Amazon, even though I can save money, it's just easier getting it from one place.
Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Card - $43.99
Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter - $94.99
Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit - Black - $16.99
Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit with Controller Black - $60.99
Xbox 360 Elite Bundle - $449.99
Before games...that's freakin' $666.95! It's really expensive. (
The wireless adapter is really expensive too.
Anyone have a "save 90% on total purchase" coupon code or something for Amazon.com? P
04-01-2008 15:10:57
It'll be worth it when you meet little screaming boys playing mature games online.
04-01-2008 15:32:42
Definetely buy a PS3.
That thing is a beast.
04-01-2008 16:33:45
[quoteb749c83693="TFOAF"]Ugh, so I feel like I wanna buy it all from Amazon, even though I can save money, it's just easier getting it from one place.
Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Card - $43.99
Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter - $94.99
Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit - Black - $16.99
Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit with Controller Black - $60.99
Xbox 360 Elite Bundle - $449.99
Before games...that's freakin' $666.95! It's really expensive. (
The wireless adapter is really expensive too.
Anyone have a "save 90% on total purchase" coupon code or something for Amazon.com? P[/quoteb749c83693]
Why not just get the pro? You only need the 120GB HD if you plan on purchasing a lot of videos from the XBL marketplace. I have several arcade games and tons of saves but have a lot of space left on my 20GB. Black is nice and all, but paying a $100 more for the Elite just doesn't make sense anymore since the arcade and pro bundles come with HDMI too.
Still, even then it's still gonna be pricey for you since you want the wireless adapter. Every console nowadays has built in wifi (even the DS and PSP), you'd think they would've included it by now. Also with the live card for $40, it makes you think about the xbox 360 vs PS3 value proposition doesn't it? You'd just have to buy the PS3 for $400 and an extra controller to match what you want, and you get a Blu-Ray player.
In any case, think about the kind of games you want to play when choosing a console. Surprised no one really mentioned that.
04-01-2008 16:36:40
Xbox is supposedly giving all xbox live members a free arcade download for this whole fiasco. I have not touched my xbox since this crap started.....
04-01-2008 17:08:59
[quoteb679202b04="hehehhehe"][quoteb679202b04="TFOAF"]Ugh, so I feel like I wanna buy it all from Amazon, even though I can save money, it's just easier getting it from one place.
Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Card - $43.99
Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter - $94.99
Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit - Black - $16.99
Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit with Controller Black - $60.99
Xbox 360 Elite Bundle - $449.99
Before games...that's freakin' $666.95! It's really expensive. (
The wireless adapter is really expensive too.
Anyone have a "save 90% on total purchase" coupon code or something for Amazon.com? P[/quoteb679202b04]
Why not just get the pro? You only need the 120GB HD if you plan on purchasing a lot of videos from the XBL marketplace. I have several arcade games and tons of saves but have a lot of space left on my 20GB. Black is nice and all, but paying a $100 more for the Elite just doesn't make sense anymore since the arcade and pro bundles come with HDMI too.
Still, even then it's still gonna be pricey for you since you want the wireless adapter. Every console nowadays has built in wifi (even the DS and PSP), you'd think they would've included it by now. Also with the live card for $40, it makes you think about the xbox 360 vs PS3 value proposition doesn't it? You'd just have to buy the PS3 for $400 and an extra controller to match what you want, and you get a Blu-Ray player.
In any case, think about the kind of games you want to play when choosing a console. Surprised no one really mentioned that.[/quoteb679202b04]
Bleh. I don't know. I like getting the best of the best out there. If I went for the PS3, I'd buy the 80 GB one. Ugh, I don't know. All the games on the 360 I would play.
[quoteb679202b04="TryinToGetPaid"]Xbox is supposedly giving all xbox live members a free arcade download for this whole fiasco. I have not touched my xbox since this crap started.....[/quoteb679202b04]
[quoteb679202b04="TFOAF"][quoteb679202b04="TryinToGetPaid"]Live is poop. Been down for like 2+ weeks.[/quoteb679202b04]
But you are getting a free arcade game within the next few weeks! D[/quoteb679202b04]
04-01-2008 17:20:35
I want the Metal Slug that just came out for my free arcade game. D
04-01-2008 17:26:38
Burnout Paradise looks unbelievable. I want it. Comes out this month, yay.
Only thing about the PS3...it has exclusive rights to UT3. ( I want that game so badly.
04-01-2008 17:42:32
[quotefd3929860e="TFOAF"]Bleh. I don't know. I like getting the best of the best out there. If I went for the PS3, I'd buy the 80 GB one. Ugh, I don't know. All the games on the 360 I would play.[/quotefd3929860e]
It doesn't make sense to me to pay $100 to get extra disc space you probably won't use because you think you're getting the "best of the best." The Elite used to be special because of the HDMI, now it's just a black console with 100GB more. I would save the money for some games instead. I don't know, maybe if you end up using IPTV it would come in handy.
It would make sense to get the 80GB PS3 instead of the 40GB one for the space you probably would use because of the many large downloadable games and PS2 backwards compatibility.
04-01-2008 17:43:36
I could use the space for movies and music though, right? Can I put movies on it? (Like rip a DVD?)
04-01-2008 17:50:44
ps3 all the way.
1. Playstation home is coming out this spring
2. Unreal tournament 3 and other ps3 exclusive
3. blue ray, themes add-ons
4. Graphics kicks xbox360 ass
5. Every way Ps3 kicks xbox360 ass from the controller to the system.
Anyways don't take my word for it get a shitty xbox360 that 10 year old kids play and fool around
04-01-2008 17:53:57
[quote7e84eb1d5a="TFOAF"]I could use the space for movies and music though, right? Can I put movies on it? (Like rip a DVD?)[/quote7e84eb1d5a]
The stuff you download from the marketplace can be put there but you can't copy movies/music on there yourself. That's why I said the large HD is only needed if you download a lot of videos from XBL marketplace. So you can save that $100 and buy a huge external drive (500GB?) with it to store your movies instead of getting the elite.
You can just playback movies and music from an external drive or burned DVD.
UT3 will come out on the 360 eventually.
04-01-2008 18:17:32
[quotefc32225982="hehehhehe"][quotefc32225982="TFOAF"]I could use the space for movies and music though, right? Can I put movies on it? (Like rip a DVD?)[/quotefc32225982]
The stuff you download from the marketplace can be put there but you can't copy movies/music on there yourself. That's why I said the large HD is only needed if you download a lot of videos from XBL marketplace. So you can save that $100 and buy a huge external drive (500GB?) with it to store your movies instead of getting the elite.
You can just playback movies and music from an external drive or burned DVD.
UT3 will come out on the 360 eventually.[/quotefc32225982]
Oh. Well, whatever. I'll make use of the drive, lol. I thought the 360 was capable of playing WMV files or something. Whatever.
As for the UT3, I could have sworn Sony has exclusive rights to the game. It was originally planned for the 360 and PS3, but now it's just PS3. Heh, and neither of those consoles are capable of playing Crysis, which is why Crytek said they're not making Crysis for those consoles. P
04-01-2008 18:31:17
[quote968b0fabe5="MyGiftsFree"]ps3 all the way.
1. Playstation home is coming out this spring
[b968b0fabe5]Sounds pretty cool but it's nothing that's going to make me exclusively want a PS3. The only thing that sounds cool to me about Home is the new implementation of "Trophies" but the Xbox 360 has already had achievements from the start.[/b968b0fabe5]
2. Unreal tournament 3 and other ps3 exclusive
[b968b0fabe5]Yeah there are some cool PS3 exclusives coming out, but there aren't THAT many great ones that are jaw-dropping to me. Still, that is a good point. There are some good games coming out for the PS3 this year. Of course you never know until the games actually come out. Games like Assassin's Creed has shown us this. Hopefully Sony doesn't come out with empty promises as far as games go this year like they did last year. I'll play the system with more entertainment value and the PS3 just can't offer that for me. Maybe they will this year though, who knows. I'll admit the PS3 has a good upcoming lineup, but there are also a lot of good multiplatform games coming out too. I am kind of surprised that there aren't too many 360 exclusive games coming out. Then again I haven't really looked into too much of it.[/b968b0fabe5]
3. blue ray, themes add-ons
[b968b0fabe5]I don't really care about Blu-ray. If I did I'd buy a Blu-ray player. Blu-ray isn't going to make me want the PS3 more than other systems. I buy gaming systems for fun games. Themes add-ons? You can't really say that since the 360 has the same thing.[/b968b0fabe5]
4. Graphics kicks xbox360 ass
[b968b0fabe5]No they don't. They look the same. Some games even look better on the 360 version (and vice versa). Saying that the PS3 kicks the 360's ass is a major exaggeration. They both have great graphics. Since when did better graphics = the better system anyway? The games for the 360 blow the PS3 out of the water, and that's what it's all about - fun games.[/b968b0fabe5]
5. Every way Ps3 kicks xbox360 ass from the controller to the system.
[b968b0fabe5]That's all a matter of opinion. In my opinion, the PS3 controller sucks. I like having triggers for shooters. Not some weird push down buttons that kind of feel like half trigger half buttons. But that is my opinion. I don't proclaim it as a fact. Saying that the PS3 is better than the 360 in every aspect just makes you look like a fool. So the PS3 online is better? Last time I went online on my brother's PS3 barely anyone talked and the overall experience sucked. Then again it's all a matter of opinion.[/b968b0fabe5]
Anyways don't take my word for it get a shitty xbox360 that 10 year old kids play and fool around
[b968b0fabe5]Right... thanks for that useless and completely biased comment. That doesn't even make any sense. Kids buy gaming systems. 10 year old kids have 360's and other 10 year old kids have PS3's. The only difference is you can actually hear them on the 360 because more people actually communicate on it.[/b968b0fabe5]
When it comes down to it, there are perks on both sides. But when I buy a gaming system, I buy it for a fun time and great gameplay. I don't give a shit about things like Blu-ray and slightly better hardware. If you do, by all means, get the PS3 FOAFY.
04-01-2008 18:38:29
Get a PS3... so you can play me online.
And its better P
04-01-2008 19:04:23
04-01-2008 19:07:05
Okay, I think imma go with the 360, however...
I have a 32" CRT 250lb. (because of subwoofer) flat screen TV. It has component inputs, not HD, not widescreen. Should the games still look beautiful?
04-01-2008 19:28:03
Unreal Tournament 3 is coming to 360 sometime in 2008. Sony had timed-exclusive rights on it.
04-01-2008 19:50:10
I got this all from another site...
The Playstation 3’s Cell engine is more capable than XBOX 360’s triple-core Xenon CPU
For movies, the PS3 wins hands down. Not only does it have integratedBlu-Ray capability, it is a far superior movie player to begin with. Wealso must consider that the PS3 can be had for as little as $399, whilean XBOX 360 with HD-DVD player will cost at least $530 (Arcade Editionnotwithstanding, since nobody in their right mind is going to buy anXBOX 360 without a hard drive).
Regardless of comparing playback image quality, sound quality, andinterface, there is one thing that gives the XBOX 360 an automatic“zero” in every category - it is excruciatingly LOUD. There is ONEthing that I HATE when I try to watch a movie, and that’s backgroundnoise. I alway go out of the way to make sure my living room is utterlyquiet when I sit down to watch a movie, and the sickening screech ofthe 360’s DVD drive and fans makes this completely impossible
PS3, on the other hand, is completely quiet during movie playback.Whether you are watching a Blu-Ray, DVD, or other video format, the PS3isn’t going to make a peep.
I also much prefer the PS3’s interface to the bright, flashy, sluggishinterface of the XBOX 360. Turning on the PS3 to watch ahigh-definition movie feels like a classy, almost ‘high end’experience. In contrast, fire up the XBOX 360 and you are treated to awhining fan, screeching DVD drive, and bright flashy colours on yourscreen. The console itself looks more like a ‘toy’ and the external USBdrive required for HD-DVD only extends the ‘low end’ feel.
All the major codecs are supported by Playstation 3; MPEG-1, MPEG-2,Motion JPEG (commonly found with digital cameras) through AVI, MOV,MP4, and TS container formats. It will even play AVCHD files directly(M2TS files - the same format Blu-Ray uses).
MP4 support is seen as the future of video, and the PS3 has very goodsupport of this. It supports MPEG-4 AAC audio, MPEG-4 Simple Profilevideo, as well as Main and High profile (also known as h.264). In a bigstory last week, it was announced that the PS3 would soon be supporting the DivX codec, through the AVI file container. This will be the first time a non-modified console supports this highly popular format. Here’s hoping for MKV h.264 support! ;)
I have viewed photos on both consoles, and find the PS3 to be a morepleasant experience. Again, the XMB is so much better than XBOX 360’stabbed Dashboard, and it’s nice to view pictures without noisy fansblasting away in the background. The PS3 supports some printersdirectly, which may or may not be useful
Microsoft has been known to ban consoles from connecting to XBOX Live if a mod is detected!
he 360 has such a high failure rate that Microsoft spent over $1 billion to extend everyone’s warranty by 3 years.While having a long warranty is nice, knowing that it’s only a matterof time before the console dies, nobody wants to have a dead console inthe first place.
PS3 it’s an excellent multimedia hub. With multiple video format support(and DivX AVI support coming), and the ability to stream to the PSP,it’s clearly superior in that regard. Furthermore, it’s a better homevideo player, since it not only has a better interface for such things,but it doesn’t sound like a jet engine taking off.
04-01-2008 19:56:16
Oh, I remember that, the PS3 (as big as it is) is like whisper quite. It's the quietest of the three systems in my opinion. No doubt that the 360 makes the most noise and gets the hottest. I think it really is a contest between the PS3 and the Wii as to which is the coolest and makes the less noise though.
The PS3 remote also has been commented on a lot, in my opinion, for a remote that is rechargeable like it is via USB it is very light (maybe what a Wiimote weighs without batteries in it). To me it's comfortably small where as the 360 remote (though smaller than the original Xbox) is still somewhat large and clunky.
Also, people are complaining about the PS3 exclusive titles being ported to the 360... At least the titles I'm particularly interested in on the 360 are planned to be ported to the PS3 as well, so it goes both ways.
04-01-2008 20:00:59
[quotef35067c29f="YourGiftsFree"]I got this all from another site...
The Playstation 3’s Cell engine is more capable than XBOX 360’s triple-core Xenon CPU
For movies, the PS3 wins hands down. Not only does it have integratedBlu-Ray capability, it is a far superior movie player to begin with. Wealso must consider that the PS3 can be had for as little as $399, whilean XBOX 360 with HD-DVD player will cost at least $530 (Arcade Editionnotwithstanding, since nobody in their right mind is going to buy anXBOX 360 without a hard drive).
Regardless of comparing playback image quality, sound quality, andinterface, there is one thing that gives the XBOX 360 an automatic“zero” in every category - it is excruciatingly LOUD. There is ONEthing that I HATE when I try to watch a movie, and that’s backgroundnoise. I alway go out of the way to make sure my living room is utterlyquiet when I sit down to watch a movie, and the sickening screech ofthe 360’s DVD drive and fans makes this completely impossible
PS3, on the other hand, is completely quiet during movie playback.Whether you are watching a Blu-Ray, DVD, or other video format, the PS3isn’t going to make a peep.
I also much prefer the PS3’s interface to the bright, flashy, sluggishinterface of the XBOX 360. Turning on the PS3 to watch ahigh-definition movie feels like a classy, almost ‘high end’experience. In contrast, fire up the XBOX 360 and you are treated to awhining fan, screeching DVD drive, and bright flashy colours on yourscreen. The console itself looks more like a ‘toy’ and the external USBdrive required for HD-DVD only extends the ‘low end’ feel.
All the major codecs are supported by Playstation 3; MPEG-1, MPEG-2,Motion JPEG (commonly found with digital cameras) through AVI, MOV,MP4, and TS container formats. It will even play AVCHD files directly(M2TS files - the same format Blu-Ray uses).
MP4 support is seen as the future of video, and the PS3 has very goodsupport of this. It supports MPEG-4 AAC audio, MPEG-4 Simple Profilevideo, as well as Main and High profile (also known as h.264). In a bigstory last week, it was announced that the PS3 would soon be supporting the DivX codec, through the AVI file container. This will be the first time a non-modified console supports this highly popular format. Here’s hoping for MKV h.264 support! ;)
I have viewed photos on both consoles, and find the PS3 to be a morepleasant experience. Again, the XMB is so much better than XBOX 360’stabbed Dashboard, and it’s nice to view pictures without noisy fansblasting away in the background. The PS3 supports some printersdirectly, which may or may not be useful
Microsoft has been known to ban consoles from connecting to XBOX Live if a mod is detected!
he 360 has such a high failure rate that Microsoft spent over $1 billion to extend everyone’s warranty by 3 years.While having a long warranty is nice, knowing that it’s only a matterof time before the console dies, nobody wants to have a dead console inthe first place.
PS3 it’s an excellent multimedia hub. With multiple video format support(and DivX AVI support coming), and the ability to stream to the PSP,it’s clearly superior in that regard. Furthermore, it’s a better homevideo player, since it not only has a better interface for such things,but it doesn’t sound like a jet engine taking off.[/quotef35067c29f]
Ugh. Now I don't know. (
04-01-2008 20:06:23
Yes you do. You know PS3. )
lol Get what you want, but you know what I think is better.
04-01-2008 20:12:34
Well, the 360 is moddable, if you're into that. But nigh on 1 in 3 of them break down. So, if you got it modded, and she breaks down on you, you're effed. Also, if you make the smallest mistake, and try and go online with a burnt game, M$ will catch you, and rape you.
PS3 isn't moddable at the time, but the fail rate of it is somewhere around 1%. So, some day in the future, when it IS moddable, you shouldn't have to worry about it breaking down, and you getting screwed out of a warranty.
For games, well, the 360's been out a year longer, so of course it's got more and better games. However, the PS3 will start to get hold, now that developers are creating multi-console games on the PS3 devkit, and porting to 360. So, graphics will start to sway in the PS3's favour. And the 360, much like the oiginal Xbox, is highly saturated with FPSs and action games. Anything niche, or something that screams of Japan (or RPGs, even), likely won't be on the 360 (although they'll probably be on the Wii more likely than anything).
360's online is vastly superior (although overpopulated with 13 year-old twats that just like to talk trash), but you've got to pay (not a lot mind you, but still some).
If you're a movie fan, definitely go for the PS3. Blu-Ray is included, unlike the 360's HDDVD player. If you're not a flick fan, well, that doesn't matter to you, does it?
If it's all about the games (which it most likely is), then simply go to GameRankings.com, and bring up the ratings for all the games that have at least 1 vote for all the consoles. Checking the 360's top 200lilili rated games, we can see that 81 (40.5%lilili) of them have an average ranking of 80% or more, while 12 (6%lilili) have ratings of 90% or more. The PS3 only has 108 games, but 39 (36%) of them have ratings over 80%, and only 5 (4.6%) are above 90%, and there are only 5 (4.6%) are BELOW 50%. Then, just to throw the Wii out there out of 186 games, a dismal 16 (8.6%) are above 80%, and only 4 (2.2%) are above 90%, while an appalling 36 (19.4%) are BELOW 50%.
So, if going by games scores, the 360 and PS3 are pretty good choices, while the Wii is a terrible console. Empirically speaking, I'd have to agree. I own a Wii, and have access to all the games, but I'm left wanting so much more. There's only a few games I play, and there are even fewer that I TRULY enjoy playing. I've played both the 360 and PS3 pretty heavily, and enjoy them much more than the Wii. Although, the Wii will probably always be the best console for parties.
lilili - could only access the 360's top 200, for some reason. It wouldn't let me see the bottom-ranked games, even though I tried to filter to see the worst ones. So, the 360's percentages are grossly inflated, as the 200th-ranked game had a score of 68.611%, and we can assume there were MANY (at least 100) worse than that.
[quote0c9cb44059="TFOAF"]Oh. Well, whatever. I'll make use of the drive, lol. I thought the 360 was capable of playing WMV files or something. Whatever.[/quote0c9cb44059]
FOAFY, the Xbox is capable of playing WMV, WMV-HD, and DivX. You can play them off a disc or attach an external hard drive via USB.
There is also a program that streams your movies and music and re-encodes on the fly. I'm sure you can find more information on Xbox-Scene.
05-01-2008 07:32:12
[quote25e35eb377="J4320"][quote25e35eb377="MyGiftsFree"]ps3 all the way.
1. Playstation home is coming out this spring
[b25e35eb377]Sounds pretty cool but it's nothing that's going to make me exclusively want a PS3. The only thing that sounds cool to me about Home is the new implementation of "Trophies" but the Xbox 360 has already had achievements from the start.[/b25e35eb377]
2. Unreal tournament 3 and other ps3 exclusive
[b25e35eb377]Yeah there are some cool PS3 exclusives coming out, but there aren't THAT many great ones that are jaw-dropping to me. Still, that is a good point. There are some good games coming out for the PS3 this year. Of course you never know until the games actually come out. Games like Assassin's Creed has shown us this. Hopefully Sony doesn't come out with empty promises as far as games go this year like they did last year. I'll play the system with more entertainment value and the PS3 just can't offer that for me. Maybe they will this year though, who knows. I'll admit the PS3 has a good upcoming lineup, but there are also a lot of good multiplatform games coming out too. I am kind of surprised that there aren't too many 360 exclusive games coming out. Then again I haven't really looked into too much of it.[/b25e35eb377]
3. blue ray, themes add-ons
[b25e35eb377]I don't really care about Blu-ray. If I did I'd buy a Blu-ray player. Blu-ray isn't going to make me want the PS3 more than other systems. I buy gaming systems for fun games. Themes add-ons? You can't really say that since the 360 has the same thing.[/b25e35eb377]
4. Graphics kicks xbox360 ass
[b25e35eb377]No they don't. They look the same. Some games even look better on the 360 version (and vice versa). Saying that the PS3 kicks the 360's ass is a major exaggeration. They both have great graphics. Since when did better graphics = the better system anyway? The games for the 360 blow the PS3 out of the water, and that's what it's all about - fun games.[/b25e35eb377]
5. Every way Ps3 kicks xbox360 ass from the controller to the system.
[b25e35eb377]That's all a matter of opinion. In my opinion, the PS3 controller sucks. I like having triggers for shooters. Not some weird push down buttons that kind of feel like half trigger half buttons. But that is my opinion. I don't proclaim it as a fact. Saying that the PS3 is better than the 360 in every aspect just makes you look like a fool. So the PS3 online is better? Last time I went online on my brother's PS3 barely anyone talked and the overall experience sucked. Then again it's all a matter of opinion.[/b25e35eb377]
Anyways don't take my word for it get a shitty xbox360 that 10 year old kids play and fool around
[b25e35eb377]Right... thanks for that useless and completely biased comment. That doesn't even make any sense. Kids buy gaming systems. 10 year old kids have 360's and other 10 year old kids have PS3's. The only difference is you can actually hear them on the 360 because more people actually communicate on it.[/b25e35eb377]
When it comes down to it, there are perks on both sides. But when I buy a gaming system, I buy it for a fun time and great gameplay. I don't give a shit about things like Blu-ray and slightly better hardware. If you do, by all means, get the PS3 FOAFY.[/quote25e35eb377]
Listen when you go to a ps3 lobby they don't enable voices until the actual game, unlike the xbox360 thats why you hear these kids screaming and fooling around on the xbox360 which gets mad annoying but I bet you have the mute option on xbox360 but I am not sure.
05-01-2008 13:21:25
Yes, there is a mute option on the 360. Face it, there aren't as many people who talk with mics on the PS3 as there are with the 360. Also, it's an exaggeration when people say there are screaming little kids all over the place on Xbox Live. Sure there are, but there aren't they aren't in every game. In fact, they are in probably 3 out of every 10 games I join, which isn't a lot. And I can just mute them if I want to. Most of the time I just play along though.
05-01-2008 14:43:05
The numbers don't lie.
360 FTW.
05-01-2008 14:51:52
[quote4d267e5556="J4320"]Yes, there is a mute option on the 360. Face it, there aren't as many people who talk with mics on the PS3 as there are with the 360. Also, it's an exaggeration when people say there are screaming little kids all over the place on Xbox Live. Sure there are, but there aren't they aren't in every game. In fact, they are in probably 3 out of every 10 games I join, which isn't a lot. And I can just mute them if I want to. Most of the time I just play along though.[/quote4d267e5556]
Yea, but lets face it whatever console you get ps3 or xbox360 you will be happy either way. It is a win/win situation, especially with ps3 price drops.
05-01-2008 15:27:36
[quote4ccfff43a7="tylerc"]The numbers don't lie.
360 FTW.[/quote4ccfff43a7]
Foaf, go with the xbox 360.
It's just got so much to offer.
And be sure to buy it from BestBuy and get a 2 year warranty.
05-01-2008 15:45:22
I get a two year warranty with it anyways. I'm gonna buy it all from Amazon.
05-01-2008 15:46:55
the need of a two year warranty?
05-01-2008 15:52:10
[quote0ff49914d6="guelah75"]the need of a two year warranty?
Well...I bought a 2 year bestbuy warranty for $50 and the system was $400 at the time (December '05) so total was $450+tax.
I got bored of it, and stopped playing it, so then in September of '07, I shipped it back to them, and they send me a $435 Giftcard in the mail ($400+tax).
So basically I paid $50 to use the system for almost 2 years.
05-01-2008 15:55:57
But I'm not gonna get bored of it, and I'm never going to return it...I keep all my consoles man. I still have my NES, Genesis and N64, lol.
on another note...
I just read somewhere the XBOX Ultimate may be released Q3 of 2008, which will include built in Wi-Fi and HD-DVD drive, silent fan, and a 320GB HDD. Now, if it has an HD-DVD drive, are game companies going to develop games on HD-DVD now? Or do you think that would be dumb, since every would have to buy new XBOXs?
[quoteaf8c144669="TFOAF"]I just read somewhere the XBOX Ultimate may be released Q3 of 2008, which will include built in Wi-Fi and HD-DVD drive, silent fan, and a 320GB HDD. Now, if it has an HD-DVD drive, are game companies going to develop games on HD-DVD now? Or do you think that would be dumb, since every would have to buy new XBOXs?[/quoteaf8c144669]
All of the above is nothing more than a rumor. But its going to be very interesting to see Bill Gate's last speech at CES. I'm assuming he will go out with a bang.
06-01-2008 08:21:37
Just bought the 360 elite, halo 3, and everything else I said I was gonna get. $726. And I got two-day free shipping, because I signed up for the 30-day free trial for Amazon prime, yay.
06-01-2008 09:31:10
Epic Fail.
lol you got a 360! (
06-01-2008 09:56:20
[quote8a0234cddd="YourGiftsFree"]Epic Fail.
lol you got a 360! ([/quote8a0234cddd]
You're just jealous.
06-01-2008 12:05:38
Is it necessary to get a cooler?
06-01-2008 12:17:44
[quote4b9b89de3a="TFOAF"]Just bought the 360 elite, halo 3, and everything else I said I was gonna get. $726. And I got two-day free shipping, because I signed up for the 30-day free trial for Amazon prime, yay.[/quote4b9b89de3a]
With that dell coupon you couldve bought halo for about $20 less. I would say no on the cooler, it voids the warranty. Just wait for the RROD like the rest of us.
06-01-2008 12:28:15
[quote035f80d606="kidd2108"][quote035f80d606="TFOAF"]Just bought the 360 elite, halo 3, and everything else I said I was gonna get. $726. And I got two-day free shipping, because I signed up for the 30-day free trial for Amazon prime, yay.[/quote035f80d606]
With that dell coupon you couldve bought halo for about $20 less. I would say no on the cooler, it voids the warranty. Just wait for the RROD like the rest of us.[/quote035f80d606]
I wanted it all from amazon so I would get it all the same day, plus I got free 2-day shipping on all of it. P
How could the cooler void the warranty, when it just attaches itself to the Xbox and sucks air out of it? It's not like anything gets opened up or anything...plus how could Microsoft possibly know I used a cooler? And why would they make that product (whatever company makes it), if it voids the Xbox warranty?
06-01-2008 12:31:28
you don't need a cooler if you keep it horizonal and in the open not enclosed, plus you'll most likely get a falcon chip which runs cooler
06-01-2008 12:42:09
[quotebaf21b20c5="manOFice"]you don't need a cooler if you keep it horizonal and in the open not enclosed, plus you'll most likely get a falcon chip which runs cooler[/quotebaf21b20c5]
Yeah, I gotta leave it horizontal, it won't fit in the TV thing standing up, but it's going to be in a glass closed door thing, but there's space in the back.
06-01-2008 19:59:53
lol, just get a couple of oscillating area fans, and point 'em at the 360, then promptly pull their pins up!! D
Or, better yet, since it's winter... leave it beside an open window, but be sure to build it a little lean-to so the rain and snow don't get at it D
07-01-2008 05:53:38
Hey @ anyone. How can I tell if my 360 has the Falcon chip when I get it?
07-01-2008 06:06:46
listen for the tell-tale SQUAW! SQUAW!
07-01-2008 10:34:58
08-01-2008 00:54:50
Maybe this would have helped your decision

http/" alt=""/img408.imageshack.us/img="408/6725/consolechartyr2ts3.jpg[" alt=""/img5478940143]
08-01-2008 07:08:22
That is very acurate.
So acurate it spells accurate acurate.
08-01-2008 07:12:29
[quote458911b294="TFOAF"]Hey @ anyone. How can I tell if my 360 has the Falcon chip when I get it?[/quote458911b294]
google, or look at your power supply, does it say 175w? If so it's a falcon, if it says 210w it's not.
08-01-2008 08:12:56
[quote83f773d268="manOFice"][quote83f773d268="TFOAF"]Hey @ anyone. How can I tell if my 360 has the Falcon chip when I get it?[/quote83f773d268]
google, or look at your power supply, does it say 175w? If so it's a falcon, if it says 210w it's not.[/quote83f773d268]
How do I look at the PSU without opening it up? I'll get my 360 sometime today.
08-01-2008 08:16:30
[quote8c8e5e78cf="TFOAF"][quote8c8e5e78cf="manOFice"][quote8c8e5e78cf="TFOAF"]Hey @ anyone. How can I tell if my 360 has the Falcon chip when I get it?[/quote8c8e5e78cf]
google, or look at your power supply, does it say 175w? If so it's a falcon, if it says 210w it's not.[/quote8c8e5e78cf]
How do I look at the PSU without opening it up? I'll get my 360 sometime today.[/quote8c8e5e78cf]
it should say it on the box too, where it says all the technical stuff about it.
08-01-2008 08:46:57
[quote85d60b023a="TFOAF"]How could the cooler void the warranty, when it just attaches itself to the Xbox and sucks air out of it? It's not like anything gets opened up or anything...plus how could Microsoft possibly know I used a cooler? And why would they make that product (whatever company makes it), if it voids the Xbox warranty?[/quote85d60b023a]
Because the cooler draws too much current from the power supply. Lots of folks killed their 360's with attachable coolers, to the point where M$ claimed or threatened to not honor warranty repairs where coolers were used.
[quote85d60b023a="mnx12"]Maybe this would have helped your decision

http/" alt=""/img408.imageshack.us/img="408/6725/consolechartyr2ts3.jpg[" alt=""/img85d60b023a][/quote85d60b023a]
Quoted. For. Truth.
Nothing beats a well-equipped (operative term) PC for the highest quality gaming experience. Admittedly not nearly as fun in a social environment as console gaming, though, and PC's are prone to obsolescence a lot sooner. I see value in both.
I have a 360 and Wii, and will probably pick up a PS3 soon. But I seldom play any of them compared to the PC, which remains my primary gaming platform.
08-01-2008 11:51:40
True. PCs are the most dynamic gaming platform. Whereas consoles are limited in their upgrade-ability and mod-ability, any PC can become top-of-the-line with just a few hardware upgrades. I'm sorry if this sounds condescending, but I think they're made for people who aren't so technically inclined -- just stick a DVD in the drive and you're good to go. If you want to have the most cutting-edge console, you have to spend $300+ every 1-2years. I wouldn't be surprised if the consoles start reaching $1,000+ retail in the coming years. [/end PC-fanboy rant]
08-01-2008 12:56:11
Although that chart is accurate for the most part, let me just say that I have a bunch of real life friends that I play online with on the 360. Plus the 360 and the PS3 both have Guitar Hero and Rock Band - those games can be really social.
08-01-2008 13:53:19
i got the original xbox 360, well it worked fine for a little while. now i can't play games on it at all. I've contacted Microsoft about the issue and their costumer service sucks. I have to pay 100.00 just to get the stupid thing fixed. True I loved my Xbox when it was new, now I wish I hadn't bought won. So many people are having trouble with them, so I am not the only one. The Elite is the newer improved version, but what if it has the same issue as well? And well the 3 year extended warranty they have, only applies to Xbox's that experience the "Red Circle of death". This being said I would go with the playstation, after dealing with a system that has so many problems and poor customer support I think it's the best choice!
08-01-2008 14:07:23
[quotefa9d5e21d2="brita5660"]i got the original xbox 360, well it worked fine for a little while. now i can't play games on it at all. I've contacted Microsoft about the issue and their costumer service sucks. I have to pay 100.00 just to get the stupid thing fixed. True I loved my Xbox when it was new, now I wish I hadn't bought won. So many people are having trouble with them, so I am not the only one. The Elite is the newer improved version, but what if it has the same issue as well? And well the 3 year extended warranty they have, only applies to Xbox's that experience the "Red Circle of death". This being said I would go with the playstation, after dealing with a system that has so many problems and poor customer support I think it's the best choice![/quotefa9d5e21d2]
Didn't MS give an extra 2-3 year warranty due to the RROD?!
08-01-2008 15:25:31
Okay, no 65nm. (
Anyways, I have it hooked up via component on my SDTV. All my games are playing in widescreen, why? I don't have it set that way? WTF. (
08-01-2008 17:32:02
in the long run games wont fit on dvd and more developers will go to ps3 as blue ray gets cheaper and finish the format war
09-01-2008 04:49:15
Aww, I got the 203w PSU. (
09-01-2008 04:58:12
[quoted3bafbf889="michae229"]in the long run games wont fit on dvd and more developers will go to ps3 as blue ray gets cheaper and finish the format war[/quoted3bafbf889]
Eh. The average game size for Xbox only grew by 77% from 2001-2005. 360 launch titles filled 49% of the disc on average, so it'll be a few years before any games approach filling the DVD. They would have to grow in size by 100% before doing so, though.
If a game exceeded the DVD size limit, they'd solve it with multiple discs, file compression, or another solution to make it work. I don't see it being any issue at all until the next generation of consoles, and the format war will be settled by then.
09-01-2008 06:25:13
[quote6d31d09d55="CollidgeGraduit"][quote6d31d09d55="michae229"]in the long run games wont fit on dvd and more developers will go to ps3 as blue ray gets cheaper and finish the format war[/quote6d31d09d55]
Eh. The average game size for Xbox only grew by 77% from 2001-2005. 360 launch titles filled 49% of the disc on average, so it'll be a few years before any games approach filling the DVD. They would have to grow in size by 100% before doing so, though.
If a game exceeded the DVD size limit, they'd solve it with multiple discs, file compression, or another solution to make it work. I don't see it being any issue at all until the next generation of consoles, and the format war will be settled by then.[/quote6d31d09d55]
dunno about that look at gta for example i mean they acn ake hard drives mandatory but doubt they will ever do that.
09-01-2008 07:12:54
[quotec4c3443296="michae229"]dunno about that look at gta for example i mean they acn ake hard drives mandatory but doubt they will ever do that.[/quotec4c3443296]
With the exception of the Wii, doesn't every major console come standard with a hard drive now? There have been rumors for months of Nintendo releasing either a HD, or Wii 2.0
09-01-2008 07:21:29
[quotea1dba5c551="michae229"][quotea1dba5c551="CollidgeGraduit"][quotea1dba5c551="michae229"]in the long run games wont fit on dvd and more developers will go to ps3 as blue ray gets cheaper and finish the format war[/quotea1dba5c551]
Eh. The average game size for Xbox only grew by 77% from 2001-2005. 360 launch titles filled 49% of the disc on average, so it'll be a few years before any games approach filling the DVD. They would have to grow in size by 100% before doing so, though.
If a game exceeded the DVD size limit, they'd solve it with multiple discs, file compression, or another solution to make it work. I don't see it being any issue at all until the next generation of consoles, and the format war will be settled by then.[/quotea1dba5c551]
dunno about that look at gta for example i mean they acn ake hard drives mandatory but doubt they will ever do that.[/quotea1dba5c551]
What about GTA? It's no longer exclusive to Sony. It's coming out for the 360 as well.
09-01-2008 07:34:08
If you got an xbox with no hard drive, you are an idiot.
11-01-2008 10:35:15
[quotebfb06e7e32="TFOAF"][quotebfb06e7e32="michae229"][quotebfb06e7e32="CollidgeGraduit"][quotebfb06e7e32="michae229"]in the long run games wont fit on dvd and more developers will go to ps3 as blue ray gets cheaper and finish the format war[/quotebfb06e7e32]
Eh. The average game size for Xbox only grew by 77% from 2001-2005. 360 launch titles filled 49% of the disc on average, so it'll be a few years before any games approach filling the DVD. They would have to grow in size by 100% before doing so, though.
If a game exceeded the DVD size limit, they'd solve it with multiple discs, file compression, or another solution to make it work. I don't see it being any issue at all until the next generation of consoles, and the format war will be settled by then.[/quotebfb06e7e32]
dunno about that look at gta for example i mean they acn ake hard drives mandatory but doubt they will ever do that.[/quotebfb06e7e32]
What about GTA? It's no longer exclusive to Sony. It's coming out for the 360 as well.[/quotebfb06e7e32]
ummm i know that i didn't say that, also read about what they are going to do with resistance 2 with PSN alot of good stuff in the read i cant find it but someone im'ed me some details.
11-01-2008 13:57:22
Call of Duty 4 is incredible. So much detail. It feels like you really have to cover yourself. The first place on the boat really brings you into the action. )
11-01-2008 14:07:58
If you want the best system every then you will for sure choose...
Sega Dreamcast;)...
Jk, go with the 360.
11-01-2008 14:11:05
[quote20bc9c4369="TFOAF"]Call of Duty 4 is incredible. So much detail. It feels like you really have to cover yourself. The first place on the boat really brings you into the action. )[/quote20bc9c4369]
And it gives you a headache when everything is sideways. lol
So n e wai, did you get Xbox Live? That is the key ingredient to fun.
11-01-2008 14:25:29
And it gives you a headache when everything is sideways. lol
So n e wai, did you get Xbox Live? That is the key ingredient to fun.[/quote39abfba6f6]
that game is amazing, but it does kinda hurt your head on that first level. Other than that its great....
Does anyone else hate how for muliplayer on consoles you have to pay?
I still have live, but I like how for PC its free.
11-01-2008 18:29:42
[quoteb3c463eb16="J4320"][quoteb3c463eb16="TFOAF"]Call of Duty 4 is incredible. So much detail. It feels like you really have to cover yourself. The first place on the boat really brings you into the action. )[/quoteb3c463eb16]
And it gives you a headache when everything is sideways. lol
So n e wai, did you get Xbox Live? That is the key ingredient to fun.[/quoteb3c463eb16]
Ya, ya. I have XBL. )
Halo 3 + CoD 4 )
17-01-2008 22:31:00
Well I can't say I thoroughly enjoyed your Mario beatbox mix as much as CJ did but you were a fun noob to have around mister.
x323's mom wears combat boots.
18-01-2008 06:17:15
[quote8583c1baa4="J4320"]Well I can't say I thoroughly enjoyed your Mario beatbox mix as much as CJ did but you were a fun noob to have around mister.
x323's mom wears combat boots.[/quote8583c1baa4]
I am no noob. )
18-01-2008 08:52:29
jew wish P
21-09-2008 22:21:12
Xbox 360 has more good games right now.
22-09-2008 06:01:04
[quote78916f42bd="baseball"]Xbox 360 has more good games right now.[/quote78916f42bd]
If I were you I would qualify that statement with "IMO." It's a highly subjective preference, and the mantra of fanboys. ;)
I have both (actually all 3 next-gens, including the Wii), and have hardly looked at the 360 or Wii since getting a PS3. If I could have only one console, it would be the PS3 hands down. IMO the exclusives are better on the PS3, and the majority of recent games are available on both (and of those, I tend to prefer the PS3 versions). The games I've played are not only better, but the overall experience on the PS3 is better than the 360. I'll take quality over quantity, any day.
And speaking of quantity, I'd say that's no longer an issue either. A year or two ago the PS3 had a puny library, but that has changed. I was just noting to a buddy last week as we were looking at the game selection at a local store, that the PS3 section was now as large as the 360 section. Discounting old titles and looking only at current ones, I'd say they're pretty close on the number of games. The PS2 holds the record for the number of games made and sold, and I'm pretty confident that the PS3 will follow in the same path.
[b78916f42bd]IMO.[/b78916f42bd] ;)