halo 3?
anyone know when trainn is going to be putting up halo 3 up on yourfree360games.com? I want to get the game, but if the game isnt up sometime soon, ill probably buy it on amazon or something, so it doesnt get sold out...
27-08-2007 13:58:52
It comes out on the 25th I believe so look for it by the 30th of September
27-08-2007 14:08:16
[quote4e91972c22="lif"]anyone know when trainn is going to be putting up halo 3 up on yourfree360games.com? I want to get the game, but if the game isnt up sometime soon, ill probably buy it on amazon or something, so it doesnt get sold out...[/quote4e91972c22]
just go for games.megafreebie or any other site that offers games.
27-08-2007 14:09:56
[quotec9da5230b2="Gigante"][quotec9da5230b2="lif"]anyone know when trainn is going to be putting up halo 3 up on yourfree360games.com? I want to get the game, but if the game isnt up sometime soon, ill probably buy it on amazon or something, so it doesnt get sold out...[/quotec9da5230b2]
just go for games.megafreebie or any other site that offers games.[/quotec9da5230b2]
Agreed, I've gotten 3 wii games from megafreebie so far
27-08-2007 15:52:11
[quote61350585c8="manOFice"][quote61350585c8="Gigante"][quote61350585c8="lif"]anyone know when trainn is going to be putting up halo 3 up on yourfree360games.com? I want to get the game, but if the game isnt up sometime soon, ill probably buy it on amazon or something, so it doesnt get sold out...[/quote61350585c8]
just go for games.megafreebie or any other site that offers games.[/quote61350585c8]
Agreed, I've gotten 3 wii games from megafreebie so far[/quote61350585c8]
damn you are raping them, lol.
28-08-2007 10:25:09
isn't that your and FGR's site?
28-08-2007 10:33:15
Well I know a chick "women" answers my support tickets
28-08-2007 11:10:42
double post, read below.
28-08-2007 11:12:30
lol, what is a chick women?
28-08-2007 11:31:34
Halo 3 is going to kickass tho. I got mine pre-ordered and plan on playing it all night, w00t w00t. Online will be packed. Finally it has 4 player co-op.
28-08-2007 11:45:03
here is my racist theory to the question "what is a chick women"
a chick is yellow and can grow up to be a rooster also known as a cock
therefore, a chick women is an azn lady that resembles a cock
29-08-2007 11:19:58
Is anyone else gonna become an xbox live junkie after Halo 3 drops?
29-08-2007 14:04:02
[quote852bb8d9f6="justin2610"]Is anyone else gonna become an xbox live junkie after Halo 3 drops?[/quote852bb8d9f6]
I don't really count since I already am. But yeah, the demo was amazing. All my friends were coming over almost every night during it.
29-08-2007 14:05:08
[quotea138c290e3="justin2610"]Is anyone else gonna become an xbox live junkie after Halo 3 drops?[/quotea138c290e3]
Finally the day you stop playing MADDEN twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted
11-09-2007 10:04:00
I have no idea why I called her a chick women, hahaha.... a girl answers my support usually is what I meant to say.
11-09-2007 11:05:40
I can't wait for this.
11-09-2007 13:07:05
yup im preordered Stroid01 (gamertag) ill be online
11-09-2007 13:40:46
[quote629dafe28e="lif"]anyone know when trainn is going to be putting up halo 3 up on yourfree360games.com? I want to get the game, but if the game isnt up sometime soon, ill probably buy it on amazon or something, so it doesnt get sold out...[/quote629dafe28e]
The limited edition version of Halo 3 has been added to the site.
11-09-2007 13:42:44
11-09-2007 17:52:56
i met a guy today at the hotel I'm staying at that is a legit 37 on Halo2. He plays with Walshy who I guess is one of the best. I'm a decent player and this guy killed me. We had to put on a handicap so I even would have a chance.
14-09-2007 20:56:26
Wow I'm pumped for Halo 3. I haven't really had much hype up until now. The 25th is gonna be fun. I'm catching a Chevelle concert in Seattle and I'm considering going to the Halo 3 launch party at Best Buy. "You could score some free swag, get a chance to play Halo 3 with local celebrities in on-site Game with Fame sessions, and be there for the countdown to launch!" Free swag sounds good... I'm more pumped about seeing Chevelle though. I'll probably get home around 300 AM and I'll have school the next day. lol
14-09-2007 21:41:34
You’ve successfully completed your mission and deciphered the whereabouts of the G6 GXP and the missing Halo® 3 games.
Your reward delivery of one of the first 1000 Halo 3 games beforeli it’s available to the general public.
Well done on the success of your mission.
liSponsor will make a good faith effort to deliver prizes to winners no later than September 24, 2007, one day before the public release date. Prizes will be sent via overnight courier to the address provided at time of entry. In no event shall Sponsor or Microsoft be liable in the event prizes are not delivered/received before the release date.
This was from the halo 3 pontiac promo that I just won about 10 minutes. I get to have the game before everyone else, along with 999 other people who do! WOOOO!
14-09-2007 22:58:43
DAMMIT! I wish I knew about this on time. Now it's too late. cry
14-09-2007 23:15:22
You’ve successfully completed your mission and deciphered the whereabouts of the G6 GXP and the missing Halo® 3 games.
Your reward delivery of one of the first 1000 Halo 3 games beforeli it’s available to the general public.
Well done on the success of your mission.
liSponsor will make a good faith effort to deliver prizes to winners no later than September 24, 2007, one day before the public release date. Prizes will be sent via overnight courier to the address provided at time of entry. In no event shall Sponsor or Microsoft be liable in the event prizes are not delivered/received before the release date.
This was from the halo 3 pontiac promo that I just won about 10 minutes. I get to have the game before everyone else, along with 999 other people who do! WOOOO![/quotee5ecab29d1]
Congrats I manage to reserve my copy today while picking up SKATE twisted
14-09-2007 23:27:18
Arg matee why didn't you tell us? (
I was a few minutes too late. The 2nd mission was still up but by the time I answered they were all gone. IT WAS SO EASY TOO! cry
15-09-2007 06:06:09
[quote343009f471="J4320"]Arg matee why didn't you tell us? (
I was a few minutes too late. The 2nd mission was still up but by the time I answered they were all gone. IT WAS SO EASY TOO! cry[/quote343009f471]
Couldn't have been, I just did the 2nd one, but didn't win (
15-09-2007 06:53:33
Sorry guys, all of the excitement must have gone to my head lol
Check slickdeals.net, they still have some good promos
15-09-2007 09:40:50
I won from pontiac too but maybe they'll DQ me since I won twice (me and my gf)...
15-09-2007 12:36:21
[quoted6a2acebea="DIABLO"][quoted6a2acebea="J4320"]Arg matee why didn't you tell us? (
I was a few minutes too late. The 2nd mission was still up but by the time I answered they were all gone. IT WAS SO EASY TOO! cry[/quoted6a2acebea]
Couldn't have been, I just did the 2nd one, but didn't win ([/quoted6a2acebea]
Ah I see. Maybe it was already expired but it let you play the 2nd one anyway. I did it about 10 minutes after he posted it though.
15-09-2007 17:01:38
[quote2659e1a4c9="hehehhehe"]I won from pontiac too but maybe they'll DQ me since I won twice (me and my gf)...[/quote2659e1a4c9]
The rules didnt say that there was a limit of how many prizes you could win. I only tried to win once, thats all I needed -)
16-09-2007 13:13:05
I already paid off my collector's edition (the $70 one, not the $140 one with the helmet) and I'm eagerly anticipating the release.
16-09-2007 14:06:40
Hmmm... I was planning on buying the normal one but I guess $10 extra can't hurt. I didn't preorder anything though so I'll see what I can get.
20-09-2007 22:45:03
Just wanted to gloat that I held (not directly) a copy of Halo 3 Legendary Edition! I work at UPS and always get to see this stuff wink I saw the bright yellow sticker and noticed it said the 25th which is the release date. Here's proof D

http/" alt=""/img453.imageshack.us/img="453/9528/motoq093xf3.jpg[" alt=""/img8068556729]
20-09-2007 23:25:04
[quoteebcfc4538d="ajasax"]Just wanted to gloat that I held (not directly) a copy of Halo 3 Legendary Edition! I work at UPS and always get to see this stuff wink I saw the bright yellow sticker and noticed it said the 25th which is the release date. Here's proof D

http/" alt=""/img453.imageshack.us/img="453/9528/motoq093xf3.jpg[" alt=""/imgebcfc4538d][/quoteebcfc4538d]
I think I just came in my pants.
20-09-2007 23:33:13
And you didn't take it...why?
21-09-2007 00:27:00
I know you're joking but I wonder how hard it really is to get a box like that out unnoticed. I should ask my friend who works at UPS. Or I can be lazy and ask asajax. ;)
BTW, enjoying those UPS discounts? P
21-09-2007 01:04:18
Haven't used any discounts yet, but hopefully will soon wink As for security, it's actually pretty lax. It differs from hub to hub, but at mine there are 2 old guys that wand you down if you make the metal detector go off. I've heard at some hubs there isn't any security at all lol I guess if you were desperate you could chuck the package over the fence or something shrug
21-09-2007 07:39:10
Haha, that's awesome that you got to hold it. I reserved two copies on accident actually, so I'm just going to go ahead and pay for both at two different places and if anyone needs one let me know and I can overnight it the 26th for a price of course. I'm definitely going to the midnight launch!
21-09-2007 10:52:27
Anyone else getting [b140a0fc433]PUMPED[/b140a0fc433]?!
21-09-2007 13:49:52
I still need to preorder at Best Buy. oops
21-09-2007 13:51:58
[quote35e4a48cfb="ajasax"]Haven't used any discounts yet, but hopefully will soon wink As for security, it's actually pretty lax. It differs from hub to hub, but at mine there are 2 old guys that wand you down if you make the metal detector go off. I've heard at some hubs there isn't any security at all lol I guess if you were desperate you could chuck the package over the fence or something shrug[/quote35e4a48cfb]
LOL... I'm walking with it....I'm walking with it....I'm walking with it....
OPPPSS... While i'm walking with it, it happens to FLY over the fense. hehehe
21-09-2007 21:28:40
[quoted0b2777184="Killer722"]Anyone else getting [bd0b2777184]PUMPED[/bd0b2777184]?![/quoted0b2777184]
I can't wait for the 25th. Chevelle concert + Halo 3 Seattle Launch Party featuring free stuff and matches against "celebs" + all nighter playing Halo 3 with friends = quite possibly best day of the year so far. School is going to absolutely suck the next day. lol
Swag Bag --

http//cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2007/09/medium_1417998861_4d0f803933_o.jpg[" alt=""/imgd0b2777184]
These Best Buy launch parties are gonna be awesome.
22-09-2007 07:04:19
I was woken up this morning by the UPS guy who delivered my two free copies of Halo 3. Nice.
EDIT I'll probably sell one copy so if anyone wants to pay at least retail to have a copy priority shipped to them today (you'll most likely get it Monday, a day before release) PM me.
22-09-2007 07:11:30
asshole( lol I just got live to work on my college's network. It was such a bitch. I made a mistake ordering with Amazon. It says shipping estimate 27th. ARGHEHTHEH!!
22-09-2007 08:37:54
[quote26e1b6da41="hehehhehe"]I was woken up this morning by the UPS guy who delivered my two free copies of Halo 3. Nice.
EDIT I'll probably sell one copy so if anyone wants to pay at least retail to have a copy priority shipped to them today (you'll most likely get it Monday, a day before release) PM me.[/quote26e1b6da41]
So you are already playing? I thought they would ship them like one day early?!
22-09-2007 09:27:58
[quotec321f804cc="JKirk"][quotec321f804cc="hehehhehe"]I was woken up this morning by the UPS guy who delivered my two free copies of Halo 3. Nice.
EDIT I'll probably sell one copy so if anyone wants to pay at least retail to have a copy priority shipped to them today (you'll most likely get it Monday, a day before release) PM me.[/quotec321f804cc]
So you are already playing? I thought they would ship them like one day early?![/quotec321f804cc]
I bet there's already tons of people online playing it even though the release isn't for 3 days.
Where do you get that "swag bag"
22-09-2007 09:37:10
Halo 3 is now available on torrents!!
22-09-2007 09:50:43
[quote41cbebb1b5="kidd2108"]Halo 3 is now available on torrents!![/quote41cbebb1b5]
It's been available online for a while now...
So you are already playing? I thought they would ship them like one day early?![/quote41cbebb1b5]
I haven't popped in my copy yet. I think they said that we'd get it on or before the 24th. The packages are marked 'Saturday Delivery' so they wanted us to have it today.
That swag bag is for the press to review and then it has to go back (read in the link), so it's not really swag.
22-09-2007 12:52:15
^ Yeah. It's weird how they put his gamertag on the bag though. A lot of people were getting pissed off at the guy reviewing the swag because in his video review he was going through the bag like a 6 year old and throwing everything aside and treating it like worthless junk.
22-09-2007 13:45:28
Yeah, I got my copy at 10 a.m. The game is awesome and the graphical set up from halo two is phenomenal!
22-09-2007 17:11:38
I'm picking mine up right after work on Tuesday and will probably play for 8 hours straight )
22-09-2007 22:22:03
iv had the game for a week. im watching my room mates play it now.
23-09-2007 00:25:48
Soooooo? Review?
23-09-2007 00:45:13
I kick ass at halo 2, but I haven't played it for a while.
Normally I would be hella excited about Halo 3, but my 9 y.o. nephew, who lives in Missouri, is borrowing my Xbox 360. I told him I wanted it back for Halo 3 but he seems to have a lot of fun with it. Sometimes he calls me and tells me he did something cool in Oblivion (Oblivion is his favorite game), and that he is getting real far in it.
So I don't have the heart to ask for it back. I guess I'll just wait until Christmas because that's when I'm going to see him next.
23-09-2007 06:28:56
I havent played through all of it, but im on mission 6 out of 8, and I must say it is amazing
Graphics 9.8/10
Its amazing, plain and simple. The environments are greatly detailed, Sgt. Johnson looks sooo different (in a next gen way), Cortana is, well, much more "detailed", and I love how you can walk in sand and turn around and see your foot prints. And how if you walk in water, you turn around and see a trail. And how if you are killed and land in water, you float up. ITS GREAT! the shadows arent half bad either, and the sky is amazing.
Gameplay 9.5/10
Same old halo, but with a twist. The rb and lb are used for reloading while dual wielding, and some new guns and new grenades have been added. The ai plays beautifully. The new special items, i.e. the deployable cover, the Regerator, and power drain to name a few, add a great twist to combat. Also, its great how you can pull off a turret (yes, pull off a turret) and use it to shoot people (drawbacks are moving slower and a limited ammo capacity). The only thing I didnt like was that the Human ai sometimes just does nothing ie If you go in a Mongoose or Warthog in the passenger seat, they sometimes dont drive, and if you want to kill a wraith while there are 2 Shade cannons shooting at you, it gets kinda annoying that you cant shoot them because u have to drive. Thats just me. Maybe u like to drive -)
Sound 10/10
The score is beautiful. Thumbs up to Marty, he knows whats up. The Arbiter sounds a bit different, as do the grunts and Miranda Keys, but its not a bad thing. Overall, everything sounds like it should
Replay value 9/10
There are skulls, but I have yet to find one. Im gonna spend another few trips thru capaign finding them. The Forge is also nice and you could have fun editing multiplayer maps.
Overall 9.8/10
Overall a beautiful game so far. The new features are great and only add to the fun. This game went far beyond my expectations. The cutscenes are beautifully done, and everything about seemed nearly perfect. I dont think they could have done anything more to improve the game, and that is why I give it a 9.8/10
23-09-2007 06:55:25
Meh -- I doubt I will get it. I have no time for any games besides a game of Madden here or there.
23-09-2007 09:51:18
TML you know you're my dog right? I'm still going to have to ask you to throw away your copy lol. I know I'm not playing single player until like my internet breaks/mass lag occurs.
23-09-2007 10:59:50
Just went out and got it reserved today. I cant wait till Tuesday. Im getting all my homework and stuff done through wednesday so that I can play halo all night.
23-09-2007 11:37:25
Pretty sure I will be failing my econ midterm on Thursday since I will be playing halo.
23-09-2007 11:45:48
Mine's on hold at home so I'll have to wait until I go home this weekend to play cry
23-09-2007 11:49:10
well my 360 needs to be sent off so I won't be playing it for at least 3 weeks or so.
23-09-2007 12:24:43
I want an xbox360 just to play this game (
23-09-2007 13:48:51
beat the game today.
23-09-2007 13:49:48
On what level?
23-09-2007 13:56:07
23-09-2007 14:02:51

http//images.gocomics.com/images/gc1/features/ga/nermal.gif[" alt=""/imgb7afb75209]
23-09-2007 14:25:28
normal )
23-09-2007 21:34:54
[quote42cd8183ce="Killer722"]TML you know you're my dog right? I'm still going to have to ask you to throw away your copy lol. I know I'm not playing single player until like my internet breaks/mass lag occurs.[/quote42cd8183ce]
) Im glad that I got the game early, or else I wouldnt have gotten to the campaign until October lol.
My mistake on the review, there are actually 9 missions in the game. I just beat the game on heroic today. The end sequence is shock
Here is a comparision of Halo, Halo 2 and Halo3 courtesy of gametrailers
On tuesday, im wearing a shirt that reveals the ending. If I dont post again, you'll know what happened to me )
JK, im not that evil.
24-09-2007 07:02:46
There are already people lined up at our GameStop here in WEST VIRGINIA. Ridiculous.
24-09-2007 07:56:30
[quotef371aae59a="JKirk"]There are already people lined up at our GameStop here in WEST VIRGINIA. Ridiculous.[/quotef371aae59a]Those are definitely some attention craving nerds. It's not like a freaking console launch where you can't reserve. I'm probably heading over to gamestop between 930 - 1030. Shame I will miss the heroes season premier, but I have class until 9 anyway.
24-09-2007 08:12:58
I reserved the game and paid in full....thus this mean they will hold the game for me?
24-09-2007 09:23:29
[quote0edbb92ea4="Killer722"][quote0edbb92ea4="JKirk"]There are already people lined up at our GameStop here in WEST VIRGINIA. Ridiculous.[/quote0edbb92ea4]Those are definitely some attention craving nerds. It's not like a freaking console launch where you can't reserve. I'm probably heading over to gamestop between 930 - 1030. Shame I will miss the heroes season premier, but I have class until 9 anyway.[/quote0edbb92ea4]
Heroes has re-runs, Halo 3 only has one launch day
24-09-2007 10:00:45
My GameStop called people who [b3272a018fc]reserved[/b3272a018fc] the game to come at 9 PM EST for the midnight launch. Why come 3 hours early for something you reserved? I guess it's just some ploy to prevent everyone from stampeding... We are getting 400 copies supposedly so it will be a madhouse. I will be posting pictures, heh. 8)
24-09-2007 14:00:32
I'm in college so I can't go, my game is reserved at an EB in Fort Wayne.
My mom will just pick it up on Tuesday some time and send it down to me.
24-09-2007 15:20:35
I just ordered it from Gamefly...I signed up for a 15 day free trial membership.
If anyone else wants to do this
At http//www.gamefly.com/promo/
Use coupon code 1PJHP5
2 Games out 15-day FREE Trial plus $10 Papa John's Gift Card using coupon code 1PJHP5
Good deal IMO.
I plan on playing during that 15-day trial...so that gives me time to buy the game itself. Till then I can play the rental =].
I was also informed that it ships from them tomorrow too...So I think I'm in good shape.
I should get it by Thursday latest I guess.
24-09-2007 15:29:37
[quote71c6be4847="samz465"]I just ordered it from Gamefly...I signed up for a 15 day free trial membership.
If anyone else wants to do this
At http//www.gamefly.com/promo/
Use coupon code 1PJHP5
2 Games out 15-day FREE Trial plus $10 Papa John's Gift Card using coupon code 1PJHP5
Good deal IMO.
I plan on playing during that 15-day trial...so that gives me time to buy the game itself. Till then I can play the rental =].
I was also informed that it ships from them tomorrow too...So I think I'm in good shape.
I should get it by Thursday latest I guess.[/quote71c6be4847]
Psh, I ordered Bioshock a week ago and it still hasn't shipped.
24-09-2007 15:41:11
So wants to exchange gametags for tonight?
24-09-2007 16:09:06
so many kids from my school are skipping tomorrow..
24-09-2007 16:09:14
[quotea3ebeac210="JKirk"][quotea3ebeac210="samz465"]I just ordered it from Gamefly...I signed up for a 15 day free trial membership.
If anyone else wants to do this
At http//www.gamefly.com/promo/
Use coupon code 1PJHP5
2 Games out 15-day FREE Trial plus $10 Papa John's Gift Card using coupon code 1PJHP5
Good deal IMO.
I plan on playing during that 15-day trial...so that gives me time to buy the game itself. Till then I can play the rental =].
I was also informed that it ships from them tomorrow too...So I think I'm in good shape.
I should get it by Thursday latest I guess.[/quotea3ebeac210]
Psh, I ordered Bioshock a week ago and it still hasn't shipped.[/quotea3ebeac210]
I hate you.
24-09-2007 17:25:04
a lil over 4 hr till release
yeah i have had a lot going on. i was playing rappelz like crazy and then stopped cold turkey. doing applications and stuff. I am very tempted to head out to walmart tomorrow morning and pick up a copy with my walmart gc. i also have a game ready to be ordered at the trainn games site.
problem is that if i get too addicted i wont get stuff done that i need done )
i think i can get it and show some self-control )
not going to play 2nite though.
i also have a fresh gold membership to add onto my expired one, plus the 1 month i got free when they were fixing my 360.
not sure what i am going to do, but i am sure halo will be sweet )
24-09-2007 19:20:20
2 hours until Halo 3!!!
24-09-2007 19:45:18
I ended up just preordering at my local gamestop (this way I'm guaranteed a copy). I really wanted to go to the Best Buy launch party in Seattle. What a bummer. cry
24-09-2007 19:55:53
Yea i think the store I'm going to is having chicken wings...i just want my copy...1 hour to go...8)
24-09-2007 20:25:05
I wish i was the same gamer I was two years ago...
I didn't even preorder lol.
Gnite guys.
Have fun playing.
I'm just not as into it anymore...
Maybe I'll get back into it over Christmas break.
24-09-2007 20:56:40
my brother is getting a 360 next week to play halo 3. can't wait to see what all the hype is about! i'm a ps3 fangirl myself, just got done beating heavenly sword!
25-09-2007 00:49:42
Just got back form a halo 3 launch at some Microsoft building. The game is alright, I still don't see what is so great about it. I just went because I wanted to win a xb0x360. I did not win anything either cry . At least I got free food.
25-09-2007 02:21:24
Taking a break wanted to say hi twisted
25-09-2007 03:58:00
I pre-ordered from Amazon a few days ago and it was waiting for me at my doorstep when I woke up this morning. Nice.
25-09-2007 04:05:15
Got it last night and played 4-5 games on Live. I think it's awesome, I had a chance to hit some guys with the gravity hammer. lol
25-09-2007 08:49:09
cry I just want to play
25-09-2007 10:03:31
i bought an xbox just to play it and my game comes in on friday
25-09-2007 13:43:15
ahh this game is amazing. Great handling and everything is more realistic.
25-09-2007 13:45:47
[quote4c0265db42="hitnaui"]Just got back form a halo 3 launch at some Microsoft building. The game is alright, I still don't see what is so great about it. I just went because I wanted to win a xb0x360. I did not win anything either cry . At least I got free food.[/quote4c0265db42]
What? The game is awesome. I guess you don't have fun with too many video games.
Anyway, I got it earlier today and I started playing through some of the campaign on Heroic. This game is amazing. The Brutehammer is so fun to smack things with. I'm still kind of rusty on the controls. Sometimes I'll deploy a shield instead of reloading. oops
25-09-2007 14:10:46
[quote578f7f1114="J4320"][quote578f7f1114="hitnaui"]Just got back form a halo 3 launch at some Microsoft building. The game is alright, I still don't see what is so great about it. I just went because I wanted to win a xb0x360. I did not win anything either cry . At least I got free food.[/quote578f7f1114]
What? The game is awesome. I guess you don't have fun with too many video games.
Anyway, I got it earlier today and I started playing through some of the campaign on Heroic. This game is amazing. The Brutehammer is so fun to smack things with. I'm still kind of rusty on the controls. Sometimes I'll deploy a shield instead of reloading. oops[/quote578f7f1114]
haha yeah i do that all the time cause im used to X as reload. Oh well, itll take some getting used to be the game is da shit.
get at me so that we can play some live.
25-09-2007 16:51:55
indeed the game is great been playing 4player coop on legendary lots of fun! Stroid01 = Gamertag
25-09-2007 19:38:29
Got mine today!
25-09-2007 20:05:20
Anyone wanna play Legendary online co-op? woot
25-09-2007 20:19:30
wtf is up with those fucking black bars on each side. i keep getting them on my friend's HDTV. It only happens when you play the game, but the menu takes up the full screen. Anyone else get the black bars on the sides?
25-09-2007 20:22:05
This game is amazing. I just beat it on Heroic Co-op. I know I know not legendary but my friends wouldnt play on legendary. Anyone up for the challenge though I am ready. [b0ecb5e78ec]Gamertag >>>> Snipey2[/b0ecb5e78ec]
25-09-2007 20:58:48
Gah Halo 3 bugged me today.
If any of you know what Company of Heroes is, it's one of the best RTS' out to date (rated 96% by PC Gamer). It's a WWII RTS, and has such amazing detail in graphic models, that many thought it was an FPS.
ANYWAY, the expansion pack came out today, same day as halo 3, and I pre-ordered it at gamestop. Walked in to grab it on my way to work, and it was jam packed with halo fans. That was probably the most annoying part of my whole day..the cashier even seemed automatically ready for me to say I pre-ordered halo 3. When I said I pre-ordered Opposing Fronts, he gave me an odd look, lol lol
I'll get halo 3 when my 3 red light bug is fixed on my 360...which according to microsoft, thats another 2-3 weeks...
26-09-2007 00:40:17
I'll be down to co-op online tomorrow night...
26-09-2007 08:07:55
[quoted53e0de6b0="Wolfeman"]I'll be down to co-op online tomorrow night...[/quoted53e0de6b0]
twisted GMARIO50000 twisted had to make a new gamertag cry
26-09-2007 08:19:46
My gamertag is iiiusion. Add me if you wish.
The Elephant vehicle is so fun to mess around with. lol
26-09-2007 09:14:13
[quotea7666336c2="Powerbook"]wtf is up with those fucking black bars on each side. i keep getting them on my friend's HDTV. It only happens when you play the game, but the menu takes up the full screen. Anyone else get the black bars on the sides?[/quotea7666336c2]
I'm not particularly sure, but I think it has to do with the television's resolution settings, and/or the console+game settings.
26-09-2007 13:28:41
[quote7035fe1e2c="TFOAF"][quote7035fe1e2c="Powerbook"]wtf is up with those fucking black bars on each side. i keep getting them on my friend's HDTV. It only happens when you play the game, but the menu takes up the full screen. Anyone else get the black bars on the sides?[/quote7035fe1e2c]
I'm not particularly sure, but I think it has to do with the television's resolution settings, and/or the console+game settings.[/quote7035fe1e2c]
Yep. He needs to adjust his HDTV settings on his 360 and/or on his HDTV. What a silly noob.
26-09-2007 18:53:36
360 is off being repaired by microsoft
get it back by saturday probably
have the game tho
26-09-2007 18:58:19
My brother is in the same situation. He has 2 more weeks to wait - so I loaned him my Xbox. Yes, I'm a nice brother.
26-09-2007 19:41:13
Aright did anybody beat Halo 3 yet?
I actually beat it yesterday on Heroic. Yea I was def a loser and played Halo all day haha.
I'd like to get started on Legendary tonight though if anyone is interested.
O and I'm up to level 6 on Multiplayer. I will own everybody here.
26-09-2007 21:12:06
[quote8dbc2b4436="J4320"]My gamertag is iiiusion. Add me if you wish.
The Elephant vehicle is so fun to mess around with. lol[/quote8dbc2b4436]
I added you about to get online.
26-09-2007 22:55:25
I beat it. On legendary cause I'm pro. And I only used one friend. Definitely my favorite halo campaign of the series. Lovvvveeddd the last mission.
26-09-2007 23:19:39
So I just bought a xbox 360 elite and halo 3, add me if you want x323mostwantedx , I added some of you already.
27-09-2007 11:09:47
[quote26ed3d7aee="x323smostwantedx"]So I just bought a xbox 360 elite and halo 3, add me if you want x323mostwantedx , I added some of you already.[/quote26ed3d7aee]
Be on tonight 8)
27-09-2007 12:04:46
[quotee922a70875="gmario"][quotee922a70875="J4320"]My gamertag is iiiusion. Add me if you wish.
The Elephant vehicle is so fun to mess around with. lol[/quotee922a70875]
I added you about to get online.[/quotee922a70875]
I don't think you did add me... I know x323 did though.
27-09-2007 12:07:50
[quote7e2457d446="Killer722"]I beat it. On legendary cause I'm pro. And I only used one friend. Definitely my favorite halo campaign of the series. Lovvvveeddd the last mission.[/quote7e2457d446]
I'll be impressed once you beat it on legendary by yourself. ;)
I've beaten Halo CE on legendary by myself. As for Halo 2, I got too bored of the campaign to go back and play it again. lol
I'm playing through on Heroic by myself for now. Was the achievement for beating it on legendary pretty big?
27-09-2007 12:08:17
yours came back invalid just add me 8) GMARIO50000 I'm about to get on again after i get back.
27-09-2007 12:10:20
dats way hard 2 do dood just add me haha
added j00
27-09-2007 12:12:58
Beating it on legendary gave me the achievement for beating it on legendary, heroic, and normal. I got 425G for beating it. Not including the separate achievements for each mission.
27-09-2007 12:16:25
[quotecd23f9e892="Killer722"]Beating it on legendary gave me the achievement for beating it on legendary, heroic, and normal. I got 425G for beating it. Not including the separate achievements for each mission.[/quotecd23f9e892]
That's stupid. I hate it when games do that. I think GoW does it too. You didn't beat it on heroic; you beat it on legendary, therefore you should get legendary only. It'd be more reasonable that way. That's just my opinion. What do you think? Oh and good job btw, I'm sure it's very difficult even with a partner. P
27-09-2007 12:45:42
I will be on tonight, hit me up on gigante if u wanna slaughter my ass.
I was a bit disappointed with the ending...
But if the same holds true as the previous games did, there is another ending (the real one) on Legendary.
27-09-2007 17:54:59
Did anybody notice the extended ending if you beat it on legendary?
Speaking of Legendary, does anyone want to do Legendary tonight? I got one other person that is going to join, so I only need 2 people.
27-09-2007 18:08:23
I might be down, what's your gamertag?
27-09-2007 19:20:31
Yea I am in. Did you guys start yet?
No, it will start in about 2 hours... Whats your gamertag?
27-09-2007 19:48:37
The game will start in 55 minutes (9 PM west).
Need one more person to join.
27-09-2007 22:31:28
[quote47c856428d="h3x"]I was a bit disappointed with the ending...
But if the same holds true as the previous games did, there is another ending (the real one) on Legendary.[/quote47c856428d]
Wasn't the ending the same for all difficulties on Halo 2?
27-09-2007 22:45:11
[quote5dab27b260="J4320"][quote5dab27b260="h3x"]I was a bit disappointed with the ending...
But if the same holds true as the previous games did, there is another ending (the real one) on Legendary.[/quote5dab27b260]
Wasn't the ending the same for all difficulties on Halo 2?[/quote5dab27b260]
You will see how the very end of the Legendary Halo 2 ending ties into Halo 3. Same goes for Halo 1 to 2 (only difference between Halo 1 endings was to show that Sgt. Major was still alive despite Cortana saying that all life forms were deceased).
But there is still a gap between Halo 2 and 3, apparently they are releasing the filler in the form of HALO Uprising (A four-part book series being published by Marvel Comics, Issue 1 is already available and Issue 2 will be released in October).
I won't spoil the ending for those that haven't finished Halo 3 yet, but I have the feeling that the true ending is the exact opposite of the events post-Halo (I'm sure I could look it up on YouTube, but I don't want to spoil it for myself).
28-09-2007 00:17:05
http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-QfQWOkzV0 Halo 300 is a way cooler video.
28-09-2007 00:26:01
Strange. That's the video that I saw when I beat Halo 2 (in reference to h3x's Youtube link). I [if88a2a584b]thought[/if88a2a584b] I beat it on heroic only but I must have also beaten it on legendary to see that because I have seen that ending before when completing the game.
28-09-2007 10:22:04
I just got a new lcd tv, so figured might as well get halo 3 as well, honestly never played halo 1 or 2 only shooters I played was the call of duty's, honestly pretty bad in multiplayer, managing to get like 15 kills in the few rounds i have played, but clueless, the hammers and shields u were talkin about I have no idea what it is, I just shoot and punch people lol.
regardless looking for some games with people who arnt gonna be moron's on the mic and stuff. Pm me if u want my username.
28-09-2007 10:24:10
[quotefa1614da36="ClassAct"]I just got a new lcd tv, so figured might as well get halo 3 as well, honestly never played halo 1 or 2 only shooters I played was the call of duty's, honestly pretty bad in multiplayer, managing to get like 15 kills in the few rounds i have played, but clueless, the hammers and shields u were talkin about I have no idea what it is, I just shoot and punch people lol.
regardless looking for some games with people who arnt gonna be moron's on the mic and stuff. Pm me if u want my username.[/quotefa1614da36]
When I played halo 2 on friends xbox 360 on live i just went and murdered people, had no clue what I was doing, lol
28-09-2007 13:25:26
28-09-2007 13:49:25
[quote17a10ab69b="tylerc"]THIS IS SIIIIIIIIIIICK[/quote17a10ab69b]
lol i no rite?
The campaign is INCREDIBLE. The beauty of the landscape is blissful and it makes you feel small. I have to say that this is definitely better than Halo CE.
28-09-2007 17:24:47
NYT is on crack. they wrote on article saying halo 3 sucks. Just because the editor was getting slaughtered on multiplayer doesn't mean he has to be a butthead.
28-09-2007 19:57:37
[quote50a2ee394d="Gigante"]NYT is on crack. they wrote on article saying halo 3 sucks. Just because the editor was getting slaughtered on multiplayer doesn't mean he has to be a butthead.[/quote50a2ee394d]
LOL but you are totally proving him right.
[quote50a2ee394d="NYT"]It is difficult to say that one likes, but does not love, a Halo game. [b50a2ee394d]Halo fans are so worshipful of the series that anything short of drooling admiration is seen as something akin to blasphemy.[/b50a2ee394d] One is expected to love Halo games the way one is expected to love Harry Potter, “American Idol,” Tom Hanks, the Beatles and chocolate (some of which I love, some of which I don’t).[/quote50a2ee394d]
28-09-2007 23:45:58
[quote90e279e970="hehehhehe"][quote90e279e970="Gigante"]NYT is on crack. they wrote on article saying halo 3 sucks. Just because the editor was getting slaughtered on multiplayer doesn't mean he has to be a butthead.[/quote90e279e970]
LOL but you are totally proving him right.
[quote90e279e970="NYT"]It is difficult to say that one likes, but does not love, a Halo game. [b90e279e970]Halo fans are so worshipful of the series that anything short of drooling admiration is seen as something akin to blasphemy.[/b90e279e970] One is expected to love Halo games the way one is expected to love Harry Potter, “American Idol,” Tom Hanks, the Beatles and chocolate (some of which I love, some of which I don’t).[/quote90e279e970][/quote90e279e970]
I have no problem with a warranted bashing or unbiased comments based on what is obvious, but the entire article seems bent on trying to say the game is like the previous versions. The article is just one sided, much like most of the articles in NYT. This is the equivalent to saying, "you just don't agree with me on the war because you are naive". The graphics are amazingly better, the triangle of weapons is rebalanced and shooting is no longer the only way to kill people, the additional features like the four person online co-op. To try to make the claim it is the same is just silly.
What is even more surprising is that the game actually runs native at 640p, but the method they used is very clever.
They used 2 frame buffers (instead of one) rendering at 1152x640 for high and low dynamic ranges.
Then, the 2 frame buffers are combined so that not only will you get up to full 1080p resolution via the Xbox 360 scaler, but you'll get also get amazing lighting effects as well... I'm sure that you'll see more games being released using this method.
[quotee9447aa251]This ability to display a full range of HDR, combined with our advanced lighting, material and postprocessing engine, gives our scenes, large and small, a compelling, convincing and ultimately “real” feeling, and at a steady and smooth frame rate, which in the end was far more important to us than the ability to display a few extra pixels. Making this decision simpler still is the fact that the 360 scales the
“almost-720p” image effortlessly all the way up to 1080p if you so desire.
In fact, if you do a comparison shot between the native 1152x640 image and the scaled 1280x720, it’s practically impossible to discern the difference.[/quotee9447aa251]
29-09-2007 08:40:35
[quote837510d43b="Gigante"]I have no problem with a warranted bashing or unbiased comments based on what is obvious, but the entire article seems bent on trying to say the game is like the previous versions. The article is just one sided, much like most of the articles in NYT. This is the equivalent to saying, "you just don't agree with me on the war because you are naive". The graphics are amazingly better, the triangle of weapons is rebalanced and shooting is no longer the only way to kill people, the additional features like the four person online co-op. To try to make the claim it is the same is just silly.[/quote837510d43b]
The review was positive overall (metacritic assigns the NYT review an 81), he even says the multiplayer is a "beautifully designed multiplayer experience." You say he bashed it because he sucks at MP but all he does is praise it. He just says the solo campaign is forgettable. Are we reading the same article?
Here's the link of what I read, just to make sure we're on the same page.
So again, if we are reading the same review, you're just upset that he isn't praising it to death lol. You bring up the war but aren't you the one that's all upset that someone doesn't agree with you completely? If you already say the NYT is "one sided," who's the biased one?
[quote837510d43b="h3x"]What is even more surprising is that the game actually runs native at 640p, but the method they used is very clever.
They used 2 frame buffers (instead of one) rendering at 1152x640 for high and low dynamic ranges.[/quote837510d43b]
Well yeah, but what they said is just damage control after some people were pissed about it not being 720p. That Bungie quote is nothing but explanations as to why they couldn't reach 720p. Otherwise they would've talked this frame buffer aspect up before the release (not that they need to to sell the game). There are some people on xbox scene that complain about the resolution being not as sharp on their 1080p screens. I think those people complaining about it being 640p are just nit pickers anyway, although the Halo 3 box claims it is HD, which has to be 720p at a minimum.
29-09-2007 10:10:53
Yo J4320 you missed out last night ?
29-09-2007 12:50:29
That sounds kind of... dirty. lol
But yeah sorry about that. RIGHT when he adds me I did something that took me back to the dashboard then my 360 didn't recognize my disk at all. I restarted it for probably 20 minutes straight just to trying to get it working but it wouldn't work. It really pisses me off. Normally it only takes around 10 restarts to work and recognize the disk. Time to get a new 360. |
They never said they couldn't reach native HD resolution, they explained why they decided to use this method instead, and the sole reason for it was lighting... But I agree, only the extreme video "buffs" are complaining about this one.
29-09-2007 13:33:23
29-09-2007 15:22:19
[quote9a99585052="J4320"]That sounds kind of... dirty. lol
But yeah sorry about that. RIGHT when he adds me I did something that took me back to the dashboard then my 360 didn't recognize my disk at all. I restarted it for probably 20 minutes straight just to trying to get it working but it wouldn't work. It really pisses me off. Normally it only takes around 10 restarts to work and recognize the disk. Time to get a new 360. |[/quote9a99585052]
Damn, that sucks. It's your 360 that's bad and not the disc (read problems about it not counting the limited edition packaging problem)? If it's past the one year warranty for the DVD drive, wait until you get it to RRoD so you can have them replace it.
29-09-2007 15:53:36
I know it's the DVD drive that's malfunctioning. It rarely works with any 360 games but it works fine with Xbox games. I'm gonna go to Target and buy a core 360 today then send my original 360 back for repairs. Then I'll just return the core to Target. I MUST keep playing Halo. lol
I would say to hold out on the Xbox you have now, 65nm Xbox is coming soon and that should take care of RRoD, low power consumption and an overall quieter console.
29-09-2007 16:29:51
[quote70c5b0f92d="J4320"]That sounds kind of... dirty. lol
But yeah sorry about that. RIGHT when he adds me I did something that took me back to the dashboard then my 360 didn't recognize my disk at all. I restarted it for probably 20 minutes straight just to trying to get it working but it wouldn't work. It really pisses me off. Normally it only takes around 10 restarts to work and recognize the disk. Time to get a new 360. |[/quote70c5b0f92d]
29-09-2007 18:23:49
So I just got back from digital life in NYC and I placed 4th in the Halo 3 FFA tourney of 160 people. I won $50 D
01-10-2007 23:11:46
Download "Buttscream" and watch it (strange name, I know). It's rly funny (only like 8 seconds). That was during a ranked game of double team and the other player just happened to be there at the right moment when I slid out of the anal cavity. The other player was oblivious to the opening of the anus even though he should have checked when it made the opening noise.
02-10-2007 03:41:54
[quote22d26cce90="Killer722"]So I just got back from digital life in NYC and I placed 4th in the Halo 3 FFA tourney of 160 people. I won $50 D[/quote22d26cce90]
Grats! What did the 1st place winner get?
The most action I got yesterday was a "killing frenzy", killing 13 people in a row lol This was during team slayer, but my team was horrible. I got like 20 kills, and they each had 4 lol Im pretty sure im just not a sucky as they are, but I am in no way a "halo god"
02-10-2007 16:28:55
First place got $250. I had bad luck in the finals or I would have wooped those kids.
03-10-2007 14:56:05
INSANE grenade stick ---
03-10-2007 18:02:42
Brother and I were all set to play tonight. Then, the red ring of death. -(
03-10-2007 18:35:50
[quotea7650512b4="KeithA"]Brother and I were all set to play tonight. Then, the red ring of death. -([/quotea7650512b4]Ouch. That sucks dude.
03-10-2007 18:45:56
so i called xbox support to see what was taking so long, but i had kinda forgotten about halo 3 but when the guy put me on hold to check my status it started playing the halo theme song and i remembered why i was so pissed about not having it in the first place
05-10-2007 10:37:21
05-10-2007 13:15:20
05-10-2007 14:57:21
08-10-2007 21:13:25
08-10-2007 22:09:51
I was one of two guys who got hit by 1 bullet in the head on the pit. The guy shot my teammate through the crack in the head, and i was a little behind him. It was awesome.
08-10-2007 22:16:17
I just got lucky. Too bad it was a custom game. (
10-10-2007 14:31:01
Chome9k if anyone wants to play some halo 3
10-10-2007 18:10:24
wucwongforpres is mine if you wanna roll
so i love the game, i must say.
Single player was a wonderful experience of gorgeous scenery and great game play.
the AI is better in this version. I will have to see what legendary is like but I beat it on heroic thursday. only problem i had was that i got a disc read error at the end of one of the chapters so i did not get credit for beating that chapter -> no credit for beating it on heroic.
Initially i thought all of the weapons that u can dual wield were horrible. but then i discovered that dual wielding a mauler with a rapidly firing weapon is quite effective.
also, utilizing your ability to shoot from a distance, especially with weapons from vehicles helps greatly in single player.
14-10-2007 00:48:25
The Orange Box is temporarily keeping me away from Halo 3. lol
14-10-2007 11:30:53
[quote75f02329c2="jy3"]so i love the game, i must say.
Single player was a wonderful experience of gorgeous scenery and great game play.
the AI is better in this version. I will have to see what legendary is like but I beat it on heroic thursday. only problem i had was that i got a disc read error at the end of one of the chapters so i did not get credit for beating that chapter -> no credit for beating it on heroic.
Initially i thought all of the weapons that u can dual wield were horrible. but then i discovered that dual wielding a mauler with a rapidly firing weapon is quite effective.
also, utilizing your ability to shoot from a distance, especially with weapons from vehicles helps greatly in single player.[/quote75f02329c2]
Agreed.... you are no longer able to dual wield the needler(in multiplayer at least) people are getting really good using the needler online. I find that dual wielding the SMG's is VERY effective online in the maps that it is available on. Working with a team and you being the support fire with the SMG's is awesome. Overall the game is terrific.
BTW j4 whats an orange box?
14-10-2007 13:40:21
[quotef0b881830d="chrome89k"][quotef0b881830d="jy3"]so i love the game, i must say.
Single player was a wonderful experience of gorgeous scenery and great game play.
the AI is better in this version. I will have to see what legendary is like but I beat it on heroic thursday. only problem i had was that i got a disc read error at the end of one of the chapters so i did not get credit for beating that chapter -> no credit for beating it on heroic.
Initially i thought all of the weapons that u can dual wield were horrible. but then i discovered that dual wielding a mauler with a rapidly firing weapon is quite effective.
also, utilizing your ability to shoot from a distance, especially with weapons from vehicles helps greatly in single player.[/quotef0b881830d]
Agreed.... you are no longer able to dual wield the needler(in multiplayer at least) people are getting really good using the needler online. I find that dual wielding the SMG's is VERY effective online in the maps that it is available on. Working with a team and you being the support fire with the SMG's is awesome. Overall the game is terrific.
BTW j4 whats an orange box?[/quotef0b881830d]
I don't bother searching the map for dual weildable stuff. It's all about the well placed grenades followed up with a spray and melee from the assault rifle while going for the rockets, sniper, shotgun, etc. Grenades are crucial to being a good player.
Anyway, the Orange Box is 4 Half-Life games and Team Fortress 2. It came out on the 10th. It's AWESOME and it's DEFINITELY worth your money.
Here's Portal, one of the 5 games --
14-10-2007 14:04:10
I dont go around looking to dual wield certain guns... But when you run across them especially in the Pit, and The level where you have to fly from one end of the map to the other, it is usefull to pick up the SMG's along your travels.
How many offers for Halo 3 on megafreebie? lol
try the mauler dualwield with a rapid fire gun. i find it just as effective against good players as a shotgun.
i agree that grenades are key
i will be playing likely 1pm-6pm eastern tomorrow 10/15 if anyone is interested.
aeneasiii is the nic
10-11-2007 20:02:19
I'm still playing and enjoying Halo 3.
Is anyone else still playing and enjoying Halo 3?
10-11-2007 20:24:23
Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?
10-11-2007 20:26:42
I do -- first time multiplayer today -- then the servers crash and uhh no more online for me.
10-11-2007 21:28:55
[quote072016a86a="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote072016a86a]
Yeah I was going to post about it. I played it with the surround sound (I don't usually since it's too loud for my gf) and it was intense.
10-11-2007 23:09:32
orgasmic with surround sound... ineed to get it.. i'm going to buy it on black friday along with some other games... ill post about it then...
and yea halo crashes and i stopped playing
10-11-2007 23:42:03
[quote5be104d2df="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote5be104d2df]got it today )
11-11-2007 00:49:33
I'm waiting for Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed. ;)
[quote58fb76c994="chrome89k"]orgasmic with surround sound... ineed to get it.. i'm going to buy it on black friday along with some other games... ill post about it then...
and yea halo crashes and i stopped playing[/quote58fb76c994]
halo never crashes for me. occasionally it resets the game search....
i ordered guitar hero iii on trainn 360 games the other day. not gonna get cod4. gonna get mass effect for xmas but waiting on that until i play halo more )
just noticed one of the skulls i got did not register...gonna have to get it again once i figure out which one it is
20-11-2007 17:17:02
Has anyone bought Mass Effect? I bought it earlier today. It's REALLY fun. D
20-11-2007 18:12:39
Who else has Call of Duty?
Which is best out of the 4?
I've only played 2 and three so far, and I felt 2 was way better.
20-11-2007 18:29:00
[quote10adfddcdd="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote10adfddcdd]
COD4 has been it for me too recently. Haven't played Halo 3 since COD4 came out.
i am suffering waiting for mass effect )
looks so sweet.
of course the ultimate xbox game would be an mmorpg. that would rock.
anyway, i need a good doubles teamate and good team slayer teamates b/c i need to level in something and lone wolves is killing me - cant get above the low 30s
20-11-2007 20:05:16
[quotebf9f512aaa="samz465"]Who else has Call of Duty?
Which is best out of the 4?
I've only played 2 and three so far, and I felt 2 was way better.[/quotebf9f512aaa]
COD4 is incredible. I'd say it is the best of the 4.
3 was worse than COD1 and 2 since it was not developed by infinity ward, who did COD1, 2, and came back to make COD4.
21-11-2007 01:38:52
COD4 is pretty sick.
Assassins Creed is good so far.
21-11-2007 09:47:44
Yeah 2 was way better than 3...however 4 takes it all
21-11-2007 09:48:49
Anyone still playing halo and want to get together and play it on legendary?
21-11-2007 12:25:51
I just started playing a lot now that my semester is winding to a close. I am playing custom games and matchmaking a lot this weekend since i'm home with nothing to do.
gamertag afreewii
21-11-2007 13:16:28
Matchmaking in the lower levels is a lot of fun. Right now I'm level 40 in Lone Wolves and everyone is very even matched. At the end of a slayer game everyone has at least 20 kills.
21-11-2007 14:45:58
Gamertag Weatherman01
21-11-2007 14:49:11
GT N1ghtmare 360
Just got Halo 3 a few days ago
so i have decided that rocket race is a lot of fun )
as all know, new maps 12/11 for 800 gp
08-12-2007 16:22:11
[quoteaad49f8d2e="J4320"]Matchmaking in the lower levels is a lot of fun. Right now I'm level 40 in Lone Wolves and everyone is very even matched. At the end of a slayer game everyone has at least 20 kills.[/quoteaad49f8d2e]
Lone wolves is pretty kick ass right now since im at level 40. Everyone is very evenly matched.
I have been playing doubles lately with a friend and that is pretty sweet too. Lots of teamwork involved in the higher levels.
I dont know what you guys are talking about halo crashes. Halo has never crashed for me before.
And as for the best dual weild combo....id say go for that dual spikers and finish up with a melee.
Tell me how the new maps are then. Not sure if I will buy them yet.
08-12-2007 17:11:28
COD4 > Halo3
08-12-2007 18:15:56
sorry for being a noob, but what does that stand for?
08-12-2007 21:18:26
[quote8d80463ba3="Powerbook"]sorry for being a noob, but what does that stand for?[/quote8d80463ba3]
[b8d80463ba3]G[/b8d80463ba3]uitar [b8d80463ba3]H[/b8d80463ba3]ero [b8d80463ba3]3[/b8d80463ba3]>[b8d80463ba3]C[/b8d80463ba3]all [b8d80463ba3]O[/b8d80463ba3]f [b8d80463ba3]D[/b8d80463ba3]uty [b8d80463ba3]4[/b8d80463ba3]
10-12-2007 17:34:15
[quote5878c213f4="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote5878c213f4]I am on it like a crack fiend...havent touched Halo since I think you are on my buddy list.
11-12-2007 19:13:59
ugh just 2 more finals then i am free to play
11-12-2007 19:34:23
[quote1eb181dc84="Stroid"][quote1eb181dc84="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote1eb181dc84]I am on it like a crack fiend...havent touched Halo since I think you are on my buddy list.[/quote1eb181dc84]
Yea I am, invite me sometime, but only if you wanna get ownd wink
13-12-2007 18:24:26
[quote1e0a09b742="x323smostwantedx"][quote1e0a09b742="Stroid"][quote1e0a09b742="x323smostwantedx"]Call of Duty 4 took me away from my halo addiction
Does anyone else have COD4?[/quote1e0a09b742]I am on it like a crack fiend...havent touched Halo since I think you are on my buddy list.[/quote1e0a09b742]
Yea I am, invite me sometime, but only if you wanna get ownd wink[/quote1e0a09b742]level 44 I think ill be alright lol ....although that doesnt really mean shit but I can definitly handle my own.
i have been frustrated with trueskill. I can win 5 in a row on lone wolves against guys around or near my rank and then get one 3rd place and go down before I go up. SO frustrating.
16-12-2007 12:10:21
I asked for COD4 for Christmas, I saw some of my friend's roommates playing it the other week, looks fucking sweet.
yeah i cannot wait for mass effect. likely that will take over my h3 playing
19-12-2007 16:30:08
^ Waiting for it for Christmas or something?