Official 360 Game Thread
17-11-2006 14:00:07
Alright, so I edited an old thread of mine so we won't have to keep posting in the Halo 3 thread about other 360 games. This thread was also a Halo 3 thread (go figure) but I edited it to make it a 360 game thread.
19-11-2006 13:08:07
I posted this yesterday, and no replies? I guess we don't have too many Halo fans here. |
19-11-2006 13:10:58
/reply P
The screenies look cool. We'll just have to see what it's like when it's released.
19-11-2006 13:14:25
Looks awesome! can't wait.
19-11-2006 14:21:40
i dont think it looks that great for 360 capabilities.
19-11-2006 22:42:33
the graphics don't even look that good -/
19-11-2006 22:46:40
I am disappointed as well so far.
20-11-2006 16:23:43
In the Electronic Gaming Monthly article, they said that the multiplayer still has an entire coat of graphical work planned. The single player, on the other hand, was semi-ready, and EGM said it looked incredible. I'm not that big of a Halo fan, personally, but I definitely will get this game and you all know you will too. D
20-11-2006 17:07:08
I can not wait for this game. I love Halo and love multiplayer and Halo is the ultimate multiplayer game.
unknown uchiha
20-11-2006 17:12:14
Oh that's beautiful. And for my 3,000th post too lol.
20-11-2006 17:32:32
any speculation on launch day?
i should be gettin gears of war soon too
20-11-2006 17:45:11
[quotec33d725329="syriandoode"]any speculation on launch day?
i should be gettin gears of war soon too[/quotec33d725329]
Spring '07 I believe.
Gear > All.
20-11-2006 17:49:10
Halo 2 is the only game I play, and I am pretty good at it
20-11-2006 18:31:34
free beta testing of halo 3 multiplayer planned next spring.
20-11-2006 18:37:59

http//[" alt=""/img1af15ead79]
20-11-2006 19:13:58
20-11-2006 22:02:24
I'm preordering now...
20-11-2006 22:07:05
Where's the best place to pre-order? Anyway I can like pick it up the day it's released or something.. i've never pre-ordered anything.
20-11-2006 22:15:03
Meh I wouldn't bother preordering. It's really not that big of a deal. If they are sold out, new shipments will come in less than a week most likely.
I remember back when Halo 2 came out there were plenty of copies at Costco available after the launch.
20-11-2006 22:22:08
But I need it like the second it comes out
20-11-2006 22:24:52
[quote8866496cfc="bruman"]But I need it like the second it comes out[/quote8866496cfc]
I never thought of you as a "have to have it right away" type of person. ;)
20-11-2006 23:04:41
[quote2b722b6dfd="J4320"]Meh I wouldn't bother preordering. It's really not that big of a deal. If they are sold out, new shipments will come in less than a week most likely.
I remember back when Halo 2 came out there were plenty of copies at Costco available after the launch.[/quote2b722b6dfd]
Same with me. I went at like 8pm on launch day and there 100's of copies left. 1000's sold.
20-11-2006 23:10:22
Yeah you don't really need to preorder, just grab one launch day at BB or CC...
05-12-2006 09:33:54
05-12-2006 10:05:23
eh I honestly wasnt that impressed with the commercial i saw...although i will still buy the game and I registered to be a beta tester
05-12-2006 10:52:01
i bet it will be better than most people expect it to be.
What are everyones expectations?
05-12-2006 11:03:28
I think it'll be awesome. It seems like it's combining elements of Halo 1 as well (they have a new Assault Rifle type thing instead of the Battle Rifle). I really hope they get rid of dual wielding, well at least, most of it.
It was cool at first but I got sick of it pretty quickly. I hope they'll have a few dual wielding type of guns but not too many. It started to annoy me when the game started and it was everyone scrambling to find a good weapon combo then running into enemies and circling around each other just spraying whatever you have at each other hoping that your combo is better.
The little kids who scream and yell and the guys who think they're the shit always annoyed me too, but there's not much you can do about that.
I hope they learned their lesson in Halo 2 when it comes to more freedom in the environment. I hated how you were kind of constricted to a path in Halo 2 whereas in Halo 1, it was a very big, open, and spacious environment with beautiful structures that you could actually walk up to.
05-12-2006 13:27:43
Bungie cannot predict a launch date to save their lives. They could at least predict it later rather then sooner, so if they release it earlier people will be happy. Instead they make an estimate which they can never meet and then piss people off with multiple delays.
05-12-2006 13:36:46
Heh didn't Bungie say that Halo 3 would be released at the same time as the PS3? lol
05-12-2006 14:27:41
[quotea33a10f585="J4320"]I think it'll be awesome. It seems like it's combining elements of Halo 1 as well (they have a new Assault Rifle type thing instead of the Battle Rifle). I really hope they get rid of dual wielding, well at least, most of it.
From the EGM article it seemed like they were going to keep the Battle Rifle in addition to having the new and improved Assault Rifle. Also, it seemed like they were keeping the dual wield option, but taking steps to make it so that the game doesn't favor duel wielding as much as Halo 2 did.
05-12-2006 15:56:58
[quote090505b2b1="J4320"]I think it'll be awesome. It seems like it's combining elements of Halo 1 as well (they have a new Assault Rifle type thing instead of the Battle Rifle). I really hope they get rid of dual wielding, well at least, most of it.
It was cool at first but I got sick of it pretty quickly. I hope they'll have a few dual wielding type of guns but not too many. It started to annoy me when the game started and it was everyone scrambling to find a good weapon combo then running into enemies and circling around each other just spraying whatever you have at each other hoping that your combo is better.
The little kids who scream and yell and the guys who think they're the shit always annoyed me too, but there's not much you can do about that.
I hope they learned their lesson in Halo 2 when it comes to more freedom in the environment. I hated how you were kind of constricted to a path in Halo 2 whereas in Halo 1, it was a very big, open, and spacious environment with beautiful structures that you could actually walk up to.[/quote090505b2b1]
Duel needlers are the bomb. I'm glad they'll tone down the plasma pistol even though that's one of my favorite weapons. I'm skeptical on what they'll change, but I think they'll pull through with good gameplay.
didnt read teh whole thread but... the new EGM has a good story with pix on it (nov or dec not sure it isnt in front of me - it is on the cover though)
05-12-2006 19:05:44
This thread got J4320 all excited about halo so we got on H2 and did some double team; first game I had 27 kills, he had 3. We lost the next 2 games, and now he hates H2 again. lol
05-12-2006 19:13:39
I SUCK at Halo 2 now. (
When I want to zoom in, I always hit the left trigger and end up throwing a grenade.
When I want to throw a grenade, I always hit the right button and switch my grenades.
When I want to talk, I just talk, but half the time I can't be heard because you have to keep pressing the talk button and I always forget. I got better at pressing the talk button towards the end though. P
I'm getting my Gears of War and Call of Duty 3 controls all mixed up with Halo 2. x
I'm not interested in Halo 2 at all anymore and it makes me sick just thinking about it. Nothing about it sounds exciting to me. I could get good again once I adjust to the controls but it's not even worth it to me because I'm not enjoying it.
I'm still interested in Halo 3 though. )
05-12-2006 19:51:58
[quotef3239fe7ba="Killer722"][quotef3239fe7ba="syriandoode"]any speculation on launch day?
i should be gettin gears of war soon too[/quotef3239fe7ba]
Spring '07 I believe.
Gear > All.[/quotef3239fe7ba]
Man, Gears of War is taking the whole damn spotlight. Has anyone even played Splinter Cell Double Agent? That game is AMAZING, my laptop can barely run it. I had to turn everything down just to get 45fps and I want to get Rainbow Six Vegas too.
Can't wait for Halo 3, I hope the campaign is much longer than 2. Maybe when 3 comes out, they will fix most of those multiplayer woes (Battle rifle and plasma pistol)
05-12-2006 20:07:01
Halo 2 has always disappointed me. There is just something about Halo CE that could get me emotionally excited and Halo 2 never really could do that for me.
Halo 2 is much more noob friendly than Halo CE in my opinion. There are a ton of things that I don't like in multiplayer. I sincerely hope that the multiplayer ends up more like Halo CE's multiplayer. I'm not saying they should go completely old school; there are just some things that need to be taken off from Halo 2 like the auto aim and the startup weapon (a crappy SMG). Dual wielding just annoys me and I wouldn't care if it was completely gone. The sword is WAY overpowered and it defies physics. There are just things like that that I didn't like.
06-12-2006 05:55:15
[quotecf52f57dbd="csurge"][quotecf52f57dbd="Killer722"][quotecf52f57dbd="syriandoode"]any speculation on launch day?
i should be gettin gears of war soon too[/quotecf52f57dbd]
Spring '07 I believe.
Gear > All.[/quotecf52f57dbd]
Man, Gears of War is taking the whole damn spotlight. Has anyone even played Splinter Cell Double Agent? That game is AMAZING, my laptop can barely run it. I had to turn everything down just to get 45fps and I want to get Rainbow Six Vegas too.
Can't wait for Halo 3, I hope the campaign is much longer than 2. Maybe when 3 comes out, they will fix most of those multiplayer woes (Battle rifle and plasma pistol)[/quotecf52f57dbd]
GOW is bad ass, Rainbow Six Vegas is Bad ass too ;)
I havn't tried the Splinter Cell, never been into those ones as much
06-12-2006 09:18:58
Splinter Cell is really fun. I love grabbing mercenaries over the railings and pulling them off. That and snapping their necks brings so much satisfaction.
06-12-2006 16:14:08
I just hope if its released on to the PC IT WILL HAVE A CO-OP MODE, i wonder why they removed the mode of the halo 1 pc version...dumasses lol
17-01-2007 14:40:05
I've been hearing that a demo of Halo 3 is on Live or something like that, is it true?
17-01-2007 14:43:52
im not sure..but iveseen some leaked footage of the actual looks like that it was captured on a camera phone so not very good quality...ill try to find it and post it
17-01-2007 15:03:20
Please post it
id like to see it
17-01-2007 15:06:19
Please post it
id like to see it
Lay off biatch. He is my noob! Get your own.
17-01-2007 15:08:38
man im awesome
+karma is appreciated JK
im doing it for the will of halo 3 community
17-01-2007 15:08:55
I saw them yesterday. You can find them on Google Video pretty easily. Just search for "leaked halo 3" or something to that extent.
Good job dupebag. )
"Uh I think it's recording"
licloses phoneli
17-01-2007 15:11:12
Please post it
id like to see it
well atleast i helped one person out 8)
17-01-2007 15:13:16
Please post it
id like to see it
Lay off biatch. He is my noob! Get your own.[/quote560ea2af59]
Leave him alone or I'll ban you.
17-01-2007 15:33:52
Please post it
id like to see it
Lay off biatch. He is my noob! Get your own.[/quote9deacf8434]
Leave him alone or I'll ban you.[/quote9deacf8434]
Bitch please, he is my noobie. We are great friends.
21-11-2007 08:27:50
Alright, as the first post says, we can just post about all 360 games here so we don't have to keep posting in that "halo 3?" thread or make new threads about 360 games.
Anyway, so no one has bought Mass Effect? I rented Assassin's Creed last week and I recently beat it. Right now I'm on Mass Effect and I must say that Mass Effect is one of the best single player games I've ever played. If you're thinking about buying Assassin's Creed you should consider getting Mass Effect instead (even though they're very different).
I guess you guys are just too obsessed with CoD4 right now. P
21-11-2007 08:38:51
I am a CoD4 Addict. It has almost ended my relationship more than once....
21-11-2007 08:40:03
I rented CoD4, pretty fun. I wanted to rent Assassin's Creed, but they didn't have it. And, since I took the entire week off (paid days off rock), I wanted to get something to play, so I went with CoD4.
21-11-2007 08:51:50
I wish the single player game was longer -- the night time air plane strike level was my favorite as well as the sniper one. The multiplayer blows any other multiplayer game on the Xbox out of the water.
21-11-2007 13:23:16
[quotefb42dded54="TryinToGetPaid"]I wish the single player game was longer -- the night time air plane strike level was my favorite as well as the sniper one. The multiplayer blows any other multiplayer game on the Xbox out of the water.[/quotefb42dded54]
I don't know... you sure about that? I haven't played CoD4 but that's saying a lot when Halo 3 is out there too. I know people like bashing Halo 3 but with online and offline coop, social games with your friends over, matchmaking, forge, theatre, and etc, I think Halo 3 is one hell of a multiplayer game. I suppose it is all a matter of opinion, but in my opinion, Halo 3 is definitely the best multiplayer game on the 360 right now. Of course my opinion is biased and flawed because I've never even played CoD4 yet. But from what I've seen of CoD4, it looks fun and all, but when it comes down to it, I don't think it could ever last me as long as Halo 3.
21-11-2007 13:53:24
[quote032350ab3a="J4320"]Anyway, so no one has bought Mass Effect? I rented Assassin's Creed last week and I recently beat it. Right now I'm on Mass Effect and I must say that Mass Effect is one of the best single player games I've ever played. If you're thinking about buying Assassin's Creed you should consider getting Mass Effect instead (even though they're very different).[/quote032350ab3a]
How long did it take you to finish AC? I've been playing it but there's a lot of unneeded stealthing required and these guards seem to randomly attack me no matter what (blended on foot or horse). Should I forget the stealthing and just fight everyone who bothers me?
I think AC got higher ratings since the producer is hot.
21-11-2007 14:10:00
I think I beat it in like 3 or 4 days. Something like that. Anyway, yeah I just fought everyone that attacked me. It's actually a really easy game thanks to the counter attack you can do. I occasionally ran but it was a pain in the ass because a lot of the times right when I was about to jump into those rooftop garden things they'd see me and it'd turn back to red. Then again, sometimes you can find a hiding spot right away. I found it more fun and usually somewhat faster to just kill them. If you're having trouble fighting then have them chase you to a rooftop. Then just keep grabbing them and throwing them off while occasionally attacking with your sword(s).
But yeah, later in the game I guess you build up a reputation and the guards know you're Altiar. The game was fun but it felt like I was doing the same thing over and over.
1. Go to city
2. Scout points
3. Do 2 things to get information
4. Kill target
[quote0b63ed890b="hehehhehe"]I think AC got higher ratings since the producer is hot.[/quote0b63ed890b]
Funny you should mention that -
I just bought VF5 a few days ago and now my xbox freezes with a bunch of little blocks on the screen... No RRoD, it just locks up. cry
The question now Is Microsoft going to honor the 3 year warranty if its not RRoD, but is inoperable after 5 minutes?
P.S. VF5 kicked ass for the few minutes I got to enjoy it. )
21-11-2007 17:46:52
Yeah I guess I'll just cut out the stealth in AC and just start kicking some butt. The sneaking around was getting on my nerves.
[quotefa89b25f72="h3x"]I just bought VF5 a few days ago and now my xbox freezes with a bunch of little blocks on the screen... No RRoD, it just locks up. cry
The question now Is Microsoft going to honor the 3 year warranty if its not RRoD, but is inoperable after 5 minutes?
P.S. VF5 kicked ass for the few minutes I got to enjoy it. )[/quotefa89b25f72]
Well from what I've heard it has to be the 3 RLOD for the 3yr warranty.
If it's locking up, just leave it on for a bit here and there, it'll probably reach the 3 rlod eventually.
21-11-2007 19:26:59
A while ago, my 360 broke so I sent it in and they sent me a refurb. Eventually, the refurb stopped recognizing 360 discs. I called and they said my warranty was expired. I was pretty pissed so I called back and said my 360 was getting the red rings of death. They sent me a box, I sent it in, and they fixed my 360 and sent it back.
21-11-2007 22:17:48
[quote5c09ce7860="h3x"]I just bought VF5 a few days ago and now my xbox freezes with a bunch of little blocks on the screen... No RRoD, it just locks up. cry
The question now Is Microsoft going to honor the 3 year warranty if its not RRoD, but is inoperable after 5 minutes?
P.S. VF5 kicked ass for the few minutes I got to enjoy it. )[/quote5c09ce7860]
like this?
I eventually got the RROD.
[quote59103b8a25="kidd2108"]like this?[/quote59103b8a25]
Exactly like that.
24-04-2008 11:41:42
I'm getting back into Halo 3 now. I got the new maps and all. It's fuuuuuuuuuuuun. Now that I'm playing it again, I can't decide which one I like more... CoD4 or Halo 3. CoD4 is great and all, but Halo 3 is WAY more competitive and I like that. Playing Team Doubles in Halo 3 makes my heart race when it's 24 to 24 (25 kills to win). In CoD4, if we're losing I'm like, "Bah what the hell. I'm getting points for the kills anyway."
24-04-2008 11:51:48
cod4 FTW
24-04-2008 12:44:28
True, but I think Halo 3 requires more skill and strategy.