Posted some pics of the Yankees game Wednesday night in the Admin forum, figured I'd drop a couple off here.
Man, I learned to really appreciate the D80. I was taking shots in the dark without flash that looked pretty darn good (all things considered). Yeah there's some noise at ISO 1600, and it was tough to get sharp shots -- if I had a monopod they would have been a lot sharper probably. VR is nice but at 200mm f/5.6 handheld it was a still a challenge to not blur the shots. If only I could afford a f/2.8...
I'm really impressed with this relatively inexpensive 55-200mm VR lens too. I was pulling in half-way decent shots from across the stadium, hand-held, on an overcast day and into the night.
Nothing much artistic here composition-wise, just mostly ordinary, touristy type photos, but I was still getting to know the D80 and new lens while also trying to enjoy the game. I grabbed a few random pics and resized them in Picassa to post here. The full res pics look even better, although some of the low-light ISO1600 shots show some obvious noise at full res.
BTW A-Rod got robbed on a 2-run RBI that should have been a homer -- the fans were understandably upset at the call. The ball cleared the wall and bounced off the yellow stairwell you can see in the first stadium pic above (right above the 385ft mark on the wall), and back into the field. The umps convened in the infield, along with A-Rod, and ruled it a double, much to A-Rod's and the fans' dismay.

http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
Memorial Park/Retired Numbers section, from all the way across the field. Medium zoom.
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
... and full zoom (200mm).
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
Jeter at bat. With the full res photo you can zoom into his face and still make out facial detail. Pretty impressive.
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
A-Rod at bat, just before he hit a baseline double, and then after he slid into 2nd base. Goofing around with angles on this first shot, just to change things up.
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
Jeter at shortstop
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]
I took this shot randomly (no composition effort) while walking out of Yankee Stadium towards 153rd St. I was just playing around with the camera, it being dark and all, and I was walking as I snapped so it's not entirely sharp. I converted it to b&w in Picassa and thought it looked neat for some reason. I regret not taking some more of these street shots to play around with.
[img="67838998d6]http//[" alt=""/img67838998d6]