As I said in the Betta Fish thread I would post a few pics of a sunset here.

http/" alt=""/"214/6928/sunset1vs8.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"214/3858/sunset2gr0.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"214/1812/sunset3ya0.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"214/1408/sunset4gs0.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"235/7240/skyjl6.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
Those pictures were taken from the back deck and it overlooks the Columbia River and the city named Longview is in the background. I personally think it looks beautiful but I'm planning on probably moving to Seattle.
Edit ----
Here are some Northwest Coastline pictures ---
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/4280/coastline2aw9.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/5573/coastline11bo6.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/7404/greenqs0.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
A lonely lighthouse off of the coast of Northern Oregon.
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/1395/lighthouse1pv7.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/5301/lighthouse2iu3.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/4633/rocksqc2.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
ATV guy on the sand dunes. I don't know who he is lol.
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/8236/sanddunes2ku0.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
Does the sandy area look like a small beach?
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/2397/lighthouse3xv4.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
It's actually very big. Look at that small guy in the sand dunes.
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/116/sanddunesnl3.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
Trip to lake in Oregon ---
I love this picture. )
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/823/lakewithmountainmp6.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/3512/mountain1dv2.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
These balancing rocks were formed from erosion. It was shown on the Discovery Channel. A few vandals recently came by and pushed a few over. (
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/5641/balancingrocksxx4.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
Trip to Seattle ---
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/1808/spaceneedlewn2.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
Picture from the top of the Space Needle.
[img="e0018a8917]http/" alt=""/"208/5421/seattlely4.jpg[" alt=""/imge0018a8917]
So now I'm going to work on a camera site to get a really nice camera. P