02-10-2008 00:27:11
ok i need 8 refferals so i can get an ipod touch i willing to do a trade i don't scam im willing to do offers like stamps because its really free. so it no problem for me but you have to do the same the link is http//
05-10-2008 20:03:43
hey i can do dvdrecorders if anyone can do yourfreeistuff pm me
10-10-2008 19:27:53
I also need 7 youripodtouch4free ewfs.
My ref code is http//
17-10-2008 14:27:31
[quote6d28589ee7="bootylicious0236"]ok i need 8 refferals so i can get an iPod touch i willing to do a trade i don't scam im willing to do offers like stamps because its really free. so it no problem for me but you have to do the same the link is http//[/quote6d28589ee7]
Hey can you help me out? I only need one more referral. My link is...
Let me know when you will go green and tell me what site you want me to do.
22-10-2008 08:44:58
Will trade for or as per forum rules lower trade score goes green first. )
22-10-2008 09:10:26
[quote4e4b335737="mcgrom"]Will trade for or as per forum rules lower trade score goes green first. )[/quote4e4b335737]
Well I cant really go first because a week ago I got my credit card stolen at starbucks and im still trying to get a replacement and the money back so do you think you can go first i'l green up for you once i get my card back and i'l do two of your links
22-10-2008 09:31:14
Sorry nope those are the rules.