04-08-2008 16:43:52
Hey guys, Like the title says, I need refs on, I also need refs on any zipnadazilch site. Click here to view the sites...
I can do 2 trainn sites, the only two I can still go green on are the freevideoipods one, and the flashipod one. Those are the only two I can do. Please PM me asap or IM me on AIM or yahoo messenger.
My AIM= austinhagerty
yahoo messenger= austin_hagerty
09-08-2008 13:55:35
I would be interested in yourgiftcards4free, if you will do yourfreevideoipods for me
Let's make a deal.
Are you a member of FLR too?
09-08-2008 20:32:56
As of now, I cant do yourfreevideoipods anymore, I just greened on it for someone else, I can still do the and the new trainn camera site. Pm me if your interested!