Trading for 360elite4free referrals

Live forum:


24-07-2008 12:05:46

Hello all.
New to the site. Just signed up for 360elite4free, and need 9 referrals to get my Xbox 360 elite.

Willing to do trades for same site, Ipod sites, etc...'
Just let me know.
If you have trading history here and good references I will obviously sign up for your service first.

Dean L.

(reflink removed by mod AGAIN)

http//[" alt=""/imge602eefd68]


28-07-2008 20:38:48

you're not allowed to have reflinks.......................

that's why a mod edited them out of your sig..... roll


28-07-2008 20:43:03

Didn't read the rules like I suggested to you earlier huh?

I'm going to temp ban you for 3 days so you have some time to read them.


01-08-2008 14:10:05

ill complete a offer if you complete an offer for me im only doing trainn sites at the moment you can do my yourfreeistuff and ill do your link contact me
Aim= Hellmatetj
Yahoo= Hellmatexx