18-06-2008 05:12:45
Please help me finish my TRAINN Sites. I have 3 and I will list them in the order of priority.
Please Please help me. I will consider whatever sites you have but they must be 1 credit sites and I must view the offers first.
18-06-2008 05:43:52
I can help do youripodnano4free if you can do www.yourfreeistuff.com It is a TraInn site. Let me know and we can get started. Feel free to PM or contact me either ways.
18-06-2008 08:07:28
I will go green on your if you will go green on Gadgetmonster or poorfolks.git-r-free (this one is no cc site).
Gadgetmonster is 1 credit site that pay $40/referral.
git-r-free is a no cc site that greens on .5 credit. It's $20/referral.
Please send me a message if you're interested.
26-06-2008 10:24:54
hey ill do your ipod nano if you do my yourps34free please message me if your interested
26-06-2008 11:42:01
I can do desktopcomputers if you can do 360elite. PM me if u wanna trade