My 1 credit TraInn site for your 1 credit site. I have been away from the site for many months so I can do many of the newer sites (opened in the last 6-8 months) and some of the old ones too! Please send me a PM if interested.
I'm especially looking to do git-r-free sites or freeprizezonesites
Sites I can NOT do
yourfreeflatscreens, flashipods4free,yourfreevideoipod, yourfree360games, 3604free, yourps34free, youripodnano4free, gear.free4me, gadgets.free4me, wii.free4me, ipods.free4me, gaming.free4me, 50.free4me, 100.free4me, 200.free4me,ordercash4free, 4nocash, nanoipod4free, notebooks4free, ipodnanos4free, yourfreeiphone
14-06-2008 11:03:04
wanna do a trade for 360elite? if so pm me
15-06-2008 11:15:13
Hi XEN, I have a getskinny.git-r-free site. If interested send a PM, though preferably you can contact me via email, IM or AIM since I currently have limited PM access... Thanks.
16-06-2008 02:00:08
Hi, check out my post to see the sites I have, if interested feel free to send me a PM or AIM - Golieth
16-06-2008 20:06:43
Hi XEN, would like to do your TraInn site for a 1credit site cash.ZipNadaZlich. I already have yourfreevideoiPods. Let me know which TraInn site you wonna trade with. Feel free to contact me via PM(restricted PMs for me), otherwise preferably via AIM, or IM.