11-06-2008 16:25:32
Willing to do other tran sites. All ive done is obviously 360elite and ps34free, and sonyvbux. You go green for me and then i go for you and im not some scammer just ask doori on here were trading right now and if you like go to my webiste www.hackyour360.com
12-06-2008 11:43:30
im also looking for yourps34free and sony v-bux
14-06-2008 11:00:20
i Dont get why everyone makes new post when im sitting here waiting to trade with everyone. Just pm me,
14-06-2008 11:05:48
Remember to bump correctly. It's 24 hours before you can bump again. Looks like you did this okay with the last 2 posts but the one before that is off. ;)
15-06-2008 01:11:22
Hey, send me a message and see if we can work something out. you can PM or use my AIM - Golieth
15-06-2008 11:32:19
i Just aim'd you so im just waiting back