REMINDER: 2 users w/ TR less than 4 will not receive credit!
23-01-2007 08:23:19
I've noticed many of our newer users (those with TR < 4) trading with other new users who also have a TR < 4.
Trades between users who both have less than 4 TR will not receive TR credit.[/color040781988a][/size040781988a][/b040781988a]
This is to encourage new users to trade with established users, who are far less likely to scam.
As a new user, you might be apprehensive about trading with an established user. You might not want to make mistakes, or you might fear being taken advantage of. But the fact is that established users are often more reliable and better able to help you through the process than new users.
If you're new to FiPG, please be sure to review everything in this thread
If you still have questions, try searching the Help section
23-01-2007 08:25:45
they wont receive credit but they can trade with them. there are quite a few trustworthy "newbies" ( to this site) that i have traded with and helped me out.
thanks for the reminder P
Freddy Fred
23-01-2007 09:35:30
I agree with FindMe. I have a trade record of 3, but have done numerous trades through here. Especially with newbies who generally are able to do more sites than established users.
23-01-2007 10:31:27
The 4TR guideline was put in place to help protect new and more vulnerable members. It is NOT an attempt to "guarantee" that more established members "get first crack" at trades.
We've all been doing this a long time and have seen firsthand what happens to newbies, hence the rule. But trade with whomever you want, at your own risk. And thanks for pointing out how we really don't care about newbies around here and just want to line our pockets. roll
23-01-2007 10:33:38
Exactly, the reason it's implemented is because it is done out of experience. I got burned on 2 out of my first 4 trades, but after that I haven't been scammed yet.
Freddy Fred
23-01-2007 10:39:00
Why wouldn't you give TR credit to two newbies with less than 4 TR who do a trade via the trade module and the outcome is good?
23-01-2007 10:42:25
[quote003234f5e8="Freddy Fred"]Why wouldn't you give TR credit to two newbies with less than 4 TR who do a trade via the trade module and the outcome is good?
That was the questionable part to me. Not trying to stir up controversy or get anyones shorts in a bunch.
By the way, I have been doing this a long time too.... look at my join date.[/quote003234f5e8]
Two scammers could work their TR up from 0 and give the appearance of being legitimate without having any real credibility.
Freddy Fred
23-01-2007 11:08:44
Point taken. Did not mean to offend any long time traders or ops.
I guess I see where you are coming from on the subject. Starting to make more sense now that I see it from someone elses point of view.
Never had an issue with a trader before.
Freddy Fred
23-01-2007 11:10:05
Anyway, I just wanted to see how many replies from you I could get...
Like to see those SCARLETT JOHANSSON avatars fill my screen.
23-01-2007 11:12:28
[quote28341c8cad="johnjimjones"][quote28341c8cad="Freddy Fred"]Why wouldn't you give TR credit to two newbies with less than 4 TR who do a trade via the trade module and the outcome is good?
That was the questionable part to me. Not trying to stir up controversy or get anyones shorts in a bunch.
By the way, I have been doing this a long time too.... look at my join date.[/quote28341c8cad]
Two scammers could work their TR up from 0 and give the appearance of being legitimate without having any real credibility.[/quote28341c8cad]
Exactly, it's happened before. Plus what was already mentioned about encouraging newbies to seek out more experienced traders for their first few trades. The rule serves a purpose, and once dictated, we aren't going to ignore it just because a newbie-to-newbie trade turns out okay.
And Freddy, a join date of nearly 2 years ago doesn't mean a whole lot when you have 9 posts and 3 TR. Lots of newbies, as we're seeing here lately, join and then never participate or even learn how to properly do the freebie thing, before disappearing again. So there's really no way for us to judge "how long you've been doing this" by your join date alone, if you have little TR and little to no presence on the forums. ;)
And my shorts aren't in a bunch -- it just comes off as a bit discourteous to think that the time and effort all of us mods/admins put into this place, a lot of which is spent overseeing and refereeing trades in order to protect our members, takes a back seat to accusations of "getting first crack" at newbies. Look at my relatively low TR compared to how long I've been here and how much time I spend at this place. Also witness that despite the massive influx of nearly 5000 (!) new members in the last several months that I've not initiated a single trade with any of them. Not everybody here is out to take advantage of folks, but having said that, it's in the newbies best interest to deal with experienced members at first for the reasons already mentioned.
23-01-2007 11:12:38
No problem, here's another post just for you D
23-01-2007 11:16:29
There's a reason why when I get into a trade with a new user, I spend 2 hours explaining how the process works. A lot of us have been doing freebies for years.
The same people that can't even read the rules/guidelines set to protect you are the ones complaining about them.
23-01-2007 11:34:47
[quoteadcd376614="bballp6699"]There's a reason why when I get into a trade with a new user, I spend 2 hours explaining how the process works. A lot of us have been doing freebies for years.
The same people that can't even read the rules/guidelines set to protect you are the ones complaining about them.[/quoteadcd376614]
I've only been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks and I've also found myself spending hours at a time helping "newbies" figure out what they're doing. I don't mind at all though, and I certainly don't mind trading with "newbies" even though some consider me a newbie. If I didn't have the two or three first trades I did with VERY ESTABLISHED traders (Shaggz and Bullseye4u), I really don't think I would've been able to catch on as fast and I would've definitely gotten frustrated and probably disappeared from the freebie scene.
For those of you who don't like the TR guidelines or think that it's there so that established traders get "first crack"...think again. The mods and admin on this forum do EVERYTHING in their power to protect the members...and please believe me when I tell you that the TR guidelines are just another step they've taken to protect both the established traders and the newbies. Good luck everything!!!!
Freddy Fred
23-01-2007 12:17:38
Like I said in my previous post only 3 TR because I trade mostly with <4 and have <4. Also, only 9 posts in 2 years because of the old saying.... nothing to say... don't say it. Most of my interaction is via PM or e-mail. Everyone uses this site a bit differently.
Today was my first post in a long time because I agreed with another users post. I also said I got the point for the TR rules and said I did not wish to offend anyone.
Enough said. Done with this topic.
23-01-2007 12:48:10
I love this site lol Fred
23-01-2007 12:49:08
i agree with some of the others, we are tring to make money to even if are tr is not higher that a 4 this mokes it hard on us to get people to trade with us and wont to go green
23-01-2007 13:04:02
I agree with email==csullivan1@rochester.rrcsullivan1@rochester.rr=csullivan1@rochester.rrcsullivan1@rochester.rr/email.c and I joined about the same time 2 1/2 weeks ago. I haven't completed nearly as many trades as she has, but she's right about having to do a lot explaining. I've had two newbie refs do nothing and go out of contact with me, as I was trying to help them - I guess they were overwhelmed with all the free stuff rules and regulations LOL Also, I think that TR is a good thing because I work 10-12hours a day so when I do get to make trades (I wish more often) the TR helps me pick out someone that might be the best use of my time and effort.
23-01-2007 13:38:18
[quote227e4406b5="Freddy Fred"]Like I said in my previous post only 3 TR because I trade mostly with <4 and have <4. [/quote227e4406b5]
Since the threshold for TR credit is so low, many new users trade with established users early on. Then, when they know the rules and have established a higher TR, they trade with users with lower TR (who you correctly pointed out are often able to do more sites and offers). The advantage to this of course is that the less-established trader has to complete his end of the deal first.
So new users who insist on trading with other new users will consistently be at a disadvantage on this site, for two key reasons
1) you'll be likelier to deal with someone who is not particularly experienced in the freebie game, or, worse, is a scammer; and
2) you'll always have to complete your end of the deal first.
unknown uchiha
23-01-2007 14:26:22
^ Bump
23-01-2007 19:04:42
24-01-2007 05:43:38
24-01-2007 05:51:38
Many 0TR user Pm'd me asking for trades when I join ed just a few days.
Fortunately, I didn't accept any of them D
24-01-2007 10:43:13
[quotecdc3650d37="ckparrot"]Many 0TR user Pm'd me asking for trades when I join ed just a few days.
Fortunately, I didn't accept any of them D[/quotecdc3650d37]
wisely done
24-01-2007 11:27:47
[quote217f8899a8="Freddy Fred"]I I am not looking to up my trade record just to do more trades.[/quote217f8899a8]
eh, but you become more trustworthy with a higher trade record. i like the protection for the 'newbies' because it would be very easy to get scammed. i've have several trades already fail with newbies (and even though their pushyness did not deter me and I did not pay before I said I would, it still sucks to see a red on your screen) becasue how easy it would be for me to go to make an account, and take all of these pay-before-play offers or advantage of a newbie who doesn't know that he can wait before paying, and roll out a happy person! while yes, a more established person could do just the same, the likelihood is far decreased when you think of how many new signups there has been. but in the scheme of the whole system, given the amount of users on this forum, to do 4 lousey trades with 4 established users (heck, do 4 different people if you really don't feal generous enough to do more than one trade with a user) would not give any established user an 'edge.' after that, make it your policy to only deal with newbies or only deal with oldies-- it's your choice and you'll get credit every time. honestly, it is harder to deal with newbies a lot of times anyhow.
more than my 2 cents, but i just couldn't control my word vomit... apologies.
24-01-2007 18:43:19
Two noobs diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry they could not trade (them both
With TR less than 4) they stood
And looked at the rules as long as they could
Until one of them started her TR growth
24-01-2007 18:48:21
I have a question!! I had 4 requesting and when I did one of my own and requested it was denied before the other 4 were accepted!! The other 4 were with traders above 4. Can i get credit for that trade? I just didnt know why the other 4 remained in request mode for a day and a half and the newest one like 8 hours old got denied!! If the other 4 were accepted then the 5th one would have been accepted too. Is there a place to voice this? Thanks!! I hope the wasnt confusing because it was confusing trying to explain it!! LOL
24-01-2007 19:09:12
24-01-2007 19:37:06
Hmmmm ...
Let's see here ... All one has to do to participate is
1 - READ The Rules
2 - FOLLOW The Rules
SIMPLE ... Even THIS newbie understands that. Following the rules has done me VERY well in the short time I've been doing this.
Rick aka CorpRebel 8)
13-02-2007 17:47:35
Hmm j/w why new users that trade with each other shouldn't deserve TR? That doesn't make since unless there is a specific reason behind it.
13-02-2007 17:52:17
[quote5dc82865db="MyJobIsThis"]Hmm j/w why new users that trade with each other shouldn't deserve TR? That doesn't make since unless there is a specific reason behind it.[/quote5dc82865db]
Did you not read the explanations that several of us gave in this very topic?
13-02-2007 18:08:44
[quote9df1ee006d="MyJobIsThis"]Hmm j/w why new users that trade with each other shouldn't deserve TR? That doesn't make since unless there is a specific reason behind it.[/quote9df1ee006d]
There's not a chance in hell this is a serious post.
If you are serious you deserve a temp-ban for it.
13-02-2007 18:43:58
[quotea90b2025ec="dmorris68"][quotea90b2025ec="MyJobIsThis"]Hmm j/w why new users that trade with each other shouldn't deserve TR? That doesn't make since unless there is a specific reason behind it.[/quotea90b2025ec]
Did you not read the explanations that several of us gave in this very topic?[/quotea90b2025ec]
Of course he didn't read the thread, he didn't read the rules either obviously, look at his signature.....
13-02-2007 18:56:16
[quote34f73ca246="givmea1032"][quote34f73ca246="dmorris68"][quote34f73ca246="MyJobIsThis"]Hmm j/w why new users that trade with each other shouldn't deserve TR? That doesn't make since unless there is a specific reason behind it.[/quote34f73ca246]
Did you not read the explanations that several of us gave in this very topic?[/quote34f73ca246]
Of course he didn't read the thread, he didn't read the rules either obviously, look at his signature.....[/quote34f73ca246]
but he still has a good TR?
14-02-2007 04:24:01
I don't like this idea/rule. I just completed a trade with a new user and both of us should get credit even though were under 4TR. I mean users who have a 4 + TR aren't going to want me to sell greens to them.. Its that simple. And how am i suppose to get my TR up if i can't get credit form new users? And i'm not going to go complete offers since i already did a bunch with etashblished users. It just doesn't work out.. -cnelson. )
15-02-2007 06:50:47
Yea a few users dont care about their TR just the cash
15-02-2007 09:41:48
[quote5f5fa7b5bb="cnelson"]I don't like this idea/rule. I just completed a trade with a new user and both of us should get credit even though were under 4TR. I mean users who have a 4 + TR aren't going to want me to sell greens to them.. Its that simple. And how am i suppose to get my TR up if i can't get credit form new users? And i'm not going to go complete offers since i already did a bunch with etashblished users. It just doesn't work out.. -cnelson. )[/quote5f5fa7b5bb]
If your worried about the TR, then just do your first 4 trades with Traders over TR-4. That's not too difficult, is it? If you can't find an experienced trader to do your site then do some offers for cash (with established traders of course) to get started. That's what I'm doing. I don't have a problem with it.
Thanks for posting that, I traded with a noob and I am a noob we did not get credit, and now I understand why. I have made a couple of mistakes ( trading and putting links in my sig. (fixed that right away))and realised I needed to go back and read the rules again now that I have a better idea of whats going on. I do not want to be banned and I want to continue to be a part of this forum!!!!! Thanks for your patience admin!!!
21-02-2007 10:29:59
Personally, being a newb myself, I am glad the rule was in effect when I joined. I saw the rule, and it encouraged me to find an established user to trade with. I did, and he taught me everything he knew about this site. 1.5 weeks later I am now helping others and teaching them the same information. I was given good advice and I'm already waiting on approval from trainn for $250 after only being here a week. The process works best this way.
22-02-2007 08:43:44
I have just started today, and I'm extreamly encouraged by all the support. I belive that this rule is in place to help out all the newbies, it only makes so MUCH sence. Thanks to all the madorators, for being there.
03-03-2007 04:28:48
OK, so I have a question then... Doesn't the person with lowest TR go first? So, I'm a newbie and I need some greens. I have to trade with someone with higher than 4 TR to get TR, which means I have to pay on green. Well, I'm new and haven't gotten the "bankroll" yet to do that... That's why I say I'll pay on approval, not pay on green. So, no one with TR > 4 will trade with me. It's a catch-22.
hmm... I think I just got a new strategy... Let's say, I only "advertise" 1 of my offers (that needs the lowest referrals...). I trade that with newbies so we're both same TR and I can pay on approval. When I get that site done, I have $$ to pay on green and people with >4 TR will trade with me (maybe)????
Any input would be appreciated!
06-03-2007 14:04:04
[quote533867f2a5="reinydawn"]OK, so I have a question then... Doesn't the person with lowest TR go first? So, I'm a newbie and I need some greens. I have to trade with someone with higher than 4 TR to get TR, which means I have to pay on green. Well, I'm new and haven't gotten the "bankroll" yet to do that... That's why I say I'll pay on approval, not pay on green. So, no one with TR > 4 will trade with me. It's a catch-22.
hmm... I think I just got a new strategy... Let's say, I only "advertise" 1 of my offers (that needs the lowest referrals...). I trade that with newbies so we're both same TR and I can pay on approval. When I get that site done, I have $$ to pay on green and people with >4 TR will trade with me (maybe)????
Any input would be appreciated!
You could do offers for other people to both get your bankroll up and get TR, such as the offers in my sig... ;)
If your worried about the TR, then just do your first 4 trades with Traders over TR-4. That's not too difficult, is it? If you can't find an experienced trader to do your site then do some offers for cash (with established traders of course) to get started. That's what I'm doing. I don't have a problem with it.
See this is the problem for me, even though I have a 0 TR here, I have +18TR on A4F, and have 15 sites that I need ref's for, and can't afford to do more offers for higher TR traders here until I can get some of these sites completed, and don't tell me it is my choice if I want to trade with 4+ tr traders or not, cause that would be a lie, I tried to initiate trade with 2 users that also have 0 Tr and got this "sorry at least one user must have +4 TR to trade"
10-03-2007 20:38:47
[quote15c42cce47="Lena"]...and don't tell me it is my choice if I want to trade with 4+ tr traders or not, cause that would be a lie, I tried to initiate trade with 2 users that also have 0 Tr and got this "sorry at least one user must have +4 TR to trade"[/quote15c42cce47]
No, it's not a lie -- those are either uninformed newbies who obviously aren't reading and understanding things, or they're just being a bit overzealous in interpreting this guideline. They might just want TR, or not want to risk trading with another newbie. Most of our newbies have no knowledge of A4F, so your TR there is not relevant to them.
Nobody has ever said you CANNOT choose to trade with other <4TR newbies. In fact you certainly can, but you both must assume all the risks and accept that you will NOT receive TR. That is why we're calling this a guideline, and not a hard & fast rule.
23-03-2007 22:25:56
Since newbies, like me, can't help other newbies, it should be suggested that anyone over Tr4 should atleast do one offer for a newbie. It is hard for newbies to get referrals for their sites and all we seem to be doing are completing offers for others that are taking forever to get Tr accumulation and payment. The companies making the offers post instant credit but the majority of them do not. And then when you submit a request for credit they give you the runaround.
11-04-2007 20:40:22
Yep, The rule is very stupid. Thats why I have no TR here. I work other forums and am running out of offers to take care of the sites I have going. Anyone that is above 4 TR is look for refs for themselves. So I'll continue to have 0TR.
11-04-2007 21:39:30
11-04-2007 21:42:38
[quote25289c8ed0="279263"]D NEED NONE CC SIT"S LET"S GET MONEY... toast ""IT"S TIME[/quote25289c8ed0]
12-04-2007 06:05:26
[quotecebf95591e="279263"][quotecebf95591e="279263"]D NEED NONE CC SIT"S LET"S GET MONEY... toast ""IT"S TIME[/quotecebf95591e][/quotecebf95591e]
Please don't quote yourself to bump a thread.
12-04-2007 06:07:46
[quote3cda3af578="mus351w"]Yep, The rule is very stupid. Thats why I have no TR here. I work other forums and am running out of offers to take care of the sites I have going. Anyone that is above 4 TR is look for refs for themselves. So I'll continue to have 0TR.[/quote3cda3af578]
It's not stupid at all. It's there to protect newbies, not penalize them. People will complain no matter what we do, but we would rather you complain about not having a point next to your name than complain about having been scammed.
Additionally, as I have explained several times in this thread, actively avoiding building TR is entirely counter-productive. Not only will you always have to go first when you trade, you will always be at a greater than average risk of being scammed.
If you're really concerned about the issue, re-read this thread in its entirely and then PM me with any questions.
24-04-2007 14:40:39
Could you use some extra money? I know what you are thinking, this is
just going to be about some kind of scam. I felt the same way until I
actually tried Cash Crate. Don't take my word for the legitimacy of
Cash Crate, I urge you to read the public forum on the site before you
join. You will be able to read about common pitfalls, complaints, and
countless success stories. Curious? keep reading..
Here's how it works Once you complete just one offer (50 cent -$1
surveys are the easiest to complete), your referrer gets a $1 plus 20%
of your lifetime earnings on this site, plus 10% of what your
referrals make. We'll talk about referrals later. By just completing
all the offers that are 100% free and don't require a credit card, you
can make well over $100.
For those who are interested in making some serious money, Cash Crate
also has trial offers that require a credit card and you later
canceling the trial within the trial period. Sounds a little risky,
right. Well, there is a loophole-If you use pre-paid Visa/MC/Amex
gift cards, you can beat the system. I buy these gift cards in $5
denominations, so even if the company tries to screw me and tell me I
didn't cancel the offer properly, the most they can get is $5. These
trial offers are worth $10-$30 each, so you can see how you can
quickly make some nice cash.
So now you see the next step--Do exactly what I am doing now--post
your referral link on every message board you know about. You can
even post on the same boards I do (Yahoo, Google, Msn, Aol etc.)--I
don't care--The more money you make the more I make. It only takes a
couple of active referrals to make some serious passive income.
Let's make some money together!!!
so if you woued like to join are want to know more go to my site oh yeah you can make a lot of money just by completeing offers i make$1,000 a month some times more.
28-04-2007 13:15:35
So are you saying since I came here and I am new to this site but not new to this business, I can't post a trade?
29-04-2007 10:14:23
[quote7068edc807="guesswho"]So are you saying since I came here and I am new to this site but not new to this business, I can't post a trade?[/quote7068edc807]
No, not at all. This specific rule is in regards to new users trading with other new users.
Have another read through it and if you still have questions PM me.
16-05-2007 07:49:32
i think this rule is 50/50...its obviously set up to help...but as others have said..those of us who have good tr at other forums..and can no longer do offers..are pretty much out of luck here..i have a +82tr on anything4free..and cant do any offers..but of course..cant find anybody willing to do my sites here..because of my ....hmmm...not sure where to go from here...none of the vets here are willing to do any offers for my help with tr..and i cant do any with other it i guess.
21-05-2007 14:54:01
I agree with luvrowy and mus351w. Coming from another forum having done several trades, it will be very hard to find offers I haven't done. I agree with the need to prevent scammers, but there must be a way to accomodate traders in this situation. Meanwhile I'm trying to scrape by and get a few TR but I don't know if I'll make it. What else can we do?
31-05-2007 10:46:53
This definitely hurts newbies, I have already done a trade on this forum with another newbie that was completely successful. So far I can't get any veteran greeners to do offers for me because I have 0 TR.....
02-06-2007 09:18:14
hello Could you contact this person name Maskeen for me and let him know I'll have to pay him because the site hasn't credit me yet. Let him know it's gonna be $20 not $30, because I posted up $15 for that site and if they green instant, I was going to pay $20-. Also tell him to leave his email address in trade mod. I'm sorry to put it in your trade, but this is the only way I can let that person know I haven't forgotten about them.
03-06-2007 15:22:12
this is a good rule to help keep scammers out, but what about the people who have good trades at other sites and then come here and no body will trade with them because they are under 4TR, would be nice if some of the more established traders would check us out and try a trade with us, how else are you gonna tell if we are good or not. oh well.
talker (
03-06-2007 15:29:45
[quoteaf1f2b83d3="talker"]this is a good rule to help keep scammers out, but what about the people who have good trades at other sites and then come here and no body will trade with them because they are under 4TR, would be nice if some of the more established traders would check us out and try a trade with us, how else are you gonna tell if we are good or not. oh well.
talker ([/quoteaf1f2b83d3]That's why the new people should work for some established traders first, doing their sites to build their Tr and rep here before they attempt to pay other for their own sites. I personally help new people all the time, and I know many other people who are happy to work with new people.
03-06-2007 15:57:01
[quotee8348a6b8e="moviemadnessman"][quotee8348a6b8e="talker"]this is a good rule to help keep scammers out, but what about the people who have good trades at other sites and then come here and no body will trade with them because they are under 4TR, would be nice if some of the more established traders would check us out and try a trade with us, how else are you gonna tell if we are good or not. oh well.
talker ([/quotee8348a6b8e]That's why the new people should work for some established traders first, doing their sites to build their Tr and rep here before they attempt to pay other for their own sites. I personally help new people all the time, and I know many other people who are happy to work with new people.[/quotee8348a6b8e]
thanks for the feedback, but i have been doing this for awhile, just not on this site. i feel quite confident that i could buy a green from another trader. also as i have been doing offers for awhile, i have a limited supply of offers to do, untill they put some new one's out. so again thank you for the info
I am new to this forum but have been trading over at a4f for a bit and have a tr record there. I agree that this rule makes it difficult for those of us that would be trying to get greens for cash and may not be able to necessarily do offers for others 1st because we have done most of them already. I understand it is to prevent scamming to an extent but it seems awfully unfair that your denying newbies from building a tr record if they are working with other newbies. Sort of damned if you do and damned if you don't!!!
either way I am going to try attempt trading here and see how it goes, no harm no foul I guess. I wish all newbies luck!
12-06-2007 07:38:15
I'm new to this and it seems to me that the way they have it set up is for our own good. Trading with those more experienced gives us liberty to ask questions and get our cash flow going immediately. To me it shouldn't be about a TR at first. Only about not getting burned so you don't give up, go bankrupt, and never come back again. It all circles around us afterall. At least thats how I take it and I'm good with that. Thanks to all who have traded and are currently trading with me. You've been a blessing.
14-06-2007 19:18:48
I'm new to this site, but I have complete two trades succesfully and given feedback. My question is this? Why don't I have feedback on my page?
The more established traders requested the trade in the module. Does feedback only go to the user who initiated the trade?
When I change my own status to "requesting TR" automatically a box comes up which requires me to give feedback to the other user. Are the established users not required to give feedback to a newbie until a certain number of TR is reached?
Any answers would be appreciated!
16-06-2007 09:16:04
i suppose this rule is to protect the newbies but for me this is a real bummer i have a great tr on flr and am a very trustworthy trader and i cant even post a trade i mean how am i suppose to even get tr points if i cant post a trade it seems my only option is to go green for someone and that is nearly impossible i am completely offered out and am trying to get referals not be a referal so any suggestions ?
17-06-2007 16:05:59
You can do a trade with anyone! You just cannot get TR for the trade! It is nice to get TR but it not what this is about. You should have Patience! You have been here 3 weeks and you have another forum that you have been working. You are half way there! Then you will get your TR going up!
07-07-2007 19:10:15
and if you hit TR3, none of the people who are above TR4 will do a trade for you so you can reach TR4. i have advertised and explained that i have very few offers left to do, so i am willing to pay to get the trade done. nothing, everyone wants me to do a green for them and i can't, or they do not have many offers left. you can't tell me that a trader with a TR5 has only a few offers left and can't help someone out.
08-07-2007 09:03:23
[quotef039f74349="talker"]you can't tell me that a trader with a TR5 has only a few offers left and can't help someone out.
Why not?? You are saying that you only have a few offers left and you have TR3??? Same thing right?
15-07-2007 20:46:45
This makes it tougher for someone to build their trader rating. I have done a few sites that I could have gotten tr for but since neither one of us had enough TR to credit each other, that didn't happen. Just a thought.
15-07-2007 20:52:26
[quote85f14616e4="jinko"]This makes it tougher for someone to build their trader rating. I have done a few sites that I could have gotten tr for but since neither one of us had enough TR to credit each other, that didn't happen. Just a thought.[/quote85f14616e4]
Thats why I have 0 TR. I help alot of NooB's and in doing that because they have 0 TR and I have 0 TR I guess that I will never have TR at this forum roll
12-08-2007 13:53:20
\ if you need refferals and dont have the tr record to trade just advertise your links to free ad sites. Thats what I do. I have done 6 offers within the past week but non have even credited my offers yet. Its like the sites are waiting for you go over your trial period to charge you full price and than not pay. And by than you lose more money than the initial trade offer which sucks.
13-08-2007 18:47:13
Just a very good suggestion from a trader who has been here a while.......[/color2ca55aae53]
Many times people will come here to scam people. They make up fake names and attempt to do the same site multiple times. To help everyone help stop scammers.
[b2ca55aae53]PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE SITE IN THE FEEDBACK YOU GIVE When completing a trade. [/b2ca55aae53] This will help us stop these scammers a little sooner by allowing everyone to see the trades done by a trader when looking at their profile.[/size2ca55aae53][/color2ca55aae53]
Trade safe everyone!
14-08-2007 19:39:47
ok i know the rule.Thanks.
14-08-2007 19:42:38
[quote9797c588d7="ASharpEdge"]Just a very good suggestion from a trader who has been here a while.......[/color9797c588d7]
Many times people will come here to scam people. They make up fake names and attempt to do the same site multiple times. To help everyone help stop scammers.
[b9797c588d7]PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE SITE IN THE FEEDBACK YOU GIVE When completing a trade. [/b9797c588d7] This will help us stop these scammers a little sooner by allowing everyone to see the trades done by a trader when looking at their profile.[/size9797c588d7][/color9797c588d7]
Trade safe everyone!
Makes little sense to me. You say the trade mod is for you to check profile to make sure they are not scammers and thats good but if you have a person come to this forum with the same user name as one they are using on a different forum than that blows your statement out of the water. If they can prove (such as myself) that they have a good trade record at another forum, have the same user name as on another forum with a TR of at least +25 than I don't think you have to worry about them being scammers. This inturn proves that they are legit. Then at that point they should be able to start building TR no matter who thay trade with. If people can prove those items than you can be 99.9% sure they are not scammers. roll
15-08-2007 06:26:16
A record on another forum hardly has any bearing on their record here. Besides it is far too easy for me to find a trader on A4F with a decent TR that doesn't have an account here. It should be quite simple to create the same username here and get a few trades under my belt before somebody catches on.
The Trade Record here applies to FiPG and FiPG only. It has nothing whatsoever to do with other sites, and everyone is treated exactly the same way with regards to TR policy -- no exceptions. If you want to use your A4F feedback, for example, to market yourself as a credible trader, then that's fine and up to you. Encouraged even. But it won't buy you any assumed TR here.
15-08-2007 17:33:28
[quote8284402902="dmorris68"]A record on another forum hardly has any bearing on their record here. Besides it is far too easy for me to find a trader on A4F with a decent TR that doesn't have an account here. It should be quite simple to create the same username here and get a few trades under my belt before somebody catches on.
The Trade Record here applies to FiPG and FiPG only. It has nothing whatsoever to do with other sites, and everyone is treated exactly the same way with regards to TR policy -- no exceptions. If you want to use your A4F feedback, for example, to market yourself as a credible trader, then that's fine and up to you. Encouraged even. But it won't buy you any assumed TR here.[/quote8284402902]
Sorry to step on your toes,Goddddddd. Just a suggestion. Relax and take a chill pill. roll
04-09-2007 17:58:00
TR or no TR I'm still going to trade with someone if they are willing to do my sites. It has been suggested I do some more sites. Personally, I think 4 pages (spiral notebook) of sites I've done are quite enough. Whenever I think about doing another site, after I look it over there aren't any offers for me to do. Maybe later they might come up with some more offers and I may do some more sites myself.
09-09-2007 19:22:54
[quote49a8f1e59c="mus351w"][quote49a8f1e59c="ASharpEdge"]Just a very good suggestion from a trader who has been here a while.......[/color49a8f1e59c]
Many times people will come here to scam people. They make up fake names and attempt to do the same site multiple times. To help everyone help stop scammers.
[b49a8f1e59c]PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE SITE IN THE FEEDBACK YOU GIVE When completing a trade. [/b49a8f1e59c] This will help us stop these scammers a little sooner by allowing everyone to see the trades done by a trader when looking at their profile.[/size49a8f1e59c][/color49a8f1e59c]
Trade safe everyone!
Makes little sense to me. You say the trade mod is for you to check profile to make sure they are not scammers and thats good but if you have a person come to this forum with the same user name as one they are using on a different forum than that blows your statement out of the water. If they can prove (such as myself) that they have a good trade record at another forum, have the same user name as on another forum with a TR of at least +25 than I don't think you have to worry about them being scammers. This inturn proves that they are legit. Then at that point they should be able to start building TR no matter who thay trade with. If people can prove those items than you can be 99.9% sure they are not scammers. roll[/quote49a8f1e59c]
I see ASharpEdge changed their post so my replie to the above makes no sence. Cute lol
11-09-2007 15:06:53
What you are telling me is that if newbies want to trade with me they have to do 4 other trades before they can trade with me no matter how good my offer is or else they don't get a point for our trade.
I can't do a site for anyone on here and get a point if I don't do a site for someone who has a TR of 4, even if they have a fantastic offer that I really am interested in.
There really aren't too many sites and offers left for me to do, so I guess I'm out of luck as far as getting a TR point for trading with someone on here that has a TR of less than 4 that might have a site I haven't done yet and that has a really good price they are paying.
22-09-2007 07:28:04
I guess I understand the concept here, but I am an experienced trader on FLR. I just found this forum. It kind of makes it hard to make trades without being able to increase TR.
22-10-2007 07:41:22
[quotea6188cff1b="mus351w"][quotea6188cff1b="mus351w"][quotea6188cff1b="ASharpEdge"]Just a very good suggestion from a trader who has been here a while.......[/colora6188cff1b]
Many times people will come here to scam people. They make up fake names and attempt to do the same site multiple times. To help everyone help stop scammers.
[ba6188cff1b]PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE SITE IN THE FEEDBACK YOU GIVE When completing a trade. [/ba6188cff1b] This will help us stop these scammers a little sooner by allowing everyone to see the trades done by a trader when looking at their profile.[/sizea6188cff1b][/colora6188cff1b]
Trade safe everyone!
Makes little sense to me. You say the trade mod is for you to check profile to make sure they are not scammers and thats good but if you have a person come to this forum with the same user name as one they are using on a different forum than that blows your statement out of the water. If they can prove (such as myself) that they have a good trade record at another forum, have the same user name as on another forum with a TR of at least +25 than I don't think you have to worry about them being scammers. This inturn proves that they are legit. Then at that point they should be able to start building TR no matter who thay trade with. If people can prove those items than you can be 99.9% sure they are not scammers. roll[/quotea6188cff1b]
I see ASharpEdge changed their post so my replie to the above makes no sence. Cute lol[/quotea6188cff1b]
??? I never changed or modified my post... lol
Try hard and find friends from other forums that you can trade with.
You can do it! It is hard but possible.
06-11-2007 20:35:33
Ok, remember when Hilary was talking about 'portable' health care? You remember, when you worked someplace but got another job elsewhere, you would get to take your health care with me, she'll bring it back WHEN she's ELECTED Prez!!!! D D
That's what we ought to be able to do with our TRs, I have +4 over at FLR and +2 over at RS...
I have done waaayyyy too many offers and I can only do Pay On Approval as I do not have the $$$ to pay outright.
Now, what IS it I'm lisupposedli to do NOW!?!??! Eh!?!?!??! ?
Good LUCK to ALL the NEWBIES!!!
26-11-2007 10:55:23
This is tough for members on other sites because they completed sites in the past already. Like myself, I have completed most of the offers already and there are like none left. What about those people that just start on the forum?
27-11-2007 12:15:46
[quote5c5325e519="talker"][quote5c5325e519="moviemadnessman"][quote5c5325e519="talker"]this is a good rule to help keep scammers out, but what about the people who have good trades at other sites and then come here and no body will trade with them because they are under 4TR, would be nice if some of the more established traders would check us out and try a trade with us, how else are you gonna tell if we are good or not. oh well.
talker ([/quote5c5325e519]That's why the new people should work for some established traders first, doing their sites to build their Tr and rep here before they attempt to pay other for their own sites. I personally help new people all the time, and I know many other people who are happy to work with new people.[/quote5c5325e519]
thanks for the feedback, but i have been doing this for awhile, just not on this site. i feel quite confident that i could buy a green from another trader. also as i have been doing offers for awhile, i have a limited supply of offers to do, untill they put some new one's out. so again thank you for the info
Hi Talker!
I am right there with you, been doing trades on other forums, have a very high rating on one!
I know you are good trader with a lot of experience. Soon enough we will reach our 5!
27-11-2007 12:16:50
[quote6124d0b4a5="ASharpEdge"]You can do a trade with anyone! You just cannot get TR for the trade! It is nice to get TR but it not what this is about. You should have Patience! You have been here 3 weeks and you have another forum that you have been working. You are half way there! Then you will get your TR going up![/quote6124d0b4a5]
I Want my TR up!!!
27-11-2007 12:18:57
[quote20950d37ca="mdbates41"]I guess I understand the concept here, but I am an experienced trader on FLR. I just found this forum. It kind of makes it hard to make trades without being able to increase TR.[/quote20950d37ca]
Yup, but it is hard huh MD- WANNA TRADE- oh wait wont count here!
28-11-2007 18:19:52
If this is the case, I would like to suggest that new traders that have done most of the offers are given an opportunity with experienced trader s on FIPG to show that they are capable of referring other members.
10-12-2007 23:25:04
[quoteb4874a7e2e="haosjeddy"]This is tough for members on other sites because they completed sites in the past already. Like myself, I have completed most of the offers already and there are like none left. What about those people that just start on the forum?[/quoteb4874a7e2e]
I'm in the same position, I've been working with Freebie sites since January. I pretty much don't even do offers anymore. I was thinking about branching out into this community, I've been very active in another freebie community and also just networking online to get greens.
Until I happened to see this thread, I didn't realize this rule existed here since the other community I'm active in and have a high trade rating has no such rule.
Felicia [/colorb4874a7e2e]
18-12-2007 10:38:48
same here plus the fact that i had started 3 trades with estableshed users here and got scammed by 1 of them for 2v trades=no tr and the other trade was cancelled and my money was returned=no tr
How do we get started buying greens here if we are seen as easy money because we have to pay first. I lost $55 and have no tr to show for anything. THAT SUCKS!!!!
04-01-2008 04:19:20
I understand both sides of the story. Being a trader from FLR myself and new to the board I can see how this would and does suck for the people in this situation. I do understand why the admin implemented the rule to protect the people new to the freebie game and this board. It hurts the people such as myself who are new to the board but not to the game. What I particularly don't find fair is that the newbies that are willing to work with us won't get credit for doing so, not the fact that I won't get tr cred. I could care-a-less. I'm completely established on other forums and people can see my TR there. However it's a shame that the people that chose to join this board first as to others won't get credit showing that they are reputable. I personally think that this rule will achieve a feat that admin didn't intend and that is the migration to the other forums. I could see that happening because the complete newbie and experienced trader would both get TR credit on the other forum and not in this one. I think that this would be a by-product almost an encouragement. I would hate to see that happen and I think admin and the forum community would agree with me. I haven't been here that long but i have read a lot here. And I like what's being done here for the most part. Just thought I would give my take on the subject. Thanks to all who took the time to read it.
07-02-2008 07:56:54
Hey I am newbie and understand the rule about the less than 4TR... I dont care about the TR record, I just care about making money... I have been a member since April 2007... I didnt understand the directions or the rules so I got scared and left... Untill just recently my cousin found this site and asked me about if I heard of the Project Payday and said yes, there is money to be made and dont understand what I am suppose to really do... I have a current record of 2TR and hope to make more money than caring about the TR record... I want to beable to make money and also get the TR record up but I understand why the TR doesnt move if both below 4TR's... Good point on why you dont allow it...
Understood on the less than 4 rule. I like the rule as the reason because you dont know whom is dishonnest and whom is. Unless you know the person.
sorry lost my signature...
I think
26-05-2008 16:44:47
wow I see why
13-06-2008 00:19:51
First of all. I read this topic before registering. Since I always enjoy a challenge, I decided to go ahead & give this place a chance.
Second of all. I really don't want to rile anyone up, but here's my opinion on this topic. This rule sounds absolutely fantastic. As long as this is your first freebie forum to join. Or if not your first, your still a newbie. Meaning you've got 1 or 2 greeens and that's it! My problem is that if I could still go Green, I'd only be a member at my first forum site FLR.
My ? is, can I still donate to become a 2 day sticky? Being that I have no TR here.
02-07-2008 12:36:43
i have +8 TR on calistyle
[id7a391d753]I'm also violating a rule so I should probably go read the rules lol haahahaha.[/colord7a391d753][/id7a391d753]
02-07-2008 15:15:16
(Psssssssssst, psphack1994, referencing TR on other forums is against the rules.)
i really like the new approach to minimize the fraudlent transactions going on.
12-12-2008 16:16:32
It is a little discouraging for those of us who are here to branch out. I too am limited on offers I can do as I have been trading for a while on another forum. And to top it off a lot of the people who came here and finally reached there 4 tr don't even want to do any G4G trades(except Trainn and similar sites). They just want to pay for referrals, and if I have to start greening again I would rather be trading referrals than just greening for cash.
I do agree that it is a good way to help prevent shady things from going on. But a lot of the new people who are here to green for cash still don't know about this rule. I have had a couple contact me, and once I explained about me not being able to give them trader rating for the trade(I wouldn't feel right about initiating a trade without them knowing about it first) I never heard back from them. ( But can you blame them?
Oh well, I just might have to start doing sites I don't want to do for cash in order to pay my dues around here. But that's OK. I am sure it will work out fine, just not as easily as I had hoped.