http//[" alt=""/img04f9785919]
[b04f9785919]Hey guys and gals![/b04f9785919]
For April, ForceBucks has gone and implemented one of the best promotions ever to be seen in the industry. We are calling it "On Fire! April."[/b04f9785919]
[b04f9785919]Our goal for this is to boost membership for our network by a big percentage and essentially lower profits a ton just to prove to all of you how reliable and credible we really are. Basically, as your referrals go green in April, your user account begins to "heat up" with every instant payout. [/b04f9785919]With 3 referrals, you become "On Fire!" When a user is "On Fire!" it's simple--they get $20 more PER GREEN from ForceBucks--instantly!!
This extra $20 is a DRASTIC advantage at forums like FiPG where you pay people to green for you because you can offer more than the rest of the community generating A LOT more interest. OR you can offer the same and make A LOT more profit. It's all up to you!
FYI - Part of this promotion is FREE GREENS all month long so that ANYONE can take advantage of the promo and see just how easily, friendly and reliable ForceBucks is. Period. For the FREE GREEN, just post in this thread and submit a support ticket with the subject, "Gimme my FiPG "On Fire! April" Green! )" and you will be able to start heatin' up INSTANTLY!
[b04f9785919]liliUPDATElililiHere are the CURRENT standings for the ForceBucks "On Fire! April" Promotion![/b04f9785919] This is a link to our real-time StatBoard. Good job to ALL of you and good luck getting "On Fire!" ) It seems like you folks are really trying hard to light this baby up! It will be interesting to see who the first person to jump up there will be. Just go to the link below to check it all out.
Click me for the real-time StatBoard!
[][img="04f9785919]http//[" alt=""/img04f9785919][][img="04f9785919]http//[" alt=""/img04f9785919][/url]
[b04f9785919]AN EXAMPLE[/b04f9785919]
Date of Referral - FBux Site - Payout Amount
4/1/2008 - 40.forcebucks - $40
4/2/2008 - 60.forcebucks - $60
4/2/2008 - 60.forcebucks - $60
[b04f9785919]NOW YOU ARE "ON FIRE!"[/b04f9785919]
4/2/2008 - 60.forcebucks - $80
4/4/2008 - 80.forcebucks - $100
4/5/2008 - 40.forcebucks - $60 <--- [b04f9785919]ALL VALUES ARE $20 MORE PER CREDIT![/b04f9785919]
4/8/2008 - wii.forcebucks - $120
4/9/2008 - laptops.forcebucks - $180!!!
.....all the way until April 30th
Thanks for reading and happy "On Fire!" greening! )