05-03-2008 05:21:32
FiPG Members--
Just wanted to keep you all in the loop. The ForceBucks Network was pulled down but will be up momentarily. Our hosting server needed to be upgraded since we underestimated the amount of users and overall traffic ForceBucks would generate initially. Thanks for your patience and feel free to IM us at AIM ForceBucks with any questions whatsoever.
liliUPDATElili-Thanks for being patient, everything is back up and all pending support matters have been taken care of. We are totally up to date and ready to green you!!!
07-03-2008 06:04:05
Is some thing wrong with the site...I see no Prizes and I can't log in. It says, " DB error/checking emai/password. Thanks
07-03-2008 07:10:24
We are swiching hosts throughout the day so it may be a little strange every now and again. It should be fine in just a few seconds. IM me if you have any other questions. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience bud.
07-03-2008 11:56:25
Back in business!! Green away folks!!!