10-01-2008 16:15:43
ExpressBux is offering [b9c47279529]$10 via PayPal[/b9c47279529] to anyone who posts their proof pic of their payment from us on this thread! This promotion ends on our 6 month anniversary of our site opening which is [b9c47279529]February 20th, 2008![/b9c47279529] I have added instructions below on how to capture your computer screen. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or post them on this thread!
For Windows
1. Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard. It may be labeled [PrtScn].
2. Open an image editing program, such as Microsoft Paint.
3. Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.
4. If prompted to enlarge the image, choose Yes.
5. Go to the File Menu and choose Save As.
6. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the image.
7. Type a file name for the image.
8. Select a file type.
9. Click the Save button.

http//[" alt=""/img9c47279529]
28-01-2008 03:16:03
No not at this time. Ill PM you if we ever need you!
21-02-2008 03:16:41

http//[" alt=""/img718223b87e]
[color=green718223b87e][i718223b87e][b718223b87e]Thanks a bunch Expressbux![/b718223b87e][/i718223b87e][/color718223b87e][/size718223b87e]