18-08-2007 20:58:48
This promotion will end Saturday, September 8th at 1200 pm.
If you want to win the DS Lite and you submit for approval earlier than that, you may be beaten at 1200 PM that day.
If you are very serious about this promo, wait till then to submit for approval. All referrals not green will NOT COUNT towards the promo.
As of now, we have 1 user with 1 completed referral. )
The race is on!!
19-08-2007 00:15:42
[quote588c16ead2="zr2152"]This promotion will end Saturday, August 8th at 1200 pm.
If you want to win the DS Lite and you submit for approval earlier than that, you may be beaten at 1200 PM that day.
If you are very serious about this promo, wait till then to submit for approval. All referrals not green will NOT COUNT towards the promo.
As of now, we have 1 user with 1 completed referral. )
The race is on!![/quote588c16ead2]
It's already August 19 D
19-08-2007 06:52:08
[quotec198b19e88="Sweeney2066"][quotec198b19e88="zr2152"]This promotion will end Saturday, September 8th at 1200 pm.
If you want to win the DS Lite and you submit for approval earlier than that, you may be beaten at 1200 PM that day.
If you are very serious about this promo, wait till then to submit for approval. All referrals not green will NOT COUNT towards the promo.
As of now, we have 1 user with 1 completed referral. )
The race is on!![/quotec198b19e88]
It's already August 19 D[/quotec198b19e88]
I meant Sept, sorry.