Problem with signing up from school?

Live forum:


30-09-2004 20:03:19

I want to advertise my referral at school and undoubtly some people might try and sign up via the school computers.

Is that going to be a problem? Would I get placed on hold because of similar IPs or do the computers have different IPs?


30-09-2004 20:09:44

I dont think Gratis will have a problem with it, because people from colleges all have similar IPs. Your school might have a problem with it though. Are you refering to like a high school? Also if they complete an offer at school (which I would not reccomend) the cookie monster might eat your referal. ;)


30-09-2004 20:20:39

No this is at a community college. There are all sort of pushpin boards in the halls with ads and such on them, I figure I can put some up for free ipods.


30-09-2004 20:22:31

I see. Then I think you'd be ok. Colleges networks are alot less strict than high school networks in my opinion.