Apple Upgrades

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25-03-2005 20:01:46

What's up I'm on my last referal for the freeminimac and i was wondering what you guys thought of this idea.

After receiving my mini mac i was thinking about taking it back to the apple store and exchanging it for a mini mac with internal BT and AP card and a superdrive, since i'll be running final cut pro. Should be a 200 dollar upgrade. Then instead of getting the gig of ram from apple which is another 325 bucks i'd purchase the PQI POWER Series 184-Pin 1GB DDR PC-3200 off of newegg for 125 so for a total of 325 bucks i'll have myself a 1gb mac with a dvd burner ap/bt ... not bad right ... any suggestions comments


26-03-2005 04:18:57

you may want to look into a firewire hd. that 80GB drive wont last too long with FCP, and the speed may be less than stellar


26-03-2005 08:06:47

yeah i know when i do editing its gonna eat up space like crazy firewire drive will probably be the way i go ... right now i edit on a PC 1.6 P4 processor and 512mb of ram double internal hard drives and i use Adobe Premiere Pro... its not fast at all but its usable ... think the mini will be a step up ?


26-03-2005 17:28:55

I can now vouch for PQI's gig as being GREAT. ;)


31-03-2005 20:50:18

i would go for a usb 2.0 hardrive.....


31-03-2005 21:27:18

[quote6107f3042a="engleisle"]right now i edit on a PC 1.6 P4 processor and 512mb of ram double internal hard drives and i use Adobe Premiere Pro... its not fast at all but its usable ... think the mini will be a step up ?[/quote6107f3042a]It might be a slight step up (especially with the 1GB RAM) but neither of them will give too great of performance for Video Editing compared to a more recent P4 (hyper-threaded), Athlon64, or G5.


01-04-2005 14:30:07

That's not really true. Ram will most certainly help with any large edit job. More so than a faster processor in a case like this. (Of course a faster processor with faster ram and so on will be better but big edit jobs need ram to get processed int he first place!)


01-04-2005 14:45:25

Well, the thing with the newer processors is that the systems that go along with them offer features that would benefit video editing - primarily the FSB speeds and potential dual-channel action as well. The fatter the pipe to and from the processor and RAM the better. Notice I said it wouldn't give that "great of performance... compared to a more recent" processor. Its all about the bottlenecks and a Mac Mini has more of them - even with 1GB of RAM - than a "newer" processor platform.

Still, the 1GB Mac Mini will be a slight performance boost from his 1.6GHz P4, but not too much over if he put 1 GB of memory in that P4 system...


05-04-2005 06:39:26

yeah my p4 is a sony vaio ... i researched ram for my older vaio and it seemed ram is extra expensive for sonys ... i only wanted to upgrade to 512 in my older vaio and the ram was like 300 bucks ... i think the cheapest was 200ish ... i know that niether are great for video editing ... i grad from college next year and if I score the job i want i'll probably end of buying a high end g5 mac or whatever is the newest with like 8 gigs of ram ... the mini mac is like a hold over you know ... thanks for the help


05-04-2005 15:07:32

How did that RAM upgrade work out for you? I should be getting my mini soon (couple yellows left) and I think I need to buy some RAM for it. Doesn't pctech4free have extra RAM or does it need to be Kinsington?

[quoted6bf1d541d="engleisle"]What's up I'm on my last referal for the freeminimac and i was wondering what you guys thought of this idea.

After receiving my mini mac i was thinking about taking it back to the apple store and exchanging it for a mini mac with internal BT and AP card and a superdrive, since i'll be running final cut pro. Should be a 200 dollar upgrade. Then instead of getting the gig of ram from apple which is another 325 bucks i'd purchase the PQI POWER Series 184-Pin 1GB DDR PC-3200 off of newegg for 125 so for a total of 325 bucks i'll have myself a 1gb mac with a dvd burner ap/bt ... not bad right ... any suggestions comments[/quoted6bf1d541d]


05-04-2005 16:35:53

The PQI ram for $120-130 from newwgg is working fine a week and counting. ;)


05-04-2005 21:03:33

Yeah I've got the PQI from newegg also and it's working great.