30-09-2004 16:40:52
30-09-2004 16:52:26
thanx, did they show this on tv or something? where is the show on most of the time?
30-09-2004 16:56:41
The show The ScreenSavers is on the TechTV channel.
30-09-2004 17:01:18
what channel is that? with cable
30-09-2004 17:04:35
Since everybody here is from different parts of the US, I have no way of determining which cable provider you are using. In addition to that I have no idea which area you're from even if I knew what provider you were using and even then I would have no idea what channel TechTV is on your particular television set. Sorry for the inconvenience.
30-09-2004 17:06:34
Awesome stuff. Same week shipping? Looks like we all did this at the wrong time! ;)
30-09-2004 17:08:52
It was nice that they are doing a special on free iPods... but I have to say that I hate the new version of The Screen Savers in general. They have lost ALL of their credibility.
30-09-2004 17:40:05
wait does that mean they having 1000 ipods waiting to be shipped? or it means 100 ppl are waiting for their ipod?
30-09-2004 17:44:17
Also mirrored here
(With permission from Epi - thanks!)
30-09-2004 19:32:57
[quote82ef640905="DisastirousMurmur"]what channel is that? with cable[/quote82ef640905]
It doesn't come with basic cable, I've only seen it with services such as Comcast's digital cable and Direct TV.
[quote82ef640905="DisastirousMurmur"]wait does that mean they having 1000 ipods waiting to be shipped? or it means 100 ppl are waiting for their ipod?[/quote82ef640905]
I would imagine about 1000 people are waiting to be shipped, because order numbers that aren't range from about 1000.
This is indeed comforting, but that Alex on The Screen Savers gets on my nerves. He's a crappy host, and I can see why he is "co"-host
30-09-2004 20:26:11
do you think due to this being aired on g4 tv that the site is having issues? It may be getting hammered with hits or something, sometimes I can get like half a page loaded then it errors out.
30-09-2004 20:27:33
Possibly, but I don't think so though. This has happened before though.
30-09-2004 20:38:48
well the site pings. I rember seeing them take down dells site a while back if i rember right.
30-09-2004 22:15:32
Screensavers was awsome back in the day with Leo, Patrick, and Martin. The show should get better as Alex gets comfortable. He already is acting better and sometimes more mature than Kevin. The show is missing the seasoned vet at this point. Patrick could be a little annoying but he knew his shit.
01-10-2004 01:54:18
I wonder how many orders there are outside of the 1000 Rob said would be sent in the next shipment.
Alex is Leo Jr. He has the brains, but he doesn't seem to boast about it. I think it's funny when Alex and Kevin kinda mess with each other.